Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Humanity in the Image of God free essay sample
Marquis Robinson Professor Max Botner THEO 451 Christian Theology 11 October 2012 Humanity in the Image of God Humans are imperfect creatures, but we were born in the image of God. Understanding how humans are born into sin and created in God’s image is a complex situation. Is being born in God’s image a physical meaning or something that takes place in the spirit? If created from God spiritually then do people with unbalanced minds and are vindictive and destructive an image of God? If physically then do humans with birth defects an illustration of God?Is being in Gods image a literal meaning for perfection and being pure? God tells us in the bible that we were created in his image but does his image come with flaws? Proclaiming that humans are created in the image of God could mean that in the attributes of human nature which lets God to be made demonstrated in humans. We will write a custom essay sample on Humanity in the Image of God or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Humans are conscious of being apart of God’s plans and knows how important to be specially made in the image of the most high. Humans are different from every other creature in the world. The thought process of humans and the way we reflect separates us from other creatures.Our quick decision making and self reflective nature disconnects us from other creatures and gives us our uniqueness. Although humans were created in God’s image, God the creator gave the first true humans (Adam Eve) a free will to reject the relationship with the creator and withdrawal from his works as it shows us in Genesis (The Fall of Adam Eve). The example in Genesis of Adam Eve shows that by rejecting their spiritual and moral representation to God comes with consequences but God will still be on your side. Humanity in the image of God simply means that man was made to resemble God. Just like Adam all humans don’t have the same flesh and blood but, having the same spirit of God. In John 4:24 â€Å"God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth. †This bible passage insists that Humans in the image of god could exist without the body. The illustration of God can associate with the supernatural part of man. This supernatural attribute is what separates us from all the other creatures in the world.In Genesis 1:28, God makes sure he states that the human he created (Adam) will rule over all the other living creatures created as he does the world. This enables Adam to commune with God and make the replica of the image of God evitable mentally, morally, and socially. Man was created as a free rational being. Humans can be understanding in reason as well as choose reason. In this sense, man takes on the attributes of God by their intellect and free will. Humans that do great things whether its entertainment, job titles, or anything that has an importance shows God our judgment and brighten minds.This in itself demonstrates that we are made in God’s image. Man was also created with a reverence and fairness as well righteousness. These attributes is a reflection of God’s divinity and holiness. In Genesis when God created everything he took a step back and realized all things that he created was more then good enough. Morally, humans act as God did when he created all living things. Our conscience is evidence from the thought of creating something good or using your morals to solve problems. This is in its own shows God’s image in humanity.In Eden, mans first relationship was with God, until God made the first women because, he thought it wasn’t good for a man to be alone. This makes me believe that man women were created to fellowship, which reflects God’s love. People that are making new friends, meeting the love of their life, and attending church are just showing how alike we are to the image of God. Throughout the bible there are a lot of passages that discuss this topic of Humanity in the Image of God. Many passages are often misinterpreted and construed and that mainly has to deal with how the bible is written.The first passage I decided to look into was found in the first book of Bible Genesis. Genesis 1:26 which states; â€Å"Then God said, â€Å"Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground. †This text begins the moments of sacred scripture. It shows the love a God and the uniqueness of man. When referring to â€Å"man†, God is describing man as well as women.This passage implies that human share some type likeness of God. Being made in the image of God gives us personal traits that separate us from other creatures such as the animal kingdom. In Genesis 1:26 the words â€Å"image†and â€Å"likeness†is used to formulate significance of men being created this way. We know that when God uses the word â€Å"image†he is not referring to his physical body or physical appearance of God. In John 4 we learn that God is a Spirit and he doesn’t inhabit a physical body. Us as humans exist as body and soul together, and both are associated with the person we are. Another passage that dealt with Humanity in the image of God was found in Romans. Romans 8:29 states; â€Å"For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. †When I first read this passage I was confused to what was going on. When reading it from the New International Version it began to make more sense. God created Christ as a image of himself for the people. The image of God was created in his first creation which was defaced by sin.God inflicts his grace in us as humans and enriches us with holiness, giving us the power of being freed of guilt and sin. Creating man as in the image of God was God’s way to show his grace and love to the world. God’s anticipation of saints is the same with the everlasting love of his image. The last bible verse I decided to interpret was found in Luke. Luke 3:38 read; â€Å"Who was the son of Enos, who was the son of Seth, who was the son of Adam, who was the son of God†. I chose this verse because It was interesting when they referred to Adam as the son of God.Everyone knows that when you are born you take on the traits and personality of your offspring. I am not much of a bible scholar but, since Adam was the first human created he takes on the image of God. God created Adam with free will which reflects his image. Humanity in the image of God is often misinterpreted because Christians or readers of the bible don’t look at this bigger picture. This is an ethical issue because humans often believe that being in the image of God means being perfect and not having a sinful nature.Christians need to believe the image of God has to do with righteousness and holiness of truth. The soul is what connects us the image of God, not our physical appearance. Our mindset and incomparable uniqueness is what seperates us from other creatures. Humanity in the image of God is simple misunderstanding within the Christian religion. I believe ministries and churches should try and make Christians understand the fact that the image of God does not consist of physical appearance but the uniqueness of the mind and soul.When I first came across this topic I thought that Humanity in the image of God would have to do with how we look but it was much more. The spirit of human is reflected on God’s love for his creation. Our mind and soul are influenced by his love. In my life, I want to make sure that my mind and soul stays within God’s. All humans make mistakes and I am no different. God made us in his image to realize our faults and correct them and that is the uniqueness of being in the image of God.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Hygrometer a Weather Instrument that Measure Humidity
Hygrometer a Weather Instrument that Measure Humidity A hygrometer is a weather instrument used to measure the amount of humidity in the atmosphere. There are two main types of hygrometers a dry and wet bulb psychrometer and a mechanical hygrometer. What is Humidity? Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere caused by condensation and evaporation. It can be measured as absolute humidity (the amount of water vapor in a unit volume of air), or a relative humidity (the ratio of moisture in the atmosphere to the maximum moisture the atmosphere can hold). It is what gives you that uncomfortable sticky feeling on a hot day and can cause heat stroke. We feel most comfortable with relative humidity between 30% and 60%. How do Hygrometers Work? Wet and dry bulb psychrometers are the most simple and common way of measuring humidity. This type of hygrometer uses two basic mercury thermometers, one with a wet bulb one with a dry bulb. Evaporation from the water on the wet bulb causes its temperature reading to drop, causing it to show a lower temperature than the dry bulb. Relative humidity is calculated by comparing the readings using a calculation table that compares the ambient temperature (the temperature given by the dry bulb) to the difference in temperatures between the two thermometers. A mechanical hygrometer uses a slightly more complex system, based on one of the first hygrometers designed in 1783 by Horace Bà ©nà ©dict de Saussure. This system uses an organic material (usually human hair) that expands and contracts as a result of the surrounding humidity (that also explains why you always seem to have a bad hair day when it’s hot and humid!). The organic material is held under slight tension by a spring, which is linked to a needle gauge that indicates the level of humidity based on how the hair has moved. How Does Humidity Affect Us? Humidity is important for our comfort and our health. Humidity has been linked to sleepiness, lethargy, lack of observations, lower observation skills, and irritability. Humidity also plays a factor in heat stroke and heat exhaustion. As well as affecting people, too much or too little humidity can affect your possessions. Too little humidity can dry out and damage furniture. In contrast, too much humidity can cause moisture stains, condensation, swelling, and mold. Getting the Best Results from a Hygrometer Hygrometers must be calibrated at least once a year to ensure they provide the most accurate results possible. Even the best, most expensive hygrometer’s accuracy is likely to alter over time. To calibrate, place your hygrometer in a sealed container alongside a cup of salt water, and place it in a room where the temperature stays relatively constant throughout the day (e.g. not by a fireplace or front door), then leave it to sit for 10 hours. At the end of the 10 hours, the hygrometer should display a relative humidity level of 75% (the standard) if not, you need to adjust the display.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
KanIrraDeebaaQubeeQabusan Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
KanIrraDeebaaQubeeQabusan - Article Example a good working condition, I always wear several hats like being an expert clinician, a mentor, supporting staff members and advocating for patients and families tirelessly. Since I worked as a nurse, we have had a good relationship with staff members and this has made my career successful. I live in Richmond town. The goals of my course is to understand the main causes of bipolar disorder, its signs and symptoms, to understand in detail the four types of mood episode in bipolar disorder, how to treat the diseases and the varying cost of treatment. I will also like to learn how to train an individual on how to handle the disorder in their own and know how to provided guiding and counseling to patients. My case study will be about care of Susie who is suffering from bipolar disease. The patient is a 22 years old student. For over a week, he has gone without a sleep and throughout the week he has spent time in heightened state of activity, she can’t control what he is doing. He has developed strange and grandiose behavior that takes mystical tone, he also forgets what he always do and he has started writing notes so as not to forget what he is doing. The policy issues related to Susie case include enforcement of non discrimination laws; Susie has been facing discriminated in school according to his friends and this made her become stressed. Stress is one of the main causes of bipolar disorder, discrimination against Susie also lead to poor healthy working life balance which end up causing bipolar. Title VII of The Civil Rights Act, 1964 prohibits â€Å"discrimination in terms and conditions of work on the ground of race, color, national origin, sex and religion. The school atmosphere for Susie has not been favorable. The poor studying environment resulted in hostility, mistrust, and rivalry which lead to depression because it spreads negative attitude and harm relationship between Susie and other students. Another policy is taking the right food. Healthy eating will
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Outlining serves Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Outlining serves - Coursework Example Having the outline in place helped me overcome the initial blocks encountered in writing. The outlines helped in breaking down the writing into its main ideas with supporting details. The outline helped in the identification of weaknesses in the argument. It helped in realizing where the supporting details to the main idea were insufficient. The outline was of great importance in tracking points that were misplaced as supporting arguments that were in the fourth paragraph instead of the second paragraph (Working Center Staff n.d.). The outline further helped in motivating me to write and stay focused on the writing process. That resulted in organizing the ideas in a manner that made the most impact. The organization involves including strong supporting details at the start and end of paragraphs that will help capture the reader’s attention. Some strong details were omitted in some parts of the paragraphs to use them at the end of the essay so that it could have a strong bang t o the reader. The outline was of value in creating a guide that results in the writing being easy and time-saving. Finalizing the outline helped in approaching each section with known intentions of what to include. The outline helped in ensuring my draft has balance. Looking at the outline, it is easy to tell some parts of the writing that are less or more substantial than others. The outline, therefore, helped in organizing the draft in a way that the ideas were balanced both in quality and quantity against each other (Working Centre Staff n.d.).
