Monday, May 25, 2020
Suicide - 593 Words
Suicide is the act of taking away one’s own life. Suicide, to me, is one’s irrational desire to die. This is because suicide can never be a solution to end problems. Suicide, in my opinion is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. This is because every problem that we face definitely has its own solution. There will always be a way to solve a problem. Suicide is a sign of major depression. Only cowards will take suicide as a solution and will never think of an alternative solution towards his/hers problem. At some point in our lives, most of us will definitely experience certain periods of sadness, worry or despair. While it is completely normal for a healthy person to have these types of responses to pain resulting from loss,†¦show more content†¦If not that, they might also be depressed thinking that they were not there for the one who committed suicide. According to researches, suicide is the third most common cause of death amongst adolescents between 15-24 years of age, and the sixth most common cause of death amongst the 5-14 year olds. It is estimated that over half of all teens suffering from depression will attempt suicide at least once, and of those teens, roughly seven percentages will succeed on the first try. It has become paramount that teenager nowadays commit suicide just to escape from problem without thinking rationally and made it a norm as its solution towards the problem faced. Teenagers are especially vulnerable to the threat of suicide, because in addition to increased stress from school, work and peers, teens are also dealing with hormonal fluctuations that can complicate even the most normal situations. Due to these social and personal changes, teens are also at higher risk for depression, which can also increase feelings of despair and the desire to commit suicide. Teen girls are statistically twice as likely as their male counterparts to attempt suicide. However teen guys are succeed more in committing suicide. In conclusion, no matter what, to me, suicide is never a way to solve aShow MoreRelatedSuicide : Suicide And Suicide1404 Words  | 6 Pages Suicide is a wildly talked about subject in this day and age. There are movies, books, papers, journals, and a wide spread of personal experiences. These experiences can be from thinking about suicide, making a gesture of attempting suicide or from people who knew somebody who went through with suicide. The experiences of suicide can lead to complications of survivors grieving process and also the stigmas that are associated with suicide. Unfortunately, we see a wide variety of suicide thatRead MoreSuicide And The Death Of Suicide1079 Words  | 5 Pages Suicide, a Permanent Solution to a Temporary Problem Good afternoon, I’m Jasmyne here to talk about suicide and how big of a problem it is. Suicide is defined as an act of one intentionally killing themselves. Why is suicide such a big problem? Well, suicide takes the lives of nearly 40,000 Americans every year; also it is more likely someone will die from suicide than from homicide. For every two people killed by homicide, three people die of suicide. Children young as 10 years of age have evenRead MoreTeen Suicide And Suicide1145 Words  | 5 Pagesthem? Today suicide is one of the most prevalent causes of death for teenagers in the United states. The suicide rates for teens are astronomical. Writer Stephanie Pappas mentions teen suicide rates in her article Suicide: Statistics, Warning Signs and Prevention. In the article, Pappas writes â€Å"In 2015, suicide was the second leading cause of death in people 15 to 34 years of age and third leading cause of death in children aged 10 to 14, according to the CDC.’’ (Stephanie Pappas, Suicide: StatisticsRead MoreThe Problem Of Suicide And Suicide Essay1435 Words  | 6 Pagesending misery. How do they cope? What are their ways of dealing? Most students live in denial. Others have friends to confide in. For the devastating part, most students are not as open to these ideas and it leaves them with this alternative: suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause in teens the ages 14 to 19 within rural underserved areas. Suicidal ideation (SI), suicidal thoughts, were surveyed in over 12 high schools and it was found that in the past year, thoughts of (SI) were not shared withRead MoreThe Theory Of Suicide And Suicide1339 Words  | 6 Pagesthat suicide rates skyrocket progressively across all age: children and adolescent (McClure, 1994), Middle-age (Manton et al., 1987) and the elderly (Draper, 1996), studying suicide have become an important issue in sociology. Suicide is a complex issue which may combine several factors such as development factors, social factors, and culture factors (Goldsmith, 2002). However, Durkheim (1897) provided a classical model including four types of suicide: altruistic suicide, fatalistic suicide, egoisticRead MoreThe Death Of Suicide And Suicide891 Words  | 4 Pages, 2015 Suicide is an occurrence in life that society does not want to talk about. Social knowledge is minimal at best about how to approach communication with those affected by suicide. The stigma about suicide is vastly misunderstood, unfounded and should not exist. Learning about suicide is very important not only for society but for those who have to suffer and live with the â€Å"social blight†society has created about this sad problem. There are various reasons for attempted suicide such asRead MoreThe Issue Of Suicide And Suicide1557 Words  | 7 PagesThe topic I chose to elaborate on as a criminal act in some countries but considered