Monday, September 30, 2019
Being on Time Essay
Time: It is the universes theoretical constant that governs, sometimes with an iron fist, the everyday lives of humans. Time has many different measurements. There are stellar measurements, such as the phases of the moon or the rotation of the Earth around our Sun. There are extremely long measurements of time, like the geological epoch that can span for tens of millions of years, and there are very small measurements such as planck time, a unit commonly used to measure events in quantum mechanics and is so small that a single unit of planck time is the equivalent of 10-43 seconds. People have always measured time in one form or another. Beginning with our ancestors, who began to measure the phases of the moon almost 30,000 years ago, to the Egyptians who began to measure time using shadows cast by large Obelisks, effectively being the very first sundials. Today, we use a common standard of time in our day-to-day lives. Sixty minutes in an hour, twenty-four hours in a day, three hundred sixty-five days in a solar year; but time has always been used to measure and record important events. This has never been more evident as it has been in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. In this era of human history, punctuality is one of the key elements of our workforce, and particularly in the military. In our world, being on-time carries more with it than just a smooth operation of events. Here, being at the right place at the right time can mean the difference between life and death. As members of the United States Army, we have made a commitment to obey our unique laws and regulations, of which precision and conscionable timing is reflected. In our Uniform Code of Military Justice, timeliness is addressed under our Punitive Articles. Chapter 10, Article 86: ABSENCE WITHOUT LEAVE Any member of the armed forces who, without authority– (1) fails to go to his appointed place of duty at the time prescribed; (2) goes from that place; or (3) absents himself or remains absent from his unit, organization, or place of duty at which he is required to be at the time prescribed; shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. With this being said it is very important for an individual to be at his/her appointed place of duty at least 15 minutes prior to the time stated. Every soldier knows the military motto â€Å"If you are 15 minutes early you are on time; if you are on time you are late! †This is something that was drilled into us during Basic Training and AIT. I understand the punishment I have been given is not to humiliate me, but make sure I adhere to the military standard at all times. I am an epitome of the soldier’s creed and I wear my uniform proudly. All though I am not perfect I strive for perfection every waking moment of everyday. I am currently paying for my actions in a previous incident and by completing the task I was given I hope to prove that I am not a loss; but someone that can be counted on when needed. I will from this point and all those times in the future; make sure I am at my appointed place of duty. If for any reason I am not able to make it on time, I will be sure to contact my chain of command and let them know why and bring evidence of the incident if instructed.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Die Frau Ohne Schatten
Die Frau Ohne Schatten, since its elements appear to be similar to those of fairy tales, but with a darker twist, implies the concept of penance, human corruption and agony. The characters symbolize several flaws of humanity that tend to have destructive consequences. The empress and the nurse for instance epitomized the corrupt tendencies of humans, particularly those seated in power as the latter parts of scene one's act two showed the empress and the nurse display innovation and creativity in achieving their self-serving ends.In addition, the troubled state of the empress while posing as a servant for the dyer's family went to show that she refuses to give up the royal and glamorous life despite the importance of the consequences at stake. The dyer's familial and economic conditions in the presentation meanwhile resembles the suffering and torment as experienced by humans especially the middle to lower class members of society.The physical deformities of the three brothers, as wel l as the poverty stricken life of the dyer's family reflect the brutal reality of human life. The dyer's wife's sudden attack of consciousness when hearing the lamentations of the unborn children however mirror fear in a general context simply because she fears responsibility over something she has not yet experienced and understood.Likewise, humans also fear something they do not understand or have not yet experienced, a prime example of such fear is on the concept of death which often becomes the center of people's misconception. In the third act it is the spiritual element which offers the solution, that souring into the regions of light and harmony, the succession of fairytale pictures, the intervention of the children’s voices, all these varying elements combined will not fail to engage the public, even supposing the music were to fall off (without a doubt it will not).Nevertheless, one, on any account, should not be daunted, either by personal doubts (regardless if an i ndividual, no matter how good his inspirations may be, always plunders himself or herself down in to the abyss of malcontentment), or even by the possible rash, all-too-spontaneous verdict of the wife. A direct comparison between what still remains to be done and what has already been successfully accomplished, in this case with the trio in Rosenkavalier, is invariably dangerous.The comic opera's situation is a sentimental one, while Die Frau ohne Schatten is heroic and spiritual, akin to the atmosphere of Fidelio or The Magic Flute. One lesson, as was seen, drew from textual accounts, namely that it is not the situation itself so much which compellingly operates upon the composer’s imagination, but the action wording of the libretto. Strauss' entails in his July 28, 1916 letter that â€Å"Characters like the Emperor and Empress, and also the Nurse, can’t be filled with red corpuscles in the same way as a Marschallin, an Octavian, or an Ochs.No matter how I rack my br ain and I’m toiling really hard, sifting and sifting my heart’s only half in it, and once the head has to do the major part of the work you get a breath of academic chill ( what my wife very rightly calls ‘note-spinning’) which no bellows can ever kindly into a real fire. Well, I have now sketched out the whole end of the opera and it’s got verve and a great upword sweep but my wife finds it cold and misses the heart-touching flame-kindling melodic texture of the Rosenkavalier trio. I’m willing to believe her, and I keep probing and searching but believe me does not go to music like†. Strauss 28. 7. 1916 pp. 258). Orchestra in Die Frau ohne Schatten was primarily used for dramatic purposes, to emphasize more emotion (Corse, 112).Strauss also utilized orchestration for the sake of character build (Corse, 112), considering that Die Frau ohne Schatten has five main characters, the absence of orchestration may cause confusion on the part of the audience specifically on distinguishing the main characters and their respective representations, such as the case of the the dyer's wife and the empress who both sing in the high dramatic soprano voice range..