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Achieving Personal Goals While Contributing to the Good of Humanity Essay
Achieving Personal Goals While Contributing to the Good of Humanity - Essay Example The first acquaintance with your university was as a result of inquiries that I made to my mentors about the best institution to prepare myself for my chosen career. They highly recommended this institution as a value-based organization that is committed to the development of highly qualified professionals who will not only deliver on their mandates effectively but will also contribute towards the achievement of national goals. As a nature enthusiast, I love the park-like setting of this university and would love an opportunity to call such a beautiful setting my home during my most formative years. Also, the sporting environment around the university is attractive to me because I like running. In addition, the city of Geneva is a melting pot of cultures that will provide an opportunity to appreciate the culture of other countries. I also have an interest in international affairs which staying in Geneva will enable me to explore. For example, the location of the United Nations and th e financial centre that is the city will give me an opportunity to interact with both organizations and individuals that shape global affairs. The institution has a qualified and dedicated staff that facilitates the learning process by making sure that they have all the resources that they need to learn (Webster University 1). In addition, the institution has created a culture of collaboration among both the student and teaching community. Furthermore, the institution is committed to global academic standards. This is important for me since I want to intern at an international organization.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Overview Of Company And Pharmaceutical Market Commerce Essay
Overview Of Company And Pharmaceutical Market Commerce Essay GSK is one of the leading pharmaceutical players in the world whose operations span 117 countries globally and it markets to 140 countries around the world. (Source: It is primarily organised along product and regional divisions, including Prescription Medicines, Vaccines and Consumer Healthcare. In recent times it has undergone a major streamlining of its operations in order to better respond to the environments in which it operates. Clearly, its environment is characterized by a great deal of change and uncertainty and hence it is extremely important that the structure in place is one which allows for information flow and knowledge exchange between subsidiaries and operations throughout the world in order to achieve its objectives and also to anticipate change and turn it to its advantage as a Marketing opportunity, rather than be surprised by it when it occurs and perceive it as a threat. (Baker, 1992) It is primarily structured on a regional basis covering Europe, No rth America, Central and South America, Caribbean, Asia and Australasia, Southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The nature of the industry and the varying legal and regulatory environments which govern the industry makes this necessary as the environments are highly variable with different stakeholders and interest groups participating at different levels with varying degrees of authority and influence, though convergence is increasingly evident. Although primarily involved in pharmaceuticals and healthcare, the company also produces a variety of consumer products with some leading brands such as Lucozade, Aquafresh and Ribena. This implies that the company is rather varied in terms of its product portfolio and thus, the structure needs to be adapted according to the markets it serves which are clearly varied on a global basis. In recent times, the pharmaceutical sector became increasingly consolidated on a global level as a number of notable mergers took place throughout the latter part of the 20th Century as companies sought to gain competitive advantage by combining skills and assets and to achieve scale economies in research, development and production. One of the main characteristics of the industry is that it is intensely competitive and the overriding goal of the majority of players is to provide innovative and speedy responses to market. The industry has also come under the spotlight for certain unethical practices, reflective of the nature of the industry as a whole and particularly the fact that its success is very much dependent on the purchasing power of nations. Hence, there has also been much criticism voiced, especially in developing and poorer countries where access to medication and treatment is clearly not as available as in the developed West. As a result, recent years have seen many of t he larger players becoming much more involved in issues of Corporate Social Responsibility, integrating the concept into the overall strategic framework of the company. (Katsoulakos Katsoulacos, 2007) The pharmaceuticals sector has been affected by the enormous speed of change in its operating environment, one of the principal being that of the development of the Internet and other communications technologies. In the past 20 years or so, the industry has undergone major upheaval and consolidation has been prevalent. In order to survive, business models and organisational structures have had to be adapted to cope with the wider external forces or contingencies and the complexities which exist within the industry. The high number of mergers and acquisitions which have take place has also clearly impacted on the subsequent structures in place, especially relevant in the case of cross border deals where cultures vary at both organisational and national level. This has been a major factor in the development of the structure within GSK as the company has had to deal with 2 major mergers within a relatively short space of time and has massive implications for the management of the variou s cultures, both at organisational and at national level, which it subsequently had to deal with. Hence, the creation of a uniform GSK culture across its many divisions became of paramount importance for the leadership of the company. This is obviously a major area of concern, especially in post-merger management as the correct structures and cultures need to be put in place if synergies are to be realised and was a problem area initially for the Greek subsidiary. If we look back to the 1960s as the time when the Pharmaceuticals Industry began to evolve, the business models adopted by companies then were primarily based on innovation and the creation of new and effective drugs. Many were organised along functional lines, which arguably, were appropriate at the time. Much in line with the Contingency theorists, particularly Burns and Stalker (1961), environmental factors have had an astounding impact on the way organisations in the sector are structured and subsequently managed. The 1960s were characterised by rapid growth in economic terms in most developed countries, and this new prosperity clearly brought advantages to many market sectors, the pharmaceutical industry being one such benefactor. At the same time, the regulatory environment was considered to be much less rigid than that we know today and consequently it was easier for drugs companies to bring products to market and secure patents to ensure sole distribution. Differentiation bec ame a key strategy which thus affected the structures in place (Lawrence Lorsch, 1967) which tended to focus on the distinct competencies and specialisations within the firm. Up until the 1980s, research and development was still an integral part of the value chain and the product offering, but costs were continually rising and the returns were gradually being eroded. Some might say that consolidation was inevitable, but this alone was not enough. Companies had to rationalize their manufacturing procedures and many opted to locate operations in just several markets around the world, to gain both financial savings and create hubs of specialists who would contribute to the continued drive for innovation in the market. The structures in place were no longer fitting to the environmental factors at play nor did they facilitate the execution nor realization of objectives, which had also altered radically. In the case of GSK, it was able, due to its sheer size and consequently, resources, to take advantage of technology so as to create competitive advantage in its market, much in line with the resource dependency view as advocated by Pfeffer and Salancik (1978) as opposed to the view of Hannan and Freeman (1977) who tended to see the environment as being constraining to organizations, rather than looking at how companies can benefit or exploit what others may view as contingent factors. One of the most significant developments affecting all players in the industry was the development of the Internet. This ultimately offered up choice to the end user, increased distribution efforts as well as facilitating negotiations and alliances between suppliers in the market, but ultimately, it made consumers more informed and automatically made them part of the purchasing process. This ultimately called for new structures to be put in place which could satisfy all stakeholders in the chain while still retaining and concentrating on core competencies of research and development, though the pressure to innovate has become much more intense. All of the top 15 pharmaceutical companies have undergone senior executive-level changes within the last two years, bringing in an influx of new C-suite talent that includes many individuals from industries that have successfully tackled the challenges now confronting Pharma,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦These leadership changes should help innovative companies to transform their finance function, organizational design, and business models in ways that enable them to continue to prosper in a challenging time. (Carolyn Buck Lane, Global Pharmaceutical Leader, Ernst Young, available at Organizational Structure For most companies, organization design is neither a science nor an art; its an oxymoron. Organizational structures rarely result from systematic, methodical planning. Rather, they evolve over time, in fits and starts, shaped more by politics than by policies. (Goold Campbell, 2002) Globally, the company is organised along regional and product lines and also involves a structure which encompasses the different functions of the company. As research and development is so high on the priority of the organisation, and the industry in general, this part of the company appears to operate almost independently, though with links to the other areas of the business. As the