deviant or conventional in others is the issue of suicide from the basis of attempt and assisted. While suicide is a very enigmatic and incomprehensible subject for many, it becomes the area of focus on how criminal it becomes to take one’s life or aid in the process. How in control is someone of their life that it becomes a toler able decision and even supportive in some instances by medical professions. Is itRead MoreSuicide : Suicide And Depression1389 Words  | 6 PagesSuicide and Depression in Prisons Suicide is the leading cause of death in prisons across the United States (Marzaro, Hawton, Rivlin, Fazel, 2011). According to the United States Department of Justice, nearly 23% of state prisoners report symptoms of depression each year (Pardini et al., 2014). With, one out of seven inmates met the diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder (Pardini et al., 2014). Marzaro, Hawton, Rivlin, and Fazel (2011) proposed that probable representations ofRead MoreSuicide Ideation Suicide And Suicidal Suicide Essay2191 Words  | 9 Pagescausation of suicide ideation. Suicide ideation also known as suicidal thoughts are thoughts a person may have in which they may have the intention to harm themselves, but do not actually execute as planned. Thus, it is important for the reader to recognize the differentiation between suicide attempt and suicidal ideation. While suicidal ideation is the idea of suicide attempt is the actual intent of suicide by potentially failing at it. Both terms derive from the disorder of Suicide. While many mayRead MoreThe Suicide And Suicidal Suicide1381 Words  | 6 PagesDurkheim once stated that suicide is, â€Å"all cases of death resulting directly or indirectly from a positive or negative act of the victim himself, which he knows will produce this result†(Jones, 1986). However, suicidal ideation is considered when an individual has thoughts or feelings of suicide, but does not attempt or complete suicide. Suicidal gesture, is when the individual has attempted the act of ending their life, if they were to be accidentally successful, then the suicide is completed (Leming
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Gods Of Ancient Greece - 2108 Words
The gods of Ancient Greece played a huge role in the everyday lives of Greek citizens. Ancient Greeks did not view their gods in the same way religions today, such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, view their gods. The Greek gods were more human-like, but much more powerful than the average Greek. Unlike the Christian God who is omnipotent, meaning he is all powerful, omnipresent, meaning He is everywhere at all times, and omniscient, meaning He knows all things, these gods had flaws and restrictions. They believed that there were many gods, and each one was related to some specific aspect of life; for example there was a god for the harvest, a god for love, and a god for war. The ancient Greeks saw their gods as more powerful humans†¦show more content†¦The main thing that separated humans and gods were the gods’ inability to die. The ancient Greeks believed in hundreds of gods and goddess. There were many different types of gods which included; the Olympian gods, Titan gods, the sky gods, the sea gods, the underworld gods, primordial gods, the rustic gods, Agrarian Gods, and the Phrygian and Thracian Gods. Some of the main gods were the Olympian gods which included Athena, Apollo, Poseidon, Hermes, Hera, Aphrodite, Demeter, Ares, Artemis, Hades, Hephaistos, and Dionysus, led by Zeus. These gods lived at the top of Mount Olympus. Each god was associated with a specific part of the Ancient Greek’s lives. For example, Aphrodite was the goddess of lust and love and Ares was the god of war. These were some of the gods that ancient Greeks would interact with the most. The gods’ presence was â€Å"both vital and fearful; problematic if encountered unprepared, it needed to be controlled.†The ancient Greeks worshipped these gods not because they loved them, but because they feared them. Many sacrifices were made in fear and to keep the gods happy. An angry god would cause a lot of problems for the Greeks. These gods were not perfect like the God in the Catholic and Jewish religions, who is basically perfect in the eyes of His followers. The gods were a lot like humans, they fought amongst each other, became jealous, fell in love, and felt things like joy, anger, pain, and sadness. Unlike otherShow MoreRelatedAncient Greece and Greek Gods Essay1675 Words  | 7 PagesUniversity of Phoenix Material Ancient World Worksheet Complete the matrix section and the question section on the worksheet for each week. For each culture, identify the starting and ending dates of the culture, the structure of government, the role of the city government, and type of law created by the culture. Describe how the culture viewed the relationship between gods and people and how it defined citizenship. List the major events the culture experienced. The purpose of the matrixRead MoreAncient Greece : An Important Greek God1709 Words  | 7 PagesImportant Greek God In ancient Greek religion, there is not one God but numerous. The main Gods and Goddesses are known as the twelve Olympians who were led by Zeus. These Gods and Goddesses came into power after they overthrew the elder gods, the Titans. The twelve Olympians names were: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Ares, and Hermes. These were the main gods that the ancient Greeks would worship and build temples for. These Gods and GoddessesRead MoreDirect and Indirect Methods of Communication with the Gods in Ancient Greece719 