Saturday, September 28, 2019
An Interpretation of John Keats’ To Autumn Essay Example for Free
An Interpretation of John Keats’ To Autumn Essay Poems by John Keats are a source of inspiration. He plays with his readers and takes them to places and times with his words. What inspiration does Keats bring? He inspire his readers to go beyond his words and discover a new world he creates. He makes his words so colorful and alive it is almost musical to the ear. When one reads Keats, he wonders what’s in his heart when he wrote his particular poem and makes him want to be in Keats world and senses. In this particular review, I tried to see Keats world of autumn from afar. A world detached, to objectively examine and look at autumn as Keats paints it with his words. I also wanted to get a perspective of Keat’s style with words, of how he uses them as a vehicle for others to journey to his world. In this same review, I tried to experience the world that Keats created and feel both the experience of his symbols and my comprehension of what he symbolizes autumn to be. The formal and thematic aspect of the poem will be commented on but this interpretation will be candid as I believe Keats wanted his poem read. 1 2 Throughout the three stanzas of the poem, Keats has maintained the ten syllable measure of each line, although, the foot measure of syllable stressed is a little slacked. As in the lines, â€Å"Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store? Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find†and some more. Reading aloud the verse, Drows’d with the fume of poppies, while thy hook spares the next swath and all its twined flowers: I could not quite place the stress of the syllables to create a rhythmic sound. I call it literary license, Keats permit his reader to make a decision and choose the way to vocalize his poem. The first stanza is vibrant and tells us of bounty. It is a direct contradiction of autumn or fall as the season is the time when trees begin to bare its leaves and fruits are scarce. But in this poem, Keats describes autumn as the climax of summer, †Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;†mist and mellow here are used as a welcoming scenario to a world filled with life and produce. The last word of the first line fruitfulness rhyming with bless on the third line and sustaining the rhythmic scale throughout the stanza gives a musical air as one reads the poem aloud. The stanza tells us also of a promise of continuity. â€Å"To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells with a sweet kernel; to set budding more, and still more, later flowers for the bees,†true to the rhythm of his verses, Keats described autumn as a time when seeds are planted for life to continue. It tells as of a beginning of a season, fresh and ready for a new experience in a manner where the season before it, which is summer, in the festivities of plenty and not as a dying season ready to be forgotten and left behind. Autumn in Keats†dedication receives Summer’s gift of plenty, it began as a climax of summer and therefore, promise to be a season 3 of new discoveries and not as bleak as shedding away the leaves of trees to forgetfulness. In the second stanza, the word flowers does not rhyme with any other words at the end of each line. I need to read the poem aloud and discover a rhythm for it to make the poem alive, it gets into a perfect rhyme with the word â€Å"spares’ if that’s where I put the measure at the end of the first line, thus, â€Å" Drows’d with the fume of poppies, while thy hook Spares / the next swath and all its twined flowers.†The same with the last two lines of the second stanza, â€Å"Or by a cyder-press, with patient look, Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours,†by simply repeating the word, the seemingly ignored rhyme is captured. This is my personal preference of setting the rhythmic pattern of vocalizing the poem, although, the rhyme pattern of the three stanzas comes out to be ababacacaaa, ababcdecdde, and ababcdecdde, in this particular order. It can be observed that the first stanza follows an independent rhyme pattern from the other two stanzas. Keats may have done it intentionally to stress the change of tone of the second stanza that is presented as a question. Why could Keats have done this? As I get absorbed in the autumn scenario of the first stanza, feeling the cool air and seeing laden apple trees bend, the mossed cottage, the vines and more, feeling the climax of summer shared into the start of autumn, and as I get lost to the world that Keats painted with his words, somebody shoots a question like, †Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?†and I was reminded that I am not alone. It was not even a question in the sense that Keats emphasized the beauty of the season being one that cannot be ignored. If he likened autumn as a stage of life’s journey and we choose the paths that we travel on, in the roads we took as we travel in this world, we met people to keep us company, 4 sometimes partway, the greatest thing maybe is to find beauty in life that keeps us company all through the journey. Reading the second stanza brings another question to my mind. What do I really seek for in this life? Why does Keats made me ask this when he wrote, â€Å"Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,†What Keats said in this line is that there are people who sought for things in this life away from where they really are and in fact, what they are seeking for is just within reach. Very clearly he meant happiness, he meant beauty of living, the beauty of living in the here and now. Keats wanted to tell his readers that we need not wait for what we can achieve in the future to experience the joy of being alive. We need only to be aware of the blessings we could find in the present to feel that joy that we seek for in our journey. The third stanza is a validation of the second stanza both in form and interpretation. I noticed that both have the same rhyme pattern and both starts with a question. It tells us of men looking out for joy too far out as in spring in autumn failing to notice that joy is just within reach. â€Å":Where are the songs of spring? Ay, where are they?†, Keats wanted us to know that in this life’s journey, happiness is not about the things we reap in the future but of finding happiness in every endeavor that we do without waiting for whatever fruits or rewards we earned as a result of our works. He tells us that like spring or summer or winter, autumn carries within itself its own music like the wailful choir of small gnats, the loud bleats of full-grown lambs, the songs of crickets, the whistles from garden croft, the twitter of the swallows. Keats wanted his readers to discover them. The choice of the word â€Å"wailful†, the reader can almost hear the liquid fall of tears of the gnats†mournful music. Sad, yet in Keats world of words 5 they represented life’s emotions that eventually gives meaning to everyone’s existence. He pictures autumn’s soft dying day with rosy hue and not with the bleak grey or the dying blackness of the welcoming dark, but of shades of the rose, full of life, full of promise, perhaps of another day ahead, a goodnights sleep, a beautiful dream, a walk in the moon? Or whatever the good life brings in the third part of man’ life. The poem is not necessarily strict with the academic form of the poem although as much as possible Keats wanted to adhere to the scholarly it dictates. In this form, the poem creates a character of free spirit and that refused to be tamed. The three stanzas