company has evolved over time, and obviously as a result of its merger with Smithkline in the 1990s, the power structures within the company have also changed somewhat and is much more widespread and less centralised. It is evident that the company has attempted to capture the essence of Druckers information-based organisation (1988) recognising that information must be distributed throughout in order to capitalise on the existing expertise within the company and to promote further learning and development of individuals within, promoting cross-collaboration and knowledge exchange which shall in turn produce creativity and innovation, much in line with Quinns theory of the learning Organization (1980) . This is viewed as a key to achieving competitive advantage and obviously, the quest for finding new and innovative solutions for the market at all levels. It also recognises how distinct and separate functions must work together so that there is cross-collaboration, communicati on and knowledge exchange as propagated by the likes of Drucker (1988) and Handys notion of federalism (1992), The states of federation stick together because they need one another as much as they need the center. (Pg. 65) One of the major problems for GSK in terms of structure is that it not only operates across different and unique functional lines, but also across various national environments. Contingency factors are therefore also varied across legal, political, economic and social spectrums, requiring different approaches to different environments. Bartlett and Ghoshal (1990) looked to the matrix structure as a response to this problem which essentially required a degree of centralised control but also national responsiveness to the different contingency factors at play. In theory, the matrix structure should have been able to deal with the complexities, but as argued by Bartlett and Ghoshal (1990), the failure of such a structure was due to the fact it had not been created in the minds of management and they had continued to operate at local or national level. This was evident within the Greek operations as well as evident in other operations worldwide, who essentially felt isolated and independ ent of HQ at the end of the 1990s, and much was done to overcome this problem through improved communication networks and attempts at promoting an organisational-wide philosophy and mission which ultimately translated into a more uniform culture, while still retaining a degree of local responsiveness. The requirement for the effectiveness of the matrix structure is that it required a specific mindset and a major shift in organisational culture and values. Trans-nationality was a new management mentality; one that essentially attempted to recognise and deal with complexity rather than attempt to remove it. Within such an organisation, the anatomical structure of the organisation itself matters less, and the psychological element, the people element has become the most important factor of doing business globally, hence the quest to shape organisational culture and mindset. In line with the overall evolution of strategic management, the people element and the organisational culture ele ment, became more important in subsequently shaping both strategy and structure within organisations and has been the path pursued by GSK. Within the GSK, combining control and responsiveness has been problematic as employees are geographically dispersed, such as with the Greek subsidiary, operating within different socio-economic environments, whereby it is impossible and inadvisable to assume that they will share common values and be motivated by the same things. Consistency was highlighted by Bartlett and Ghoshal who saw that many corporate objectives were not being achieved as individual country subsidiaries were too concerned with the attainment of national targets, rather than overall global company objectives. Subsequently, advances in technology have facilitated and improved communication and reporting lines overcoming some of the obstacles and hurdles, yet psychological barriers remain the most difficult to deal with and shall undoubtedly be a major hurdle. The analysis has shown that GSK chose this as a suitable structure as it allowed, concentration on specific projects or special efforts and essentially it a llowed for a combination of the previously presented functional and product structure (Held et al, 2009, Pg.58) while still retaining responsiveness to specific situations or markets as required. Although some principal functions are still essentially centralised from the company HQ in the UK Finance, HR, Legal, Communications, Ethics and Compliance and IT, they work closely and in unison with the companys various divisions and regions across the globe, including Greece. It is deemed necessary to have these areas to be centralised to a certain degree in order to exert a degree of control and allow for consistency. However, there is also a great deal of emphasis on autonomy of the various units while still allowing for a unified vision and the pursuit of common objectives. As Huczynski and Buchanan described, By having a power structure, the group avoids continued power struggles which can disrupt its functioning (1991). This is much in line with Handys view of the Federalist Organisation, and the subsequent structure which has been created is simultaneously a reaction to the environments as well as being predetermined by individual opinions and the objectives of the company, as the Strategic Choice perspective of organisations advocated and reinforces Chandlers notion that structure follows strategy. One of the difficulties for GSK is the expanse of its operations globally which makes control and co-ordination difficult, but necessary. As Bartlett and Goshal argued in the 1990s, top-level managers à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ are losing control of their companies. The problem is not that they have misjudged the demands created by an increasingly complex environmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦nor even that they have failed to develop strategies appropriate to the new challenges. The problem is that their companies are organisationally incapable of carrying out the sophisticated strategies they have developed. GSK have attempted to create a structure which is in part evolutionary, a reaction to its environment and markets, thus following a contingency view of the organisation, and has also been predetermined by management, as highlighted by Thompson and McHugh (2002) . As later commentators observed, the contingency theorists did not take into account the fact that organisations as entities could actually alter the contingency factors deliberately or unintentionally through their actions. Introducing new products or new ways of doing business, can actually alter and in many instances shape their environment, as argued by Moss Kanter (2002). GSK wanted to push accountability to all levels of the organisation, seeing this as necessary to capitalise on the internal assets available to them as well as recognising the diversity of its divisions, its markets and its employees. There is a great sense of urgency surrounding the notion of a common and unified vision and the creation of a structure which allows a positive and unified culture throughout the company, while still allowing for a degree of autonomy throughout the different divisions and functions regionally. For so long structures had been very mechanistic with clear reporting lines and lines of authority in place. Such organisations are now generally referred to as bureaucracies. It is now recognised that power must also be coordinated and integrated in some way and GSK recognised that by pulling together the overall power of the organisation is increased at a global level. They have attempted to apportion the same degree of power to different divisions, recognising that they all have a valuable and strategic role to play in the organisations overall success. Again, in line with Handy and Druckers predictions, employees are now viewed as assets, and although technology has taken on an extremely dominant role in all organisations, in essence, it is viewed as a facilitator to fully take advantage of the skills and assets a company may have in its possession, that is its people. Hence GSK fosters a learning approach, investing substantially in its people at both a functional and personal l evel and recognises that without them, it shall not achieve its objectives. Organisational Goals and Mission Strategic Fit Prahalad and Hamels (1989) view of strategic intent being the necessary ingredient of success is highly relevant to GSK. The authors saw that the Empowerment of the Strategic Intent was key to the effectiveness of strategy process and that it was, a matter that involves everybodyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ challenge the traditional downward communication style to an upward communication stream of new ideas coming from all the organization. (Source:, accessed 11/11/09) The fostering of an open communication system while still maintaining central control and direction should facilitate the exchange of ideas across the company, thus enhancing knowledge as well as market insight from specific customer markets, and thus promoting and inciting creativity and innovation which is one of the most important goals of the company. At the same time, it develops not only a sense of common purpose across the organisation but makes employees feel part of the overall strategic plan, thereby increasing motivation and productivity levels which have knock on effects across the board as employees feel empowered (Kotter, 1995). GSK has realised that much more important than the anatomical structure in place, there is a sense of common purpose across the company and its divisions which are characterised by diversity in functional, people and cultural terms. The important element of the new structure is that it revolves around the markets it serves rather than around functional areas, though these are still of great importance, especially the RD function. There are much fewer reporting lines to allow for the free flow of information and communication throughout the company. Flexibility and 360 degree feedback are built into the system and an open network of communication is encouraged to aid in the innovation process. As Barr (2005) concedes, According to Tidd, Bessant and Pavitt, (2005), innovative organisations are those that are flexible, adoptive, learning, characterised by organic culture, with capabilities of networking and team-working. (pg.1) Although the overall objectives have remained largely the same over the years, there has clearly been a shift in emphasis, particularly a