Words  | 3 PagesBoth directly and indirectly, the Ancient Greeks communicated with their gods through various methods that ranged from oracles and seers to sacrifice. The oracles of ancient Greece were consulted on issues ranging from serious community matters to private healing and served as a conduit for communication between the mortals and the gods. Seers and oracles were an important part of Ancient Greek divinat ion through which the gods provided with insight of events to come. In addition, sacrifice at theRead MoreEssay about Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece903 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece†According to history there existed two of many important ancient civilizations that left a significant mark in the history of human development that even today leaves modern society in awe of its greatness. 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However, between the two cultures, many surpri sing similarities can be seen in these religious practices despite the tremendous differencesRead MoreHow Did The Religion Of Ancient Greeks Played A Role?1201 Words  | 5 PagesRivers Ms. Finney How did the religion of ancient Greeks played a role in their daily lives? 10 November 2016 How did the religion of ancient Greeks played a role in their daily lives? In the ancient Greek world, religion was personal, direct, and present in its citizens’ daily lives. During this time, they participated in animal sacrifices and offerings, created myths to explain the beginning of the human race and gave reverence to their gods by building temples which controlled the urbanRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Ancient Greece1107 Words  | 5 PagesAnnotated Bibliography Ancient Greece Annotated Bibliography Ancient Greece was the birth place of many sciences, famous philosophers and the arts. A time where humans where constantly discovering many different things, forming new ideas and opinions about life each and every day. Various gods ruled these different city states. Mythology was very huge in Ancient Greece. There are so many different folktales and myths from Ancient Greece. Do you ever wonder if any of those ancient Myth’s were true? EverRead MoreAncient Greece And Rome During The World851 Words  | 4 PagesAncient Greece and Rome are some of the most famous time periods in the world, but what influenced them? Ancient Greece lasted roughly from 1000-400 B.C.E while ancient Rome was from 753 B.C.-476 A.D (Cole and Symes, 75). The Greek alphabet was influenced by Phoenician sea traders and their art was mostly influenced by Egypt and western Asia. On the other hand, Rome was influenced by the Greek and derived the alphabet, many of their religious beliefs, and much of their art (Cole and Symes, 147)Read MoreCompare and Contrast Essay: Ancient Egypt and Greece812 Words  | 4 PagesEssay: Ancient Egypt and Greece There are many mysteries to life, ancient civilizations created religion to explain these mysteries. Many ancient civilizations believed in religions that worshiped more than one god or goddess, this is called polytheism. Both the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Greeks practiced polytheism. For both ancient civilizations religion was an important part of daily life. Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Greeks had similar creation stories and worshipped similar gods andRead MoreImportance Of Ancient Greek Culture703 Words  | 3 PagesThe Importance of Ancient Greek Culture The ancient Greeks were unquestionably a gargantuan reason that today’s civilizations are remarkably developed. Their ideas have affected multiple generations. In many ways too. For example their political, religious, and economic structures have all altered the United States and even the world. These three aspects are just a few instances of the importance of Ancient Greece. These, however, are the main reasons that Ancient Greece was so esteemed. One aspect
Friday, May 15, 2020
Psalm 141 Analys - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 919 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/09/25 Category Advertising Essay Type Analytical essay Tags: Bible Essay Did you like this example? Psalm (141) Analysis Paper Psalm 141 is a prayer seeking guidance and hope from the Lord. The speaker seems very worried, and begins the prayer with a desperate plea for the Lord to hear his voice. He does not ask for the Lord to do this though, he instructs him to; he demands it. â€Å"Make haste unto me†¦when I cry unto thee. †he says. This makes me feel as though there is something looming close on the horizon for this person, something that’s struck great fear into them for which they need immediate guidance. The speaker then proceeds to make the simile of his prayer being â€Å"set forth before thee as incense†; inferring his prayer is as a pleasant aroma permeating the air to please the Lord. He follows this by asking that â€Å"the lifting up of my hands†be his evening’s sacrifice. I feel as though he’s saying these things to entice the Lord to comply with his demand that he be heard. The first thing he asks God is to â€Å"set watch†before his mouth, and â€Å"keep the door†of his tongue. It appears as though he wants the Lord to know he has good intentions, but realizes he will speak evils, and wants the Lords help in staying his tongue. He proceeds to ask that his heart not be inclined to do any evil thing, and that he not be allowed to enjoy the dainties of wicked men. Essentially, he’s further more asking the Lord to make sure that he stays righteous and true. This is where I began