o f the poem expresses a discipline. It follows a form respecting rhyme, measure, rhythm, color, and all the constituents of this form of literature. Yet, it does hesitate to lay away the conventional to express the soul of his expression as Keats diversion from the rhyming pattern to the rhyming pattern he followed on the second and third stanza. The syllabic measure of the words spares and flowers are left to the decision of the reader, making the reader an active participant to the interpretation of the poem. The three parts of the poem suggest the three stages of man’s life at a point of view, being at birth and early life, maturity and finally at the golden old age of man. But Keats only suggest, because all three speaks of seeking the joy of finding the beauty that life brings. The poem itself, as a form, is music to the ears. His play of rhythm, rhyme, and choice of words, in the context of emotionally attaching the self during its vocalization is like listening to the music of nature. The poem vividly expressed the colors of autumn using nature’s characters as in â€Å"rosy hue†. It does not boast with lengthy lines, numerous stanzas, academic words to express the simplicity of enjoying life, in life’s term. 6 The poem â€Å"To Autumn†is a metaphor. Keats represented the season as man’s objects of his endeavors. In the same manner, the times of the seasons’ days represented man’s three stages in life. Why has Keats chosen autumn to represent ingredients of life’s journey? Maybe because of the colors it creates as the season journeys towards another. Maybe because autumn carries with itself the fruitful harvest of summer and links itself to the preparation winter does for a new life in spring. All these are speculations, and these speculations made me look into my life and my attitudes towards life as a journey. A lot of interpretations had considered â€Å"To Autumn†as one of the greatest odes that Keats had written. â€Å"Written in September of 1819, this piece is regarded as his most achieved ode.†1. If all forms of writing, in different degrees of exertions aims to manipulate the reader’s mind to a certain mode of thoughtfulness, then Keats’ has manipulated mine into a romantic mode of communing with nature as a tool of reflection. He has vividly painted a picture of a season with words so successfully so that its form takes life and invited its readers to experience the joys of the season. It invited everyone to forget about worrying so much about future and take the joys of life in the here and now. 1 Analysis of Keats’ Poem To Autumn Essay. An Interpretation of John Keats’ To Autumn. (2017, Mar 11). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you
Friday, September 27, 2019
US HEALTH POLICY Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
US HEALTH POLICY - Assignment Example This is where I belong, as my employer pays for my insurance cover. The US political system has several limitations, especially concerning its healthcare policies. The major limitation of this political system is that it locks out many Americans from health insurance (Fuchs, 2007). Before the coming of Obamacare, there was only Medicare and Medicaid. The working poor are largely ineligible for any of these programs due to their age and income. Most are at the mercy of their employers to insure them. Their only hope is in the non-group insurance market. However, the non-group insurance market is usually limited and its prices are way beyond the reach of the working poor (Gruber, 2011). Furthermore, it does not actually provide real insurance against illnesses due to its policy of pre-existing conditions exclusions. The responsibility of a health care administrator in a hospital is to ensure that reform is instituted in the healthcare sector (Betts, 1994). There is an opportunity for nurses to enact reform on healthcare in hospitals. This is because the provisions of the new laws effectively broaden the roles of nurses in advancing access to primary care and other health services (American Academy of Nursing, 2010). For example, Section 2951 authorizes Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Programs, creating opportunities for nurses to expand and enhance the Nurse-Family
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Assignment1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Assignment1 - Assignment Example The crisis management process shown by the Northern Illinois University is effective and efficient; because after one year it is undisputable that the university’s reputation is intact (Russell 87). One of the major targets of the crisis management effort is; to increase campus emergency preparedness, through organizing staff training on crisis communication. The outcome objectives of the crisis management involved: 1) to eliminate future campus emergencies, this can the through putting in place appropriate prevention mechanisms or resources; 2) to improve the reputation of the university, this was realized through proper crisis management communication; and 3) to minimize or eliminate legal suits on learning institutions during emergency cases. The Output objectives of the crisis management exercise at the university entailed: 1) to utilize the university website in providing the crisis updates to the audiences and the media; 2) to ensure institutional reputation and credibility through effective and efficient disclosure; 3) and to give emergency alerts to all the stakeholders, as quickly as possible (Jay, et al. 17). Both the quantitative and qualitative measures were used in determining the effectiveness of the crisis management approach, which was used by the Northern Illinois University. The quantitative measure indicated that; the university did not receive any law suit which relates to the gunman crisis; the financial gifts given to the university to fund sponsorships and memorial programs exceeded $1 million; and only 19 students who were personally affected by the gunman incident left the campus. The qualitative method used to indicate effectiveness involve; the Task Force on Campus Security formed by the Governor of Illinois made a report showing excellence of the university in crisis management; NBC Nightly News
Philosophy (Socrates) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Philosophy (Socrates) - Essay Example At the end, he refused to leave the city, to moderate his uncompromising stance, or to suggest a reasonable counter-penalty. By this point, the jury had no real choice but to deliver the death penalty. The context of recent political events in Athens, and the official charges brought against Socrates forced the issue, but he died because his strong personal religious conviction placed him radically outside mainstream society, prevented him from making his behavior more acceptable to his fellow citizens, and prevented him from seeing any alternative to death. Socrates had been resented in the city for decades. The nature of his defense at the trial may have had little bearing. From the mid-fifth century, professional teachers, or Sophists, appeared, and charged fees for an education. They believed in questioning traditional values – ‘the eternal verities’, and modifying or rejecting them as appropriate. This bred concerns over the threat to established systems. Alt hough Socrates did not charge fees, and there were fundamental differences of opinion between he and the Sophists, there was a link in the public mind. Aristophanes’ The Clouds makes this plain. ... It was not just The Clouds either, as quotations from other comedies suggest a similar