renewed importance placed on innovation, in light of increasing competitive intensity as well as the expiration of many patents globally. In addition, there has also been a greater importance attached to the notion of people as assets and the recognition of the diversity of its workforce, its operations and the differing needs of its markets. This is particularly relevant given the emphasis on new and emerging economies of China and India who shall become increasingly important strategically in the very near future, as well as the concerns surrounding access to medication and healthcare in developing countries. In this respect, the environment and the external drivers which impact upon it, have an overriding influence on the strategy and structure adopted by the company. It could, however, also be argued that the companies themselves have also had an amazing impact on the environmental landscape due to the sheer size of some of the big players as well as the innovations they have brought to market which have ultimately shaped the industry, particularly with respect to consolidation. This is likely to continue, so structures and strategies shall be part evolutionary in line with external developments, but also determined by individual organisations through their activities. In summary, the main objectives of the company are as follows: Grow a diversified global business Deliver more products of value and Simplify the operating model. The mission is: We have a challenging and inspiring mission to improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer. By focusing our business around our strategic priorities, were confident that we can fulfil this promise. Source: GSK Annual report, 2008 Conclusion and Recommendations The dictum Structure follows strategy refers specifically to the historical shift in the strategy and structure of large firms, first documented in the development of American industry (Chandler 1962). This shift involved the transition in strategy from single to multiple product lines and the concomitant structural innovation, the introduction of divisional structure, which made it possible to overcome the inefficiencies of functional structure (in particular, decision overload at the top of the organizational hierarchy). (Source:, accessed, 02/07/09) GSK have worked extremely hard at creating an organisation which is responsive to its environments and also one which allows it to shape the environments in which it operates. While many view the opinions of Burns and Stalker as being outmoded for business in the 21st Century, the analysis has shown that many of their assumptions still hold true today according to both firm and industry context and are particularly relevant to the pharmaceuticals industry and GSK in particular. The overriding thrust of the analysis undertaken in light of looking at the company from the perspective of the contingencies affecting it, is that an overwhelming emphasis of the structure which it has created is one that is fluid enough to facilitate innovation and the exchange of knowledge, and also one which recognises the diversity of its workforce, its markets and its operations, thus it essentially takes the best elements from the contingency school and the resource dependency theory which ultimately tr anslates into the strategic choice perspective . In this respect, it is attempting to achieve an organic structure which is flexible enough to respond to the uncertainty and unpredictability of the sector while simultaneously actually taking action which ultimately shapes the environment in which it operates. It appears that diversity is now a challenge of all business today, particularly those involved in global operations, and it appears that GSK has attempted to use this diversity as a key to its competitive advantage rather than seeing it as a problem which has to be overcome. Simultaneously, although it recognises that a certain degree of flexibility is required in its structure, it is also extremely important for the organisation to exert control and power, particularly given the intensity of competition and the fact that much of its business is of a particularly sensitive nature, both socially and politically. Power is dispersed throughout the organisation so that individuals , units and functions, can be exploited to their full potential. As Moss Kanter (1989) highlighted, to add value, managers think and work across boundariesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦every manager must think cross-functionally because every department has to play a strategic role. Hierarchies appear no longer to be a source of power in terms of both expertise, knowledge and success in the marketplace. GSK appears to be in an excellent position to capitalise on the opportunities available to it in the markets it serves globally. Its continued investment in learning and its support of staff, should allow it to recruit and retain the best skills available to it in its market. Clearly, more work and undoubtedly, changes to structure may be needed as the market changes further, particularly with regard to emerging economies, but its recognition that it is both a product of its environment as well as a shaper of its environment, should allow it to make the best possible strategic decisions going forward. Organisational structures are no longer used as a means to exert control and no longer operate in the same mode as political systems. This would be too rigid and would be at odds with the increasingly dynamic nature of the global business environment we know today. There shall be a continued emphasis on alliances and networks, internally and externally and the structure in place should be one which facilitates the pursuit of objectives but not be too rigid as to make changes, when required, impossible to achieve. As objectives change over time, the structure which accompanies it, may need to be altered as a result. As Kim and Mauborgne (2009) concede, There are three factors that determine the right approach: the structural conditions in which an organization operates, its resources and capabilities, and its strategic mind-setà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Even in a not-so-attractive industry, the structuralist approach can work well if a company has the resources and capabilities to beat out the competition. In either case, the focus of strategy is to leverage the organizations core strengths to achieve acceptable risk-adjusted returns in an existing market. In summary, our analysis of the industry has highlighted the importance and relevance of external events on a companys business model and strategic offering to the market. The nature of the industry across the value chain has changed substantially, with new entrants to the market and new and more demanding consumers of the end product. Differentiation strategies are much more difficult to create and certainly, even more difficult to maintain, hence many have formed partnerships or mergers in a bid to improve their competitive position. Price is extremely important, as we have seen from the success of the generic companies, but this alone will not suffice in such a competitive environment where stakeholders demands and expectations are constantly increasing, and the quest for innovation will continue to be important. As Daft and Marcic (2007) contend, The right structure is designed to fit the contingency factors of strategy, environment, and production technology. (Pg. 273) The chall enge is to define a business model which permits research and development to continue and succeed, while ensuring that returns are adequate and the market accepts a fair price. Over time, business models have also changed to become more focused on key competencies and strategic capabilities of the firm, much in line with the post-entrepreneurial model advocated by Kanter (2002), with many non core functions being outsourced in a quest to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage, others have opted for strategic partnership, seeing collaboration with apparent competitors as a viable option to outstripping the competition and obtaining market leadership. The contingency School of Thought, many argue, was a response to these new demands being placed on companies. Additionally, many also argued that it was in essence an extension of the Systems School, which focused more on the internal subsystems and interdependent functions within organizations. The challenge now, was to find a new a nd improved organization that fitted with its environment, which arguably calls for elements of each school of thought according to both external factors and internal capabilities (resource view). The important point is that there is no uniform answer to this problem as different industries and different companies need different responses. What may work well in one company will not necessarily translate across industry or organizational boundaries. What has become more important is that if strategy changes, for whatever reason, (internal or external), organizations must revisit structure to ensure that there is a fit between the two.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Modern Lifestyle