feeling like whatever was lurking on the horizon for this person might be something he thinks is going to greatly test his beliefs and values. The speaker then asks that â€Å"the righteous smite him†and â€Å"reprove†him. At first I thought this simply meant he wanted his fellow brethren to aid him if he were to stray from the path of the Lord; that it would be â€Å"a kindness†as he said. But the more I read over it, the more I feel like there’s a doub le meaning here. What if he’s using the word â€Å"righteous†in a cynical, sarcastic way? The full verse reads â€Å"Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head: for yet my prayer also shall be in their calamities. †Perhaps he’s saying, â€Å"Go ahead and let those who suppose power persecute me and attempt to correct my beliefs with their own. By doing so they will be doing me the favor of allowing me to prove my faith to you, Lord, because I’m not budging. I’m just going to pray to you, Lord, for their sakes. †Perhaps this is what he knows awaits him, and he’s asking for the courage to do this; stay righteous. (I’m not entirely sure what the oil metaphor means if he’s using the word â€Å"righteous†without any sarcasm, but the best I can make of it is he’s drawing a parallel between being righted in b ehavior and being baptized or anointed. ) In the next verse he says, â€Å"When their judges are overthrown in stony places, they shall hear my words; for they are sweet. †He asserts that his words are â€Å"sweet†, and carry more weight and truth than those of the judges who will surely be overthrown. This would seem to lend itself towards the â€Å"sarcastic-righteous†theory, saying that only once their judges are overthrown will his words be heard. One can only assume that judges, as deciders of right and wrong, would only be overthrown if they were viewed as being intolerably in the wrong. The next verse takes a violent twist compared to the previous ones, saying, â€Å"Our bones are scattered at the grave’s mouth, as when one cutteth and cleaveth wood upon the earth. †He’s speaking here of what I can only assume is the fate that most likely awaits him if he stays vigilant and true to the Lord. But he next says â€Å"But mine e yes are unto thee, O GOD, the Lord: in thee is my trust; leave not my soul to destitute. †Here he seems to be asking God to protect him. He says he trusts the Lord, but he immediately follows that statement with the plea, â€Å"leave not my soul to destitute. †This gave me the same feeling of desperation that the opening of this psalm gave me. That’s like saying â€Å"I trust you not to screw this up. Seriously though, don’t screw this up. †It makes me question how much he really trusts the Lord here, especially after seeing the bones of his brethren scattered about graves like chopped wood. He closes out the prayer by once more asking the Lord help him evade â€Å"the snares which they have laid†for him. (Again, â€Å"they†here could be referring to the â€Å"righteous†he mentioned earlier assuming sarcasm. ) He asks that the wicked fall as victims of their own misdeeds, essentially get what they have coming to them, while he escapes such a fate through the strength and guidance he’s requesting from the Lord. Overall this psalm sounds like it was written amidst great persecution of this person’s people, as a plea to the Lord that he might remain strong and vigilant in the face of death and adversity. Bibliography 1) The King James Bible Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Psalm 141 Analys" essay for you Create order
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Your Attitude Controls Everything Your Life Essay - 995 Words
Your Attitude Controls Everything In Your Life By Zac Sky | Submitted On July 03, 2012 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook 3 Share this article on Twitter 1 Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon 1 Share this article on Delicious 2 Share this article on Digg 2 Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Zac Sky He has the energy of 20 year old and the looks of a 40 year old, but is actually 60. Everywhere he goes people are won over with his down-to-earth charm, no-fuss style, and the sheer exuberance with which he tackles life. Everyone likes him. No, everyone loves him. In his earlier years he surfed and rode motocross bikes for a living before transitioning into a business career where he quickly established himself as a leader - running his own software company and eventually becoming CIO for a local mining company. His personal life has the same successful theme - happily married for nearly 30 years with two adult children who, from all accounts, are top of their class both mentally and physically. It s fair to say that this man has had a very successful life. It s a life that many people dream of, and strive for, and he has a pretty simple motto which has underpinned everything he has ever done: Attitude is everything. Attitude is Everything This form of thinking says that our attitude is a critical component of our lives -Show MoreRelated7 Steps Towards A Positive State Of Mind Essay1223 Words  | 5 Pagesand negative thinking is pessimism. It is an attitude towards life, yourself and particular predicaments and events in life. Positive thinkers quickly zone in on the positive side of even the darkest moments in their lives, and often see those predicaments as opportunities for growth and learning. Positive thinkers are resilient and able to deal with stressful situations in productive ways. 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United States Federal Bureau Of Investigation Defines...