attack on Socrates. Aristophanes’ choice of Socrates to represent the new thinkers is telling. He insisted on pushing his opinions on the streets of the city. Socrates seemed to understand this. Many of the other teachers were from outside of the city, and only visited infrequently. He spent his time in the most public places, especially the Agora, while his poverty and physical ugliness might also have made him stand out. For the nearly fifty years during which he chose to live thus, the Athenians had had to tolerate his impertinent questions. A quarter century of attacks on Socrates must have biased the jurors in 399 BCE. In Plato’s Apology, Socrates acknowledges this, even mentioning the Clouds to the jury. He says ‘You have seen it for yourselves in the play by Aristophanes, where Socrates is lifted around, proclaiming that he is walking on air, and uttering a great deal of nonsense’ (39). Nevertheless, the fact that they tolerated his existence for so long suggests that a unique conjunction of other circumstances also must have precipitated the trial in 399. Socrates’ political ideas, and the fact that he allowed rich young men to listen to them, was considered to be a cause of instability in the polis. As Hypereides reminded the Athenians in his speech against Antokles, they had punished Socrates epi logois, for his words, rather than for his actions. However, these words had a distinctly anti-democratic quality. He considered that only the virtuous should govern. He believed that by nature and training, each person was suited to a particular task in life,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Preventing childhood obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Preventing childhood obesity - Essay Example â€Å"Factors associated with increased risk for overweight or obesity in infancy and early childhood include excessive maternal weight gain or smoking during gestation, shorter-than-recommended duration of breast-feeding, and suboptimal amounts of sleep during infancy†(Wojcicki and Heyman). Effects of obesity on children are numerous, and for the most part, negative. Obesity makes children sluggish and intervenes in their healthy physical development. It lowers children’s self-esteem. In addition to that, obesity is also one of the main causes of such diseases and health conditions in children as high blood pressure and diabetes that are conventionally associated with adults particularly in the old age. (Kimbro and Rigby) studied the effects of the federal food policy on the obesity in children, and found that food assistance is likely to cause childhood obesity particularly in the cities where the prices of foods are high. They also found that subsidized meals offered to the children at the day care centers or in the schools help them maintain the right weight because of which, there is need to expand the poor children’s access to subsidized meals. The US government is taking serious steps to combat the epidemic of childhood obesity. One of the campaigns that have been started in the recent years is the â€Å"Let’s Move†campaign by Michelle Obama that is directed at revamping the food products’ nutritional labeling to empower the consumers and especially the parents, improving the National School Lunch Program’s nutritional value, improving the access of all communities in the US to the high-quality foods, and increasing the physical activity fo r children. This way, this campaign combats childhood obesity by making a holistic effort. â€Å"By directly emphasizing the potential risks for lifetime obesity that present in infancy and early childhood and providing the structure and direction for
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
E scan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
E scan - Assignment Example There are government policies that are not clear enough to play a role of reducing the conflict between the air transport industry and its employees. These conflicts are one major setback facing the airline and they mount pressure on the government to formulate universal policies that will benefit the industry and its players. According to Hale (177), the ability of businesses to create employment, taxes for government projects and to strengthen the economy has made government to be concerned and take leading role in setting policies that affect businesses. These policies should empower the organizations to grow even more. The overall economy and economic growth of Canada has direct impact on Air Canada’s operations and success. According to Bühring-Uhle, Kirchhoff and Scherer (7) universal business exchanges consider the value of the currency of the other parties in the trade. This is considered so as to place all parties involved in a successful path rather than suffering losses caused by indifferent exchange rates. Inflation and unpredictable exchange rates makes it hard to conduct future prospects and plan effectively. Taxation rates for the aviation industry increases the operation costs, which are then pushed to the consumer as they are charged high fees for flights. Money-based forces such as the expensive maintenance costs of the airlines and competition from other airlines increases the financial challenges of Air Canada. According to Jain, Trehan and Trehan (237), changes in the social behavior can mainly affect on an organizations products and the state of mind of the customers to react to various products of Air Canada and to utilize the services at hand. It is thus very important for Air Canada to be as much focused on improving its services on a regular basis so as to enjoy brand loyalty from its customers, and create understanding of its renewed focus to serve clients
Monday, September 23, 2019
Why extrinsic reward systems may not work well in some organizations Assignment
Why extrinsic reward systems may not work well in some organizations - Assignment Example That need hierarchies can differ between organizations, cultures, and indeed, among individuals within the same organization and therefore should not be overlooked by a manager. Rewards must be examined and analyzed in terms of according the right motivation to the employees depending on their needs that majority of the personnel exhibit in the organization. Rewards consist of two types: the intrinsic (personal) and the extrinsic (material). According to the Business Dictionary, an intrinsic reward is an â€Å"outcome that gives an individual internal (personal) satisfaction such as that derived from a job well done†(Business Dictionary, 2010, par. 1). On the other hand, an extrinsic reward means â€Å"common, routine, or known-reward which, because it was expected by the recipient employee, does not lead to his or her greater satisfaction; these are analogous to hygiene factors†(Business Dictionary, 2010, par. 1). Some organizations do not provide incentives that would address to satisfy material needs or lower level needs of the employees (hygiene factors) because while Maslow’s theory suggests that all needs are motivators so long as they remain unsatisfied, in Herzberg’s scheme, only higher-order needs are motivators. In this regard, organizations tend to focus on giving intrinsic rewards such as recognition, advancement, achievement and responsibility that is perceived to be intrinsically rewarding to majority of their personnel in the long
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Building a Coalition Essay Example for Free