Phenolic yellowing issues We have been facing yellowing on the fabrics kept at stores,all the test results were passing like PH,Phenolic yellowing,Formaldehyde,Light and BGF but we couldn;t come to an solution . Hence we have finally kept the fabric exposed in sunlight for a day and found that it has totally became yellow in the exposed area. So please advise whether the fabric stored can be wrapped with a opaque cover and also in the dark room to avoid the issue. 1 month ago * Close viewer * Like * Comment * Follow * Flag * Flag as Promotion * Flag as Job * Flag as Inappropriate * More Reply Privately Suresh Kumar, Marco Premoli like this You, Suresh Kumar, Marco Premoli like this 21 comments †¢ Jump to most recent comments SureshUnfollow Follow Suresh Suresh Kumar †¢ Your fabric is definately containing some chemicals and its Ph is not neutra. ; The test done by you is not correct. You may send your fabric sample to our lab for correct test and evaluation. We can definate ly suggest a solution. Dyetech Consultants ( Testing Lab Division} 98 Ind Area A Ludhiana. PH 08528806039, India 1 month ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like * †¢ Reply privately * †¢ Flag as inappropriate * †¢ Flag as promotion ShaileshUnfollow Follow Shailesh Shailesh Shah †¢ what kind of fabric, Is it 100% cotton or other blend? 1 month ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like * †¢ Reply privately * †¢ Flag as inappropriate * †¢ Flag as promotion 0 DanUnfollow Follow Dan Dan Koshak '50 †¢ Check your softeners used 1 month ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like * †¢ Reply privately * †¢ Flag as inappropriate * †¢ Flag as promotion 0 JayakumarUnfollow Follow Jayakumar Jayakumar Gopalakrishnan †¢ The possibilitiess are 2. 1. The store illuminant is damaging the OBA , Fluorescent illuminants contain UV and can be quite damaging, especially the new CFL lamps. 2.The fabric was not neutralized properly, the ISO pH test does not show up bad neutrali zation as well as the AATCC tests does. We have done several correlations and have sufficient data to prove this. Most mills will check the last bath water and fabric surface for pH , they dont use the correct method to calculate the acid/buffer required to neutralize the fabric ( PKa PKb) , and hence may have unloaded at 6 or 6. 5, but the Alkali in the core would first come out when squeezed in the Padder and will form salts with the cationic softener, which can be checked by scoring the fabric and checking for white lines.Further on storage this alkali damages the OBA and causes yellowing. If the yellow is lemon then it is phenolic if it is a redder yellow or what is called Golden than it is alkaline. One must also factor for the volatility of Acetic aci if that was used for neutralizing. 1 month ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like * †¢ Reply privately * †¢ Flag as inappropriate * †¢ Flag as promotion 1 AbhishekUnfollow Follow Abhishek Abhishek Jadhav †¢ 1) Dear G anesh I will just ask you to check core pH of your fabric after Application of OBA. for Core pH just boiled a piece of fabric at 98 C for 30 min in distilled water.Allow the solution to cool. Check the pH with the calibrated pH meter. 2) Now if you find your core pH to be highly acidic , I will suggest you to used a Sera Con M-TC from DyStar during your neutralization stage , which is a buffer. Thus even if the pH is not neutralized completely M-TC will not allow the alkaline pH of fabric to change beyond 6-6. 5. 3) Even after then if you faced phenolic yellowing problem, there is anti yellowing agent namely sera protect N-APY from Dystar. Just pad the fabric and your yellowing problem would be solved.In case of any further support kindly contact me †jadhav. [email protected] com†1 month ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like * †¢ Reply privately * †¢ Flag as inappropriate * †¢ Flag as promotion 0 JayakumarUnfollow Follow Jayakumar Jayakumar Gopalakrishnan à ¢â‚¬ ¢ I disagree with the boil at 98 Deg for 30 mins statement, unless you are pressure cooking it where the boiling point of water will be lower . At 1 Atm 100 Deg is the boiling point for water . 1. mins is too long and will case several changes that will give erroneous results. 10 mins is sufficient. Please see AATCC TM 81 for correct procedure.My silence on the use of some special chemicals mentioned does not amount to my accepting these I have no knowledge on the use of these chemicals to make a comment. 1 month ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like * †¢ Reply privately * †¢ Flag as inappropriate * †¢ Flag as promotion 0 SureshUnfollow Follow Suresh Suresh Kumar †¢ Dear Jaaya Kumar I agree with you. In normal conditions, 90 Degree c and 10 Mts is o. k. But if we want 60 degree colour fastness to washing and zero shrinkage, in addition to Ph Neutral,then 30 Mts recommended by me. Regards. 1 month ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like †¢ Reply privately * †¢ Fl ag as inappropriate * †¢ Flag as promotion 0 KATHIRVELMURUGANUnfollow Follow KATHIRVELMURUGAN KATHIRVELMURUGAN RAMAKRISHNAN †¢ Drop me your requirements. We have solutions for it and we have done it at numerous customer locations. Mail me at [email protected] com 19 days ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like * †¢ Reply privately * †¢ Flag as inappropriate * †¢ Flag as promotion 0 sUnfollow Follow s s Madiwale †¢ Jaya kumar is absolutely right 18 days ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like * †¢ Reply privately * †¢ Flag as inappropriate * †¢ Flag as promotion 0 AminUnfollow Follow AminAmin Khoja †¢ The theory of phenolic yellowing is as mentioned below :- Oxides of nitrogen are generated in warehouses/households from direct heating systems or from automobile emissions in the urban environment. Neither the oxides of nitrogen nor the phenolic compounds by themselves cause yellowing, but when united, form the yellowing products. The Butylated Hydr oxyl Toluene OR the phenolic derivatives of lignin from the packing materials migrate to the surface and get transferred to the textile material, which in turn, when exposed to the oxides of nitrogen in the ambient atmosphere, cause yellowing.Practically, Phenolic yellowing can be prevented by the following methods: [1] Avoidance of phenolic antioxidants and stabilizers in the packaging materials or in the synthetic polymer fibres used in the blends [2] keep the finished textiles at a slightly acidic pH (neutralization with specialty acids). Selection of Core-neutralising agent is important as, it should not contain mineral acid content. [3] Better to Avoid exposure to oxides of nitrogen pollution by different practices of storages condition 17 days ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like * †¢ Reply privately * †¢ Flag as inappropriate * †¢ Flag as promotion AminUnfollow Follow Amin Amin Khoja †¢ Dear Mr. Jayakumar, This is in ref. to your comment related to boiling poin t of water i. e. when you pressure cook it than boiling point of water is lower. When we pressure cook the water the boiling point of water will go up or down? as per my information read from book of textile printing by L. W. C. Miles, 5 psi pressure on water will make boiling point of water around 108*C, 10 psi pressure on water will make boiling point of water around 115*C and so on. i. e. saturated steam will be generated at concerned pressure due to hick of boiling point. ecause, definition of saturated steam says that the steam which is generated at boiling point is to be known as saturated steam. Kindly correct me if, i am wrong. 17 days ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like * †¢ Reply privately * †¢ Flag as inappropriate * †¢ Flag as promotion 0 ARUN KUMARUnfollow Follow ARUN KUMAR ARUN KUMAR WALIA †¢ Kindly do let me know the following things so that I can let you know the cuases of yellowing :- 1. The fabric of which you are talking is made from which yarn. 2. Where in the process you are using Phenol. 3. Is yellowing occuring during processing or after complete processing. . If after complete processing then after much period. 5. What are the atmospheric conditions viz. Temp. , RH etc. under which yellowing is occuring. You just let me know these then I hope we will be in a position to resolve the issue , Arun Kumar walia 17 days ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like * †¢ Reply privately * †¢ Flag as inappropriate * †¢ Flag as promotion 0 ZahidUnfollow Follow Zahid Zahid Akhter †¢ Dear I have a OBA which cover all such problem if any body need please call 00923004200236 Zahid 16 days ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like * †¢ Reply privately * †¢ Flag as inappropriate †¢ Flag as promotion 0 DaveUnfollow Follow Dave Dave Ducker †¢ Sorry for joining this discussion late, it is of interest that I see so many â€Å"wonder†products availble to prevent this from happening, but unless messages have been flyi ng back and forth directly there is no information with regards to what fabric this is 100% cotton? what colour and or colours are affected? what is the fabric dyed with? reactives, vats, directs? others? when testing was the fabric exposed to the sunlight whilst still in the packaging or removed from the packaging? omplete chemical exposure of the fabric, process and finishing conditions and recipes? core pH's? if using acetic acid think about using citric, chemical make up of the packaging? there are many different possibilities where it is coming from. If a logical step by step approach is adopted you will find the answer. If you require more info feel free to contact me direct. Regards, 16 days ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like * †¢ Reply privately * †¢ Flag as inappropriate * †¢ Flag as promotion 1 ShaileshUnfollow Follow Shailesh Shailesh Shah †¢ Dave is exactly right without knowing chemical system, Machine, procedures , packing etc.There was discussion abou t phenolic test and I mention that Need to evaluate each and every step and then find solution this is very common problem and solve easily. I have done lots of fabric whit fabric for 100% polyester to 100% cotton and also blend Nylon/cotton etc for several customer like Nike,Adidas,Tommy, columbia sports etc. 16 days ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like * †¢ Reply privately * †¢ Flag as inappropriate * †¢ Flag as promotion 0 SueUnfollow Follow Sue Sue Bolton †¢ is the fabic treated with OBA? it is known that the OBA degrades to yellow on exposure to light perhaps at ISO 105 B02 standard 1, then on further exposure this yellowing fades. ry assessing for light and examin at 30 min intervals 15 days ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like * †¢ Reply privately * †¢ Flag as inappropriate * †¢ Flag as promotion 0 PalanisamyUnfollow Follow Palanisamy Palanisamy Krishnan †¢ Dear Ganesh pls send us for testing†¦. 14 days ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like * â₠¬ ¢ Reply privately * †¢ Flag as inappropriate * †¢ Flag as promotion 0 PoongodirajanUnfollow Follow Poongodirajan Poongodirajan Ramasamy †¢ dear ganesh, use the BHT(Butyl Hydroxyl Toulene) free polybags to store the products to avoid such issues 11 days ago †¢ Unlike †¢ Like * †¢ Reply privately †¢ Flag as inappropriate * †¢ Flag as promotion 1 ShahidUnfollow Follow Shahid Shahid Iqbal †¢ In addition to the comments regarding bags and pH, please check the softener as well. Use only silicon softeners. Follow the following steps. 1. Follow the full bleaching process (peroxide bleaching with OBA). Maintain the whiteness degree 20 more then your requirement. 2. Use silicon softener only in the finishing process†¦ Silicon softeners will lower down your whiteness but since you already have a higher degree of whiteness this would be no problem at all.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Marketing and Product