Terrorism has been creating havoc across the globe for the entirety of recorded history. Today, with the invention of the Internet and different computer programs, these radical groups that enact these deadly attacks are able to change the way they operate through the use of technological advances to further their onslaught on humanity. The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation defines terrorism as â€Å"the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.†(International vs. Domestic Terrorism). Every person on the planet can be affected by terrorism, regardless of religion, gender, or race. Throughout history radical groups who become obsessed with their own opinions and beliefs try to force others to believe in their views through displays of violence and terror. Contrary to modern beliefs that terrorists are only r adical Islam groups like Al Qaeda and Isis, but in reality almost every group of people from Christians to even environmentalists have enacted radical terrorist attacks. Terrorism, like technology, is not exclusive to industrialized nations or countries but is available to anyone with the right resources. These technologies are used throughout the world to connect average people to others and is almost always used for good. Terrorist organizations take advantage of new found communicationsShow MoreRelatedDifficulties Of Defining Terrorism And Terrorism807 Words  | 4 PagesDefining Terrorism Marissa P Rice Strayer University Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss the difficulties defining terrorism. I will focus on four government agencies definitions of terrorism. I will then choose two to compare and contrast. Then I will choose one definition of the four agencies that I believe most accurately defines terrorism. Difficulties of Defining Terrorism The definition of terrorism may give an enormous impetus in the way of combating terrorism. ThereRead MoreThe Difference between Terrorism and Domestic Terrorism Essay1104 Words  | 5 Pagesterms terrorism and domestic terrorism are very similar concepts. There are, however, slight differences in each. Entities that are apart of the Government have slightly different ways of explaining what they believe to be the correct definition of terrorism and domestic terrorism. In this paper the author will offer definitions of the two terms and state which one they agree with the most. The author will also state how the two terms are best differentiated. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)Read MoreHow The United States Should Combat Such A Horrific Form Of Warfare And Political Change1398 Words  | 6 Pages Much has been made of terrorism and political crime lately. 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Contact: â€Æ' Abstract This paper explores various publishedRead MoreRoles Of Law Enforcement And Intelligence1503 Words  | 7 PagesRoles of Law Enforcement and Intelligence in Counter-Terrorism After 9/11 September 11, 2001 marks one of the darkest, if not the darkest, days in United States history. It is a day in the history of our country in which everyone remembers where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news that two planes had flown into the World Trade Center in New York City, taking out both of the Twin Towers. 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The system handles inmates whoRead MoreDirector Of Fice Of Homeland Security Essay1497 Words  | 6 Pagesin our state? No many of you have said, so the next question is what the City of Painesville is doing to prevent this from happening in Painesville. I have been asked to prepare an informative report to address the safety of our city. Here I have included information that will assist all department in ensure that the safety of our citizens, city are meet. As Director of Homeland Security my function is to pull together, evaluate, preserve and circulate data that will support local, state and federal
Non Political Revolutions free essay sample
What is a revolution? A revolution is a call for change. Not all revolutions have been about government, meaning that they were not about going to war to change a government. Some revolutions were for economic, intellectual and social changes. Two of these revolutions were the Industrial Revolution and The Commercial Revolution. Both of these revolutions have brought many changes to their societies. The industrial Revolution began in Britain in the late 1700s. Before the industrial revolution people worked from home using hand tools or basic machines. Industrialization introduced special purpose machinery, factories and mass production. These machines would make it possible for products to be done faster and in greater amounts. These factories were built in cities. The people that liven in the country side saw a better way of living in the cities after the industrial revolution, this led to urbanization. This revolution raised the standard of living for many people, mostly for the middle and upper classes. We will write a custom essay sample on Non Political Revolutions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, life for the poor and working classes was still very challenging. Most of the time wages for the people that worked were low and the working conditions were poor. Industrialization also took away jobs for some people. Some craftspeople were replaces by machines. Because of so many people arriving from the country side urban and industrialized areas became overcrowded and polluted making diseases way easier to spread and catch. The Commercial Revolution was a period of European economic expansion, colonialism and mercantilism which lasted from the 16th century until the early 18th century. The Commercial Revolution increased trade and price inflation which led to the creation of new working class. The commercial Revolution also led to what is called the Colombian exchange, in which animals, plants an diseases were transported between the old world to the new world. The Commercial revolution led to the discovery of the new world which had many exotic products that the Europeans wanted like gold and silver. The excessive trade of gold and silver caused economic growth in Europe and that’s when banks and credit facilities were built. The commercial revolution also had negative impacts such as price inflations which was bad for poor people because even though they were the one that worked the most in farming and everything else they were still not able to afford the high prices on products. This created a bigger gap between the rich and poor people. Non political revolutions, just like political revolutions have had many impacts on their society. Both the commercial revolution and the industrial revolution gave their societies a better way of living and new chances to develop new ways to make money. Most of these improvements and developments are still used in the modern world such as trades and factories.