Building a Coalition Essay PART I: Group Development At this point in time, the group is not yet even development. It almost seems as if all the individual organizations are storming because they want to make sure that each one of their opinions is heard, and they have control of the situation. No one wants to give up their own power or control. They have started off correctly as it is stated in the case that HR representatives from each organization have been selected to pick individuals from each organization that they feel will have the best impact and will be proficient leaders. The individuals chosen need to understand the stages of group development to help them get along and build a cohesive coalition. They will have to understand that the initial stage will be the forming. Here the newly formed group will test each other out. They will be able to get a feel for whom their co-workers are, what strengths and weaknesses each member has, and they will be able to develop a set of guidelines on what is acceptable behavior for the members. This is when they realize that they are no longer individuals representing just their organizations but instead their own group of people representing the students, and the students’ best interests with the backing of their individual organizations. They will lead into storming, where they will butt heads over power and what steps to take first. I believe here is where the true leader of the group will come out. It will be the individual who will be able to get the storming under control, get everyone to focus on what the main goal is and will help guide the group into the norming stage. In the norming stage, the main goal will be highlighted, the scope of the project defined, and a project plan created. Goals and guidelines will be set along with milestones and progress meetings. This is where they will start feeling like a group and start feeling like the project is finally moving along, and they all know how to get to the end. This leads us into performing, where the team moves forward with the project working together and adjusts timelines as needed, resolving issues, and getting the job done. The final step is adjourning where the project will come to a wrap. The team will have a guidebook to help train any new personal that will be coming in and to help further build what they have already started. Knowing the steps of group development, help guide team members to establish proper guidelines not only for the project but for their own person behaviors. It helps members realize their own strengths and weaknesses and how the team can build upon those to make everyone successful. It also teaches the team how to function well together, develops relationships, and help motivate each other. All this is important in keeping the group motivated and keeping a positive dynamic to the group. PART II: Problem Identification The initial problem the group will face is for power. Each organization wants to make sure that their opinions are heard, and each feels that they are the most correct and should have the most power because they have the best influence and the students’ best interests in mind. Getting everyone on a common ground will be the hardest part since it seems that everyone thinks that they are right. Egos will need to be put aside and the storming phase may be longer than anyone would really like. As I had mention, before the true leader will come out of this phase and be the one that will be able to get a handle over the group. This will be an individual that everyone will respect and be able to relate to. I do not feel that there was much that there was much that could have been previously done in essence to understanding individual membership in teams to prevent the issue of the power struggle. This seems to be an ego struggle and also a difference of opinions. Everyone feel like they know what is best for the students and want to be involved, and have their opinion heard. In this case each organization is correct in their own way. Developing a coherent plan will be the biggest struggle incorporating everyone’s opinions as much as possible and trying to please everyone at the same time will be the additional struggle. The plan will have to be easy enough to follow so that it can be implemented as quickly as possible now and slowly change as time goes on. It will be easier for students to adjust to the smaller changes over a longer course of time, than having their worlds turned upside down all at once. Also implementing changes a little at a time will help teachers to adjust and keep up their motivation and not be burnt out too quickly as students will be less resistant to small changes. This will also help with training new staff members as they come in. Having a handbook to guide further changes will help to continue moving the project forward in further years, and keep up with the progress of changed making sure the project stays successful and is not just a quick fix. PART III: Retrospective Evaluation The primary problems will be the power struggle and diversity will also play a role in this power struggle, and who relates best to the students. Also another issue will be making sure that the individual organizations feel that they are being equally represented, and heard. Each individual has their own struggles and comes from different backgrounds, we cannot judge what we have not gone through and cannot say how it affects that individual. Each member is here because they can relate to the students in their own personal way. We will need to put our own personal issues aside for the better of the students. Again the storming phase maybe long and members learn to work together and get over their difference. Each organization will have to give up power and the group that is made up of the representatives from each organization will have to identify themselves and their own organization not 3 individuals. Picking the team members will be the most crucial. The members cannot be egotistical but should also be respected members from their individual organizations. They will have to work together to come up with a project plan that they feel is the best way to proceed forward and will have to also convince their individual organizations and the community that they are making the best decisions. The pros of developing one main group to represent all and having this group break off and be seen as their own will help develop a stronger group dynamic between these individuals. The more they feel like a group the more they will be able to convince their individual organizations that they are being equally heard and that their opinions and suggestions are being incorporated into the overall plan. There may be backlash from the organization that they are developing on their own but this will need to be done in order to establish authority, and not have individual organizations trying to go behind the backs of the group and work on their own. The biggest issues will be with establishing authority and making sure that each organization feel that is it being equally represented and their opinions are being heard and incorporated. PART IV: Reflection Diversity is an issue that is long over do in needing to be resolved. We as American’s need to embrace that we are a culture made up of many differences. We are the mute! This school and its new program for helping these students should be a great representation of that. These students will be representing our future and they can show that when differences are put aside and people work hard to work together they can be successful. Each individual contributes something and makes up for where the others lack. Difference should be embraced because they can show us a new way of thinking, acting, or doing. We should forever be evolving. My advice to program leaders would be to set your difference aside. Let us find what our common goal is and see how we can get their together. Ask what peoples string suites are, what their weaknesses are, and even what they would like to learn from this. This gives each member a sense of ownership to the project and will help keep them motivated by giving them their own individual goal to work towards succeeding. Giving them a their own sense of ownership to the project gives them a sense of pride to the project and will help lead them.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Steps of the Communication Process