1. On the Basics: a. We have asserted that marketing is really the strategic idea of ‘connectedness’ with customers. From the perspective of your final project company, identify and discuss how your company connects with its customers – select from either the marketing concept or the selling concept. Be sure to define each concept and be detailed in your response. A: Marketing concept holds that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions better than competitors do. customer focus and value are the path to sales and profits) The marketing concept is a customer-centered sense and responds philosophy. (The job is to find the right products for your customers. ) My project company Samsung took the marketing concept and connect with its customers. Samsung chooses to concern more about customers’ need and invent products that solve customers’ problems rather than make it and sell it. Before inventing cellphone products it will do a lot of surveys and experiment to find out what problems exist and concerned seriously in modern world.Activities like free gift and sample-with-purchase, free experiencing and considerate after-selling service are good ways of finding what customer want and asking for feedbacks. Not only can these marketing strategies collect data and examples for its study, but also can build a strong relationship with current and potential customers. Besides that Samsung also develop a system of contacting with customers, which uses cell phones and email. By emailing and texting customer what new products are and asking their ideas about them helps improve products and make products more customer-orientated. . Referring to your project company provide a well-developed characterization of your market segment and your target market. i. Identify the most urgent issue necessary for you to penetrate or protect your desired market space. Mark et Segmentation: Target Customers: Urgent issue: The most urgent issue is to differentiate this smartphone from other smartphone of other brands by marketing. There are many smartphones in the market and the most competitive one is the iphone5 from Apple.These two smartphone have similar function and both have good reputation in repairing skins. To market the serum from Lauder we have to stress its function of giving you the most attractive function such as Pop up play and Face Zoom which Apple doesn’t have. c. Lastly, concisely address each of the following central positioning questions pertaining to your project company/brand: i. What position, if any, do you already have in the prospect’s mind? Here I list some of the competitive offerings Full range of service after selling Apple 9. 0 Nokia 7. Motorola7. 5 HTC 7. 0 Sharp6. 5 ZTE6. 0 Quality of product The branches of product ii. What position do you want to own? With a strong brand advantage and the luxuriant Apple store, Apple now is still the brightness star in people’s mind. But what I am going to do is to give customers more space to experience our product when they come to Samsung store . I aim to own the first place. iii. What companies must be outgunned if you are to establish or maintain that position? From my point of view, Motorola would be the first one to be outgunned.The reason is that: 2. On the Marketing Mix: Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your company’s marketing mix and offer strategic recommendations on how the company should handle the most burning marketing problem/opportunity impacting the strategic performance of the ‘mix’. Consider shaping your answer with the 5Cs in mind Strengths: Lauder has diversified marketing strategies from retailing stores to TV commercials to spas. It present the product in many dimensions and gives consumer a full and impressive understand of the product.Weakness: Most of Estee Lauder’s retail stores are owned by the company. Lauder doesn’t want to cooperate with other retailers in order to keep their image of high-end. However, marketing the serum means you have to highly exposed your product to the public and remind them there’s always this choice for them and they have easy access to the product. Solutions: The burning marketing problem is galaxy does not have a strong differentiated position from other brands and not impressive to cosumers. Firstly, we should think of customer solution.By launching ad campaign in which stress the function of the product and list features that other cellphones don’t have, we are actually telling consumers that the extra benefits they can get from choosing this cellphone. Besides that we can set up experience lounge in some shopping malls for people to try the product out as well as teaching them how to use it to achieve the best effect. Secondly, we focus on customer cost. To some people who have never used it before they might not want to spend that much money in trying a new product.So when we are launching this product we can offer discount or selling as a package to lower the price so that more potential customer will be willing to have a try. Fourthly, we can promote the communication. By establishing two-way communication can really strengthen the tight with consumers. Why many brands are forgettable is because they don’t have a strong connection with consumers. By contacting consumers with email and message we can always expose them in the information of the products which increase the chance of them choosing the product. 3. On Consumer Buying Behavior: a.Referring to your company, describe a scenario of your typical customer using the buyer decision process when considering purchasing your company’s product/service. Use the language from our readings. i. Consider pulling from your database research offered in our library workshop to authenticate how your customers behave in you r market environment. b. Additionally, from the criteria that influence the rate of adoption, in what area does your company/product excel and what area does your company/product require attention to strengthen the adoption process? Be detailed in your response. . First we have Need Recognition. The buyer recognizes a problem or need of the cellphone by talking to a friend of watching an ad. Second, he will do Information Search. Ads are from commercial sources-controlled by marketers. He may also find information from personal sources, public sources and experiential sources. By watching ads or listening to the advice of a close friend or trying the samples she will get the information about the cellphones. Third, we have Evaluation of Alternatives. He will evaluate alternatives with calculations and logical thinking.By taking each attribute into consideration and compare different cellphones he finds out that cellphones from Samsung will satisfied his need with the functions galax y has. Fourth, he will make the Purchase Decision. After ranking brands and forming purchase intention, he is about to buy the cellphone. Now if attitudes of others also points to buying it and there’s no unexpected situational factors like worsening economy or dropping price of competitors, he will by the rather expensive cellphone form Samsung. Last but not least there’s Postpurchase Behavior.He will feel either satisfied or unsatisfied with the galaxy,which is the gap between the expectations and the product’s perceived performance. b. EXCEL Relative advantage: 4. 8†Super Amoled HD display Pebble blue or marble white Battery: 2,100mAh (wireless charging optional extra) Camera: 8MP rear; 1. 9 MP front S-Beam High speed file transfer via NFC and WiFi Direct, between two phones touched together, operating at up to 300Mbps. Smart Stay The phone tracks your eyes, so as long as you’re looking at it, the display won’t dim or turn off.What Needs to be STRENGTHEN? the purpose of the current market situation, the major brands of mobile phone chain (such as Suning, Gome, etc. ) occupies a large market, so we are faced with considerable pressure. According to the market potential, the Guangdong market level of consumption analysis, consumer groups, after all, is limited, so we have a unique service to impress potential customers. d out the differences. 4. On Branding and the Product Lifecycle: a. Referring to your company, identify the one major strength and weakness of the brand. i.What are your recommendations to strengthen the competitiveness and equity of the brand? ii. Identify at what stage your brand falls within the product lifecycle model. What is required for you to ensure that the customer remains eternally ‘connected’ to your brand? a. Strength: Samsung has sufficient fund for inventing so it’s able to apply high-tech into their products, which makes it a sell point to the customers because nowad ays everyone likes new technology. What’s more, when inventing the product Samsung will have so many test before they finally launch the product so the product is definitely safe.Weakness:The four-nuclei graphics card needs large amount of electricity The outer skin is easily getting old because of its material i. To increase competitiveness and equity of the brand first we need to think about the brand positioning Marketers need to position the brand clearly in the target customers’ mind. I will position the brand at the highest level which is on strong beliefs and values. By launching ad campaigns we deliver the concept that the serum form Estee Lauder is more than a serum, it’s a lifestyle you choose. â€Å"To be fabulous and healthy everyday gives you the confident to face every challenge. I would also establish a mission for the brand and a vision of what the brand must be and do. Through the promise the serum deliver to buyers we can strongly impress the buyers with the features, benefits and experience. Second, I will introduce line extensions. Redesigning the form, color and size of the screen we can easily change the image of this old product in consumers mind. The Samsung cellphone old outfit is no longer suitable for modern consumers because it was designed long time ago and the main concept is to express its luxurious.Nowadays people want products which can present youth and energy. So changing the outer packing is necessary in delivering new message to the consumers. ii. The product falls on the maturity stage in which product’s sales growth slows and profits stabilized. In order to ensure the customers remain eternally ‘connected’ to the brand marketers should evolve to meet changing consumer needs. Modifying the Market- The company should try to increase consumption by finding new users and new market segment for its brands.The Vita-mineral Radiance Serum from Lauder is often adopted by women over 30 yea rs old for the special benefit in fighting wrinkles. But actually it is suitable for women over 20 years old because it can give them the healthy grow of skin and prevent early wrinkles. Modifying the product- Changing the characteristics such as features, style or funtion to attract new users and inspire more usage. The old funtions of the Samsung were designed in the 2000s’ and it’s too garish for young people. Some details are unnecessary and will mislead consumers that this is a product for mid-age people.By changing the cellphone to a more simple and portable style can really modify the image in people’s mind and attract younger consumers to buy it. Modifying the marketing mix- Improving sales by changing one or more marketing mix elements. The company can offer new or improved services to buyers. Distributing free, new samples and offering free tour to â€Å"Korea Tour†after purchasing the serum can really attract consumers to buy this old product. The company can offer a lower price after discount the product to increase the scale of sale.The company can also launch a better advertising campaign or use aggressive sales promotions. By redefining the product’s use and target customer, the company can launch ad campaign that highly stress the benefits this cellphone offer and help consumers notice their potential need. Company The analysis of the company allows for the evaluation of the company's objectives, strategy and capabilities. These areas indicate to an organization about the strength of the business model or whether there are areas for improvement, as well as how well an organization will fit with the external environment. 