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Systematic and Unsystematic Risk Determinants †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Systematic and Unsystematic Risk Determinants. Answer: Introduction This is a study which will analyse the impact of the global economic crisis on the banks in United Arab Emirates. The study will aim to highlight the profitability of the banks after the global economic crisis. The four banks that are taken in to account belong to two categories, Islamic and conventional banks. The banks that will be analysed to identify the profitability are Dubai Islamic Bank, Sharjah Islamic Bank, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank and National Bank of Abu Dhabi. Dubai Islamic Bank was the bank who implemented the principles of Islam in the all the practices of the organization. It is one of the largest Islamic bank in the United Arab Emirates (Dubai Islamic Bank ,2017). The organization being a public joint stock company is listed in the Dubai Financial Market. The organization is involved in both international and local partnerships and has a network of 200 branches in Pakistan. The banking license of the organization was received from the Central Bank of Jordon to work as a financial institution of Islamic nature. Sharjah Islamic Bank is also bank which has implemented the Islamic principles in the banking system of their organization (Sharjah Islamic Bank, 2017). The headquarter of the bank is in Emirates and has been converted in to an Islamic bank in the year of 2004. On the contrary, the Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank has been established as a public shareholding listing organization and had limited liability. However, the government of Abu Dhabi holds 65% of the shares of the company (ADCB, 2017). The rest of the funds of the organization is held by individuals and financial institutions. The bank is a joint company which provides services in the field of commercial, retail, merchant, investment, fund management and brokerage. National Bank of Abu Dhabi is one of the largest lender bank in the United Arab Emirates and the market capitalization of the bank is one of the largest. The headquarters of the bank is in Abu Dhabi and is situated in the ma in financial district in Abu Dhabi. There is diversity in the portfolio of the bank and provides services such as corporate, retail, investment and wholesale banking facilities. The other services provided by the bank includes wealth management, brokerage, Islamic Banking, leasing and property management (NBAD UAE, 2017). The study will evaluate the ROE of the banks, ROA of the bank, Equity multiplier and asset utilization ratio. The comparative study will facilitate in understanding the profitability of each of the banks and the causes behind it. Statement of the problem The global economic crisis had profound impact on all the banks all around the world. However, the impact of the global economic crisis was different in Islamic banks and conventional banks. The principles these banks follow is different so the impact of the global economy will be different on both type of the banks. The study will analyse the profitability of each of the banks by analysing their return on investment, return on asset and equity multiplier ratio. These values will highlight the impact of the global economic crisis on each of the banks and how they have coped up with it. What is the impact of global economic crisis on the Islamic banks? What is the impact of global economic crisis on the conventional banks? What is the significance of the global economic crisis on the profitability of the Islamic banks? What is the significance of the global economic crisis on the profitability of the conventional banks? The study aims to identify the impact of the global economic crisis on the banks in United Arab Emirates. The study has chosen two conventional banks and two Islamic banks which will be analysed based on their return on investment, return on asset and the equity multiplier. The findings form the study will be able to validate the existing theories of literature and will provide a better understanding of the topic. H0 The global economic crisis has impacted the profitability of the banks in United Arab Emirates H1 The global economic crisis has not impacted the profitability of the banks United Arab Emirates The literature review is divide in to two parts one is the theoretical literature and the other is the empirical literature. The theoretical literature review will illustrate the various theories from different researchers and the empirical literature review will consist of the calculated data of all the banks that have been taken in to account. Islamic banks have similar roles when compared to the Conventional banks. The Islamic Banks are the main sponsors to production of information and therefore supports in addressing the problem of asymmetric information. They also facilitate in the reduction of the transaction costs and assists in diversification for investors and small savers. During conducting the organizational business, Islamic Banks mitigate risks which arise from the operational, liquidity and asymmetric information problem. The fundamental difference between Islamic and Conventional Banks is that Islamic banks operate in harmony with the guidelines of Shariah which is the Islamic legal code (Waemustafa Sukri, 2015). The intermediation of the conventional banks is mainly based on debt and allows the transfer of risk while the intermediation of Islamic banks have a contrasting character and is based on assets which focuses of sharing of risk. Risk transfer and Risk sharing Conventional Banks Risk Transfer Islamic Banks Risk Sharing The risk is transferred by the depositors to the banks so that they can ensure that their return is pre-specified. The Islamic bank share the return and the risk with the investors (profit sharing investment account (PSIA) holders) and there is no pre-specified