Steps of the Communication Process Question 1 1.0 Introduction The communication process made of a message being sent and perceived by the others. The message may be verbal or non-verbal. Communication means talking, making friends, interacting with people, having relationships either private life relationships or work related. Communicating with others is essential in leading a normal life. We all communicate in our own way but we need to learn how to do it effectively. Communication has two types, there is verbal communication and non verbal communication. The verbal is includes oral communication mean that through words and writing. Example, a lecturer writing at the whiteboard and speaking at the class, and the students are writing what the lecturer spoke out and read what lecturer wrote out. Second, non-verbal communication is without words mean that is expressive behaviors and body language/body signal. Examples, a boy kiss a girl to show the girl that he love her. The communication process is the guide toward realizing effective communica tion. It is through the communication process that the sharing of a common meaning between the sender and the receiver takes place. Individuals that follow the communication process will have the opportunity to become more productive in every aspect of their profession. Effective communication leads to understanding. The communication process is made up of four key components. Those components include encoding, medium of transmission, decoding, and feedback. There are also two other factors in the process, and those two factors are present in the form of the sender and the receiver. The communication process begins with the sender and ends with the receiver. When encoding a message, the sender has to begin by deciding what he/she wants to transmit. This decision by the sender is based on what he/she believes about the receivers knowledge and assumptions, along with what additional information he/she wants the receiver to have. It is important for the sender to use symbols that are f amiliar to the intended receiver. A good way for the sender to improve encoding their message, is to mentally visualize the communication from the receivers point of view. 1.1 Types of Communication Communication can occur via various processes and methods and depending on the channel used and the style of communication there can be various types of communication. 1.1.1 Verbal communication Verbal communication is divided into written and oral communication. The oral communication refers to speaking words in the communication process. Oral communication can be face-to-face communication or a conversation over the phone or on the Messenger chat over the Internet. Spoken conversations or dialogs are affecting by voice modulation, volume and even the speed and clarity of speaking. The Another type of verbal communication is written communication. Written communication can be via letters, newspaper, mail, or email. The effectiveness of written communication depends on the style of writing, grammar, vocabulary used, clarity and precision of language. Below are some types of verbal communication: Types of verbal communication speaking and writing reading and listening Face to face discussions Telephone conversations 1.1.2 Non-verbal communication Non-verbal communication is includes the body language or expressive behaviors of the person who is doing, which will include the body posture, overall body movements, and the hand gestures. The facial expressions are also play a major role while communication since the expressions on a persons face say a lot about his/her mood. On the other hand gestures like a handshake, wave hand to say hello or goodbye, a smile or a hug can independently convey emotions. Another example, a person want to show uncertainty will make some ehh, ahh, ermm sounds to mean that are not sure. Non verbal communication can also be in the form of pictorial representations, signboards, or even photographs, sketches and paintings. Types of non verbal facial expression and eye behavior gestures and postures vocal characteristic personal appearance touching behavior use of time and space Verbal communication also includes the written word. Written includes emails, books, letters, magazines, newspapers, notes, faxes, announcements, commercials etc. Anything that is written is also verbal communication. Oral communication has also besides real words, mere grunts, cries, whimpers that people make. Each sound we make can be interpreted and seen as a certain language. Communicating with others is done more easy and it`s more easy also to understand if the two people speak the same language. 1.2 Process of Communication Channel Medium Receivers send feedback to sender Sender has an idea1 6 Sender transform idea into message Receiver interprets message Speaking Verbal 2 5 Receiver gets message Sender transmit message Writing Non-Verbal 3 4 1.3 How does one ensure that the intended audience has received the right message? Communication is a two way process. It needs to have a sender, a receiver and a message. In order to have a successful ensure that the intended audience has received the right message, we need to send the message clearly. The key to a great communication understands each other. We should know that when communicating, there might appear some barriers. Below are some of barriers of communication: Between people 1) Difference in perception 2) Incorrect filtering 3) Language problems 4) Poor listening 5) Different emotional states 6) Different background 7) Misunderstandings Within organization 1) Information overload 2) Message complexity 3) Message competition 4) Lack of trust 5) Inadequate communication structure Very important when communicating to also listen to what the other person is saying. Communicating can be through body language, through signs or through visual representations. People have found many ways to communicate. The second most important way to communicate is through body language. The way we move our body and the mimics we make sends also a message, that`s why we should learn how to control our body language. Below is some way to ensure that the intended audience has received the right message: Sending the Message There are four elements involved in sending a message. First, as the sender, formulate the message intend to communicate. Next, consider possible barriers that may affect the message. This includes experience, the term will use and even feeling toward the subject or the audience. External barriers such as noise must also be considered. Third, encode the message, you put the message into the words you want to use. Last, clearly communicate (send) the message. Receiving The Message, there are also four elements involved in receiving a message. The audience (receivers) will first hear and/or see the message you sent. Second, the