6] †¢ Goals & Objectives: An analysis on the mission of the business, the industry of the business and the stated goals required to achieve the mission. †¢ Position: An analysis on the Marketing strategy and the Marketing mix. †¢ Performance: An analysis on how effectively the b usiness is achieving their stated mission and goals. †¢ Product line: An analysis on the products manufactured by the business and how successful it will be in the market. [5] [edit] Competitors The competitor analysis takes into consideration the competitors position within the industry and the potential threat it may pose to other businesses.The main purpose of the competitor analysis is for businesses to analyze both the current and potential nature and capabilities of a competitor in order to be prepared against competition. The competitor analysis looks at the following criteria's: †¢ Identity competitors: Businesses must be able to identify competitors within their industry. Identification of whether competitors provide the same service/products to the same customer base will be useful is gaining knowledge on direct competitors.Both direct and indirect competitors must be identified, as well as potential competitors that may enter the market. †¢ Assessment of co mpetitors: The competitor analysis looks at competitor goals, mission, strategies and resources. This will allow for a thorough comparison on the goals and strategies of both competitors and organization. †¢ Predict future initiatives of competitors: An early insight into the potential activity of a competitor will help a company be prepared against competition. [6] [edit] Customers Customer analysis can be vast and complicated.Some of the important areas that a company analyzes includes:[5] †¢ Demographics †¢ Advertising most suitable for the demographic †¢ Market size and potential growth †¢ Customer wants and needs †¢ Motivation to buy the product †¢ Distribution channels (online, retail, wholesale, etc. ) †¢ Quantity and frequency of purchase †¢ Income level of customer [edit] Collaborators Collaborators are useful for businesses as they allow for an increase in the creation of ideas, as well as an increase in the likelihood of gainin g more business opportunities. 7] The following type of collaborators are: †¢ Agencies: Agencies are the middlemen of the business world. When businesses need a specific worker who specializes in the trade, they go to a recruitment agency. [8] †¢ Suppliers: Suppliers provide raw materials that are required to build products. There are 7 different types of Suppliers: Manufacturers, wholesalers, merchants, franchisors, importers and exporters, independent crafts people and drop shippers. Each category of suppliers can bring a different skill and experience to the company. 9] †¢ Distributors: Distributors are important as they are the ‘holding areas for inventory'. Distributors can help manage manufacturer relationships as well as handle vendor relationships. [10] †¢ Partnerships: Business partners would share assets and liabilities, allowing for a new source of capital and skills. [11] Businesses must be able to identify whether the collaborator has the capab ilities needed to help run the business as well as an analysis on the level of commitment needed for a collaborator-business relationship. [6] [edit] ClimateIn order to fully understand the business climate/environment there are usually many different factors that can affect a business, and if researched well it will contribute to a company that can respond well to change. An analysis on the climate is also known as the PEST analysis. The types of climate/environment firms have to analyse are: †¢ Political and regulatory environment: An Analysis of how active the government regulates the market with their policies and how it would affect the production, distribution and sale of the goods and services. Economic Environment: An Analysis of trends regarding macroeconomics, such as exchange rates and inflation rate, can prove to influence businesses. [5] †¢ Social/cultural environment: Interpreting the trends of society;[5] which includes the study of demographics, education, culture etc. †¢ Technological analysis: An analysis of technology will help improve on old routines and suggest for new methods in being more cost efficient. In order to stay competitive and gain an advantage over others, businesses must have sufficient knowledge on the technological advances
Friday, November 8, 2019
5 Tips to Prepare for a Job Interview
5 Tips to Prepare for a Job Interview A good interview can mean the difference between a new job and more months on the unemployment line. There’s one rule when it comes to the contemporary job hunt: you can never be too prepared. Let’s take a closer look at why interviews are so important and what you can do to ace your next interview. Know the JobJob postings are carefully crafted to convey a message to potential job applicants. Have you thoroughly reviewed and analyzed the job posting? Doing so can give you valuable insights into what a company is looking for to fill a particular vacancy with the right candidate.Rather than playing it by ear, be proactive. Take time to match up your own qualifications - including skills, knowledge, experience and character traits - against the job description. The more matches you make, the more closely your candidacy will align with a prospective employer’s expectations. Review this list before the interview to optimize your chances of impressing when job-speci fic questions arise.Know the CompanyThe internet has opened up a whole new world to job seekers. There’s no â€Å"flying blind†when it comes to selling yourself to a company you don’t know. A breadth and depth of information - from logical strategies to corporate culture - is readily available via web pages and social media. Researching the company doesn’t just help you be more prepared to answer any question that come your way; it also indicates initiative and interest to employers.This is also an opportunity to use social networking sites to your advantage. Do any of your friends or contacts have a relationship with a prospective employer? If so, they become a potentially valuable source of information.And be sure to evaluate your own social networking accounts, and clean up, if necessary. The best interview in the world won’t overcome an inappropriate Facebook photo.Demonstrating knowledge of the market in addition to the prospective company also contributes to your ability to make a winning impression. Are there any interesting industry trends happening right now? How is the company positioned within the current market? Today’s employers aren’t just looking for the â€Å"yes men†of days past. Rather, they’re looking for progressive-minded leaders who will forge the path to innovation.Practice Makes PerfectThe more confident you are in your ability to answer questions, the more positively you’ll represent yourself to prospective employers. Enlist the help of a family member or friend in advance to practice with you. While it may seem silly, it will lay the groundwork for a successful and in-control interview. Make sure to review these 6 hardest interview questions and be ready to tackle these questions with thoughtful answers that will help you land the job.In addition to practicing answering questions, make sure to have plenty of questions of your own. Ultimately, the interview is as much an opportunity for you to get to know a prospective employer as it is for a prospective employer to get to know you.The Clothes Make the Man/WomanFor better or for worse, we live in a world where material things matter. Choose a professional interview outfit and have it ready at all times. Business attire is essential for interviews with professional organizations. More casual environments may require less formal clothing, but the commitment to a neat appearance and personal grooming remains.Etiquette MattersYou’re not just being judged on what you say during an interview. You’re also being judged on what you do. Maintain a polite and pleasant demeanor with everyone you meet - from your fellow elevator resident to the receptionist.Body language plays an increasingly important role with employers: sit upright, maintain eye contact, and pay attention.Demonstrating the ability to listen during an interview is just as important as answering questions. The best inter views include both give and take: they’re a discourse as opposed to a stilted series of questions and answers. The more engaged you are in the conversation, the more engaged a hiring manager will be by you.Taking time to prepare for an interview can be time-consuming, but the potential payoffs are well worth the work. After all, one of the best investments you can make is a well-prepared interview that results in the job of your dreams.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Rod Rosenstein Biography