return in this context and the return will depend on the performance of the bank. The interest rate is independent of the return and borrowers will have to pay it irrespective of the return. The risks are being transferred through credit default swaps and securitization. The financing of the organizations is based on debt. The risk is shared in Musharakah and Mudharabah contracts in Islamic banks. Moreover, the sales contracts are conducted in most of the contracts. The level of risk sharing is different in the Islamic banks and according to the standards step by the Islamic principles, the policies are similar to the conventional banking system. However, there is a basic difference in the Islamic banking system that it does not allow making investment in the instruments which are having adverse effect on the conventional competitors which was the cause of the global economic crisis. However, the economic crisis had impacted the both conventional banks and the Islamic banks but the impact will have to be assessed based on certain criteria (Bourkhis Nabi, 2013). The indicators which can be used to identify the impact are bank lending, profitability, bank rating and bank asset. Various studies suggest that the analysis of the profitability of the Islamic banks are much better condition than the conventional banks. Beck, Demirg-Kunt Merrouche, (2013) states the impact of the crisis on the Islamic banks are worse than in other countries. However, in some countries the losses faced by the Islamic banks are more than in United Arab Emirates. The risk-taking factor for the Islamic banks were more so it was expected that the losses incurred will be more but the scenario was opposite. The ratio of the non-performing assets was higher among the Islamic banks than the conventional banks in the country. The credit growth in the economy suggest that the credit growth was more for the Islamic banks than the conventional banks. Thus, the Islamic banks were able to provide stability to the market due to the growth in credit. The asset growth also shows a similar scenario where the asset of the Islamic banks was expected to grow more than the conventional banks. However, there was different situation in different countries and so there is no uniformity in the opinion among the various researchers (Waemustafa Sukri, 2016). Comparative analysis of performance between conventional bank and Islamic banks was completed amid the economic crisis for the State of Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates. This examination utilized six proportion investigations what's more, found that Islamic managing an account endured more amid the money related emergency worldwide as far as capital proportions, use and profit for normal value while regular banks endured more as far as return by and large resources and liquidity. The examination by Hesse Poghosyan, (2016), studied the impacts of the worldwide budgetary emergency in 2008 and 2009 against Islamic and ordinary saving money in a few nations including Kuwait, Bahrain, Malaysia, Qatar, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Turkey. Consequences of the investigation demonstrated that Islamic banks were influenced in an unexpected way than ordinary banks within the worldwide monetary emergency. The gainfulness factor had helped Islamic saving mone y by lessening the unfavourable impacts of the worldwide monetary emergency. Liquidity is a vital factor in guaranteeing stability in a banking organization. It assumes a critical part in liquidity hazard in existing monetary emergency. The investigation by (), who made examination amongst Islamic and regular keeping money amid the worldwide budgetary emergency in 2007-2008 in Malaysia took into account three markers; productivity, liquidity and credit chance of saving money organizations (Ajmi et al., 2014). The example was taken from 2006 to 2010 and was categorized into some time recently, amid also, after the monetary emergency. The discoveries uncovered that Islamic saving money was less presented to liquidity hazard when contrasted with regular saving money amid the money related emergency. A study was likewise directed in Turkey to survey the security of Islamic and regular saving money area in the worldwide money related emergency from 2006 to 2011. The study utilized yearly examination slant towards productivity, liquidity, hazard and proportion of a dvantage amount of traditional and Islamic saving money. The outcomes demonstrated that Islamic keeping money was more steady than ordinary banks as far as gainfulness, capital ampleness and liquidity for the period under audit, counting amid the 2008 worldwide money related emergency (Rosman, Wahab Zainol, 2014). As stated by (Kapan Minoiu, 2013), due to the recent global financial crisis the traditional banks got affected in a bad way all across the world. Even though the Islamic banks also got influenced by this global financial crisis, but their performance at the time of this crises was recorded better the traditional banks. On further research it was found that the Islamic banks had to suffer in the areas of capital ratio, leverage and return on equity irrespective of their good performance during 2006-2009 in comparison with the conventional banks. As per the Report of World Bank (Ashfaq, 2016), the comparison carried out between the performances of the traditional banks and the Islamic ones at the time of the financial crisis showed that even though both the forms of banks were influenced by the crisis, the Islamic banks came out superior in terms of credit risk and liquidity reserves. Therefore, it can be easily said the Islamic banks performed better than the convention ones in the financial crisis. A Dubai based mortgage provider, AMLAK, faced financial lie-down and their Kuwait institute defaulted, in turn failing to issue their SUKUK. However, Islamic finance continued in a relatively positive and sturdy manner, irrespective of the instability and the misery of the overriding financial crisis. Generally, the admission of the financial crisis in the Islamic capital market was not to happen because of a lot of reasons that included: the Shariah not allowing the sale of debt against debt, and it is not possible for someone to be selling the resources till the time the person is possessing the actual resources and it is prohibited by Islam that risky and speculative transactions are carried out. Additionally, in Islamic finance, lending is founded on capital backing and the generally mortgage loans are presented in exchange of solid assets. In comparison, in traditional baking the main agenda of present crises is simply due to huge amounts of loans being granted by them minus any kind of collaterals. Inside the Islamic regulatory control system, the investors are all conscious of both the risks and returns. As mentioned by Saif-Alyousfi, Saha Md-Rus, (2017), the result of the execution of profit and loss sharing transactions is complete disclosure and clarity. Due to that there is better comprehension experienced in market discipline, and because of that there is appearance of judicious control over needless lending, which in turn improved the Islamic financial system. The global financial crisis played a huge role in pushing the developed countries into developing a fresh financial system that would be having eth capability of tackling the crisis issue. The crisis made the developed nations lower their bank rates and that introduced a new financial system that is completely founded on the Islamic principles of interest free financial system. The capitalist system that failed after this financial crisis, was looking for a system that would be solving the speculation issues and financial crisis inside the Islamic financial system as an alternative (Mohamed, 2016). The capitalist system was extremely affected by the harshness shown by the financial crisis, but still managed identifying the failure of risk alleviations at different levels as the cause of the crisis. The capitalist economy was looking for a system that is completely risk free. Irrespective of different crisis and challenges, steady growth is seen in Islamic financial institutions. Countries such as Bahrain, UAE and Malaysia are the hubs for Islamic finance that are working towards the development of Islamic finances. The leading financial centers of the world like Hong Kong, New York and Singapore make use of Islamic finance simultaneously with traditional banking for the improvement in risk and liquidity management. SUKUK bonds are key instances of Islamic finance growth (Gopalakrishnan Mohapatra, 2017). As per Kapan Minoiu, (2013), analyzing the competitive situation and traditional Islamic financial system found that the Islamic banks are found to be less competitive in comparison with the traditional banking system. Due to high capitalization, the Islamic banks face less financial risk. They kept on showing more durability and flexibility in the face of the global financial crisis of 2007. Even the western banks profited from the Islamic banks in the aftermath of the global crisis in the battle of tackling the crisis for the restoration of their financial stability. Findings have suggested the Islamic banks being more capable of controlling risk in comparison to traditional banks, with the help of better capital ratio, principles free of Gharar and interest. Their finance is based on moral and ethical principles, even proper checking and balance, working in the interest of everyone. Dubai Islamic Bank Equity Multiplier (EM)= Total Assets/ Total Equity 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 National Bank of Abu Dhabi Return on Equity (ROE)= Net Income/ Total Equity 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 164.26 146.26 -5.74 1.97 14.53 10.77 13.89 15.27 17.39 13.58 13.26 Return on Assets (ROA)= Net Income/ Total Assets 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 Equity Multiplier (EM)= Total Assets/ Total Equity 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 7 7 7 8 8 7 8 8 8 9 9 24,177 26,408 28,728 30,351 31,801 24,270 24,177 26,408 28,728 30,351 31,801 Sharjah Islamic Bank Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Return on Equity (ROE)= Net Income/ Total Equity 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 18.26 22.33 23.19 22.14 19.4 15.56 9.91 8.44 -8.8 2.79 2.79 Return on Assets (ROA)= Net Income/ Total Assets 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1.19 1.4 1.43 1.33 1.17 1.02 0.68 0.56 -0.55 0.16 0.16 Results and analysis The result of the study suggests that the existing theories have been validated which shows that the return on equity and the return on asset for the Islamic banks are unchanged which means that the global economic crisis was unable to pout significant impact on the performance of the Islamic banks. However, this is not the case for the commercial banks which suggest that there is fluctuation in the return on investment and the return on asset which shows that the commercial banks have been significantly impacted by global economic crisis. Moreover, the equity multiplier for the commercial banks are high which suggest that the banks are relying more on debts for financing purposes which increases the chances of failure risk for them. Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded from the analysis of the study that the impact of the global economic crisis of the conventional banks have been huge and their return on investment have been hampered significantly. However, the data suggest that there has been negligible impact of the global economic crisis on the Islamic banks. Moreover, they have been able to provide stability to the macro economic environment of the country. Thus, from the data it is suggested that the conventional banks should rely less on debt for financing purposes. Moreover, the result suggest that the Islamic banks are more profitable than the conventional banks. The return on investment of the Islamic banks are stable and while there is lot of fluctuation in the ratios in both the commercial banks. However, the bank that has been mostly impacted is the National Bank of Abu Dhabi whose performance has decreased significantly over the years. Moreover, the equity multiplier for the organization is too high which sugg est that there the organization highly dependent on debt for financing. References Ajmi, A. N., Hammoudeh, S., Nguyen, D. K., Sarafrazi, S. (2014). How strong are the causal relationships between Islamic stock markets and conventional financial systems? Evidence from linear and nonlinear tests.Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money,28, 213-227. Ashfaq, M. (2016). IMPACT OF GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISES ON GLOBAL FINANCIAL STABILITY AND NEED FOR AN ALTERNATIVE FINANCIAL SYSTEM.Business Excellence,10(2), 109. 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