message is affected by external barriers, if any, and the audience own internal barriers. Possible internal barriers may include the audience experience level, their understanding of the terms used, their attitude toward the material, or the way they feel about you. Third, the audience decodes the message through the use of mental images. For instance, when you say the word circus, the receiver does not see the letters that form the word. Instead, a mental image of some sort appears. Fourth, the audience interpret the message. Clearly, at this point in the process there is no way for you to determine that all of the audience received the message you intended. To determine this, you must get feedback. Feedback Feedback, which may take several forms, provides essential information about your success in communicating the message. To get feedback, have the audience respond to oral questions and encourage them to ask questions. The audience non-verbal behaviors also provide important clues as to their understanding of the material. Facial expressions and body movements often indicate when audiences are unsure about the meaning of your message. You should be careful in accepting a yes response when you ask Do you understand? Obtain meaningful feedback by asking questions that require the audience to provide answer which indicate that they in fact do understand exactly what you intended. Listening Listening is one of our most important communication skills. It is an active process of hearing and understanding that demands concentration and attention. Both you and your audience have responsibilities in the communication process. You must ensure that the learning environment is free of distractions that might interfere with the audience ability to listen. Be alert to the non-verbal behaviors of your audience. Facial expressions reveal much of what is happening in the mind of a audience. A quizzical look indicates some misunderstanding has occurred or a question needs to be addressed. An audience leaning slightly forward and maintaining good eye contact with you is probably interested and sincere about learning. Raised hands and relevant questions are sure signs that you are communicating effectively. Learn to determine if audiences are listening by the type of feedback they provide. Effective listening depends on motivation, and you are the prime motivator in your classroom. Aud ience should arrive for instruction ready to learn. They should participate and ask questions as they arise. Audience must understand that they have responsibility for their own learning. This requires active listening on their part. 1.4 Conclusion Communication is a two way process. It needs to have a sender, a receiver and a message. In order to have a successful ensure that the intended audience has received the right message, we need to send the message clearly. The key to a great communication understands each other. We should know that when communicating, there might appear some barriers. The communication process made of a message being sent and perceived by the others. The message may be verbal or non-verbal. Communication means talking, making friends, interacting with people, having relationships either private life relationships or work related. Communicating with others is essential in leading a normal life. We all communicate in our own way but we need to learn how to do it effectively. Question 2 2.0 Introduction Nowadays, many youngsters and gamers who like to catch up latest home video game console are using and playing Play station 3, Xbox 360, Wii in their house as it would be exciting, high graphic and satisfy gamers needs such as following games Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid 4, Assassins Creed and more. Why many people like to play home video game console? Because the PS3, Xbox 360, Wii user can entertainment at home without go out and the main point is the games graphic is High Density, everything in the game is very nice, lifelike, clearly. Our Company SonyZ has recently brought in Play station 4 (PS4), which is a high-tech slim home video game console with competes with Microsofts Xbox 360 and Nintendos Wii as part of the seventh generation of video game consoles. The Play station 4 is the third home video game console produced by Sony Computer Entertainment and the successor to the PlayStation 3 as part of the PlayStation series. This product is suitable for teenagers and game rs. Though there are many different types of home video game console out in the market, Play station 3 serves as an effective and high quality product due to its top-notch built-in features and functions.The redesigned, slimmer version of the PlayStation 3 (commonly referred to as the PS4 Slim and officially branded PS4) is currently the only model in production. It features an upgradeable 120 GB, 160 GB, 250 GB or 320 GB hard drive and is 33% smaller, 36% lighter and consumes 34% (CECH-20xx) or 45% (CECH-21xx) less power than the previous model, or one third of the original PS4 model. The Cell microprocessor has moved to a 45 nm manufacturing process, which lets it run cooler and quieter than previous models, and the cooling system has been redesigned. The RSX moved to a 40 nm process in the latest revision. The PS4 slim also includes support for CEC (more commonly referred to by its manufacturer brandings of BraviaSync, VIERA Link, EasyLink etc.) which allows control of the console ove r HDMI by using the TVs remote control. The PS4 Slim no longer has the main power switch like the previous PS3 models, similar to redesigned PlayStation 3 slim. Support for emulation to play PS3 titles is not present in the Slim version. This product will soon-to-be-launched. The PlayStation 3 features a slot-loading 2x speed Blu-ray Disc drive for games, Blu-ray movies, DVDs, CDs and other optical media. It was originally available with hard drives of 20 and 60 GB (20 GB model was not available in PAL regions) but various sizes up to 320 GB have been made available since then (see: model comparison). All PS3 models have user-upgradeable 2.5 SATA hard drives. The PlayStation 3 uses the Sony, Toshiba, IBM-designed Cell microprocessor as its CPU, which is made up of one 3.2 GHz PowerPC-based Power Processing Element (PPE) and eight Synergistic Processing Elements (SPEs). The eighth SPE is disabled to improve chip yields. Only six of the seven SPEs are accessible to developers as the seventh SPE is reserved by the consoles operating system. Graphics processing is handled by the NVIDIA RSX Reality Synthesizer, which can output resolutions from 480i/576i SD up to 1080p HD. The PlayStation 3 has 256 MB of XDR DRAM main mem ory and 256 MB of GDDR3 video memory for the RSX. The system has Bluetooth 2.0 (with support for up to 7 bluetooth devices), gigabit Ethernet, USB 2.0 and HDMI 1.4built in on all currently shipping models. Wi-Fi networking is also built-in on all but the 20 GB models, while a flash card reader (compatible with Memory Stick, SD/MMC and CompactFlash/Microdrive media) is built-in on 60 GB and CECHExx 80 GB models. 2.1 How to communicate target audience to persuade them to buy this product First, know our audience. Not just the demos, but what are their needs, desires, goals and more. When you know that, look at your product/service to see how it addresses those needs. Think, too, of how it does it in ways that no other competing product can. And push beyond that to think about the ways in which our product enhances their lives that may not be readily obvious to them. Now, you have the keys to developing a message that reaches the right audience and develops the right connect. And if know our audience that well, you also know where to find them TV viewers, internet users, newspaper readers and more. That allows you to build a strategy laying out the key points or messages you want to convey and the optimal places or ways to convey it. But whatever you do, be present and genuine in your communications. Be engaged with the audience. Reply, chat, take criticism with praise, but stay in the conversation. Thats where really start to build the connect. And also, we will use the verbal and non verbal to communicate our product to persuade target audience to buy our product. Verbal communication is divided into written and oral communication. The oral communication refers to speaking words in the communication process. Oral communication can be face-to-face communication or a conversation over the phone or on the Messenger chat over the Internet. Spoken conversations or dialogs are affecting by voice modulation, volume and even the speed and clarity of speaking. The Another type of verbal communication is written communication. Written communication can be via letters, newspaper, mail, or email. The effectiveness of written communication depends on the style of writing, grammar, vocabulary used, clarity and precision of language. 2.2 ADDITIONAL BENEFITS Every purchasers of PS 3 will have one year warranty. Consumer can send back the PS 3 to our branches if the Play station got any problem without more than one year after purchased and not include those problems such as, the Play station was soaked by water, destroyed intentionally, lost cases. If some company makes an order in more than 100~30 units of Play station 3, delivery is available. The products we sold out are not refundable. Any purchased with cash, credit card and cheque are acceptable. 2.3 Advertisement for this product We advertising it by media, this means sharing information through radio, TV or Internet. Many computer users can find our product through internet. By advertising, it also includes billboards, flyers, banners, pamphlets, bus shelters and more. . Besides that , our company used promotion the element of the service mix which allows the consumer know our latest product by many way of promote, example : our product has invite some artist to advertisement in TV , big poster beside the highway road to let consumer know it, radio ,newspaper ,phone magazines , upload to internet web to let consumer know our product. And also, By PR (or Public Relations), these are the people a business hires to get their message out to others (like news outlets for example) for them to carry the message to customers or potential customers. A good way to get lots of free coverage. Besides that, by email send and receive information to keep customers informed and clear, and by online chat sessions are an effe ctive and common way to resolve customer complaints via the business web site. At last, by mail; many businesses send information as advertising or announcements using postal mail.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Border Patrol State Essay -- Leslie Silko Illegal Drugs Smuggling
The Border Patrol State In â€Å"The Border Patrol State†Leslie Silko makes accusations of the border patrol’s mistreatment of American citizens of Mexican decent, making the argument with almost evidence. Silko, a critically acclaimed poet, sees the border patrol as a governmental assembly addicted to interrogation, torture, and the murder of those they see fit. Leslie Silko certainly makes accusations that some could argue far exceed the boundaries of journalism integrity, and fail to deliver with evidence to back them up. The author of this piece is a Mexican-American living in the Southwest United States. The author is using personal experience to convey a problem to his or her audience. The audience of this piece is quite broad. First and foremost, Mexican-Americans just like the author. People who can relate to what the author has to say, maybe someone who has experienced something similar. The author also seems to be seeking out an audience of white Americans who find themselves unaware of the problem at our borders. The author even offers up a warning to white America when she notes, â€Å"White people traveling with brown people, however, can expect to be stopped on suspicion they work with the sanctuary movement†(125). The purpose of this writing is to pull out a problem that is hidden within or society, and let people see it for what it is and isn’t. This topic is a problem, but it may not be all that it is said to be. Throughout this piece the author shows us what is wrong with system of keeping illegals out of our country. She opens talking of her cousin Bill Pratt, who she claims rode freely from New Mexico to Arizona without disturbances throughout the early 1900’s. From a story of freedom of the past, s... ...ontradicting herself, and pointing the finger. Although she most likely has experienced these acts of unjust treatment, she seems to put the reader in the position to doubt the credibility of what she has to say time and again. In wrapping up the analysis of Silko’s paper the reader is left with a bitter taste. Although Silko points out an important issue, she seems to be too overdramatic when telling of personal experience. Silko leaves the reader too skeptical of what she has to say. The reader has a hard time believing what they read. Silko finds refuge through her writing, but does not handle the subject with as much care as it is due. Silko’s evidence to not justify her accusations, and that hurts the credibility of the work. Works Cited: Silko, Leslie Marmon. (1994). "The Border Patrol State." The Nation, vol. 259, no. 12, October 17, pp. 412–416.
The Underground Railroad in North Carolina Essay -- Slavery American H
The Underground Railroad in North Carolina The Underground Railroad was perhaps the most active and dramatic protest action against slavery in United States history and as we look at the Underground Railroad in North Carolina we will focus on the Quakers, Levi Coffin’s early years, and the accounts of escaped slaves from North Carolina. The unique blend of southern slave holder and northern abolitionist influences in the formation of North Carolina served to make the state an important link in the efforts to end slavery inside and outside of North Carolina borders. Although not "underground" nor a "railroad," this informal system became a loosely constructed network of escape routes that originated in the South, intertwined throughout the North, and eventually ended in Canada and other places where runaways were safe from being recaptured. From 1830 to 1865, the Underground Railroad reached its peak as abolitionists who condemned human bondage aided large numbers of slaves to freedom. They not only called for an end to slavery, but acted to assist its victims in securing freedom. Unlike other organized activities of the abolition movement that primarily denounced human bondage, the Underground Railroad secretly resisted slavery by aiding runaways. Because the Underground Railroad had a lack of formal organization, its existence often relied on the efforts of many people from many different aspects of life in North Carolina who helped slaves to escape. Accounts are limited of individuals who actually participated in its activities. Usually conductors hid or destroyed their personal journals to protect themselves and the runaways. However some first hand accounts from runaway slaves were recorded. The shortage of evid