Rod Rosenstein Biography Rod Rosenstein (born Rod Jay Rosenstein on January 13, 1965) is an American attorney and former criminal prosecutor who investigated tax fraud and public corruption before being tapped by Republican President George W. Bush to serve in the Department of Justice as a U.S. attorney in Maryland. Rosenstein enjoyed support and respect from Republicans and Democrats alike and served as the second in command at the Department of Justice under Bushs two successors in the White House, Barack Obama and Donald J. Trump. Rosensteins political legacy, though, will very likely center on his controversial move to appoint Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III to investigate Russias attempts to influence the 2016 presidential election. Fast Facts: Rod Rosenstein Full Name: Rod Jay RosensteinKnown For: Deputy U.S. attorney general who appointed and oversaw special counsel Robert S. Mueller IIIs investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential electionBorn: Jan. 13, 1965, in Lower Moreland, near PhiladelphiaParents Names: Robert and Gerri RosensteinSpouses Name: Lisa BarsoomianChildrens Names: Julia and AllisonEducation: Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, 1986 (B.S. in economics); Harvard Law School, 1989 (J.D.)Key Accomplishments: Winning respect from Republicans and Democrats alike in Washington as he became the longest-serving U.S. attorney in the country during the administration of President Donald Trump Early Years Rod Rosenstein was born and raised in Lower Moreland, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia, where his father operated a small business and his mother served on a local school board. It was there, he said at his confirmation hearing before the U.S. Senate, that he learned straightforward values. Work hard. Play by the rules. Question assumptions, but treat everyone with respect. Read widely, write coherently and speak thoughtfully. Expect nothing, and be grateful for everything. Remain gracious in times of defeat, and humble in moments of victory. And try to leave things better than you found them. Rosenstein attended public schools and graduated from Lower Moreland High School in 1982. He then entered the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, where he studied public policy, management, and economics. His interest in government led him to Harvard Law School after graduation. Rosenstein served as an intern for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Massachusetts, a position that had a lasting impact on his career as a public servant. Career in Law Rosensteins long career as a government attorney began in 1990, when he first joined the Department of Justice as a trial attorney with the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division. From there, he launched into decades of prosecuting drug dealers, white-collar criminals and public corruption. As the U.S. attorney for Maryland, Rosenstein pressed for longer sentences for felons and battled inner-city gangs. Among Rosensteins most high-profile cases were prosecutions of: Baltimores elite Gun Trace Task Force, whose mission was to get guns off the streets and violent criminals behind bars; eight of its nine members were alleged in 2017 to have abused their power by shaking city residents down for cash, drugs and jewelry. Some members of the squad confessed to robbing residents, planting drugs on innocent people and reselling the substances to others.A Baltimore man who shot and killed a 3-year-old toddler who was playing on her front porch in Baltimore in 2014; the case remained unsolved for about three years when Rosenstein in 2017 accused a 28-year-old gang member of firing the gun at a member of a rival faction. These cases do not solve themselves. They get solved because of extraordinary work by honorable, decent, diligent law enforcement officers, Rosenstein said at the time.Dozens of people in prison-corruption scandals at the Eastern Correctional Institution in Westover; employees there were accused of smuggling drugs, cigarettes, cellphones an d pornographic movies into the facility and selling them. Rosenstein also: Recommended the firing of FBI Director James Comey over his handling of the investigation into Democrat Hillary Clintons email servers.Appointed Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III to investigate Russias attempts to influence the 2016 presidential election after Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the case. Legal observers describe him as a tough, law-and-order prosecutor who is also fair-minded and nonpartisan. Heres a look at the various positions Rosenstein held prior to his time as deputy to Attorney General Sessions. 1993-94: Counsel to the deputy attorney general;1994-95: Special assistant to the Criminal Division’s assistant attorney general;1995-97: Associate independent counsel under Ken Starr, whose office investigated Bill and Hillary Clintons business and real-estate dealings in Arkansas.1997-2001: Assistant U.S. Attorney in Maryland.2001-05: Principal deputy assistant attorney general for the Tax Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, supervising criminal sections and coordinating tax enforcement activities of the Tax Division, the U.S. Attorney’s Offices and the Internal Revenue Service.2005-17: U.S. Attorney in Maryland, overseeing federal criminal and civil litigation.2017-Current: Deputy U.S. attorney general following President Donald J. Trumps nomination on Jan. 31, 2017, and Senate confirmation on April 25, 2017. Personal Life Rosenstein and his wife, Lisa Barsoomian, live in Maryland and have two children, Allison Liza and Julia Paige. Barsoomian worked as a government prosecutor and, later, as a lawyer for the National Institutes of Health. Important Quotes It is important to separate the role of politics in setting priorities and the decision to prosecute cases. And in the Justice Department that is what we do on a daily basis, that is how are trained. - Speaking to an ABC affiliate about his role as deputy attorney general.â€Å"The oath of office is an obligation. It requires me to support and defend the Constitution of the United States; to bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution; and to well and faithfully discharge the duties of my office. I have taken that oath several times, and I have administered it many times. I know it by heart. I understand what it means, and I intend to follow it.†- Speaking at his confirmation hearing in 2017. Role in Trump Russia Investigation Rosenstein was a relatively unknown political figure outside of Maryland, even after being tapped as deputy attorney general and assuming oversight of Muellers investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 elections. Rosenstein drew Trumps ire after appointing the special counsel, but threw his career into jeopardy by suggesting to colleagues he secretly record Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration. Rosenstein also was said to have discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment, which allows for the forceful removal of a president outside of the constitutional impeachment process. Rosenstein denied the reports. While Rosenstein held onto his job after that controversy, Trump passed him over for a promotion in late 2018 when Session was fired as attorney general. Rosenstein had been the heir apparent to the position because of the terms of the federal Attorney General Succession Act, which gives the deputy attorney general authority when the top position becomes vacant. Sources Davis, Julie Hirschfeld, and Rebecca R. Ruiz. â€Å"Caught in White House Chaos, Justice Dept. Official Seeks Neutral Ground.†The New York Times, The New York Times, 22 May 2017.â€Å"Meet the Deputy Attorney General.†The United States Department of Justice, 21 June 2017.â€Å"U.S. Attorney in Baltimore Is Trumps Pick to Be Deputy Attorney General.†The Washington Post, WP Company, 14 Jan. 2017.Vignarajah, Thiru. â€Å"A Look at the Past Work of the Deputy AG Who Called for Comeys Firing.†Vox, Vox, 10 May 2017.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
B2C Campaigns Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
B2C Campaigns - Assignment Example The target market comprised everyone on earth. However, the person had to be aware of the campaign, have access to internet, and posses a high definition camera. The subject would then take a photo of self and post it to the recommended social media sites on or around the April 22, 2014 under the hashtag #GlobalSelfie. In addition, there was no limitation on a person’s geographical location and any part of the globe was welcome. To participate in the event, one had to say where they were on Earth on the Earth Day using a selfie and the response was overwhelming (Funk, 2013). The message delivery synchronized with the will of people to participate in environmental preservation worldwide. Each picture in the mosaic image represented a pixel and the final image in May 22 represented a new earth. For NASA, the Global Selfie was a remarkable way of celebrating five missions intended around the earth in 2014 particularly bolstering NASA’s Earth Right Now campaign (Garner, 2014). Releasing a global selfie on May 22, 2014 was a way of reinforcing the role of each one in monitoring the earth around them despite constant NASA satellites monitoring. Cole, S. (2014). NASA Releases Earth Day "Global Selfie" Mosaic of Our Home Planet. Retrieved August 20, 2014, from
Friday, November 1, 2019
Marketing and business operations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marketing and business operations - Essay Example It will offer the best prepared coffee on train as passengers enjoy while they await arrival to their various destinations. We will be of great help to our customers by providing them with a relief after a great day of work through great ambience, friendly to use services, convenient locations and providing constant high quality of coffee. Costa cafà © will invest back their profits to maximize customer satisfaction and also providing steady returns to share holders. The Costa cafà © will operate in almost all the trains leaving and coming into town. They will be placed in a reachable distance from where passengers are sited on the train. The project has the sum of $140,000 as a start up funds. It will be designed to attract visually the customers and designed for efficient, fast and smooth operations. There will be employee training to ensure that there are good services techniques to the customers. The project has long term strategies to ensure that they build a solid base and maintain customer loyalty. The Coffee machines will be place at the rare end of each compartment in the train where there is plenty of space. The machine will be designed to fit and occupy a smaller portion of the train. Engineers will be hired to draw up the structure and find the necessary equipment to have the machine operational. There will be on train managers for the cafà ©; they will be responsible for quality in the train. They will also provide assistance to the customers where need be. After some rounds of the train on the way there will be workers who will be responsible for the maintenance of these machines, it will be done on a regular basis. According to (Ahire, 1997), quality and management has developed into an established definition and conceptual foundation. The same way Costa Cafà © is aiming at improving the quality of services rendered to the clients. Increasingly, most of the organizations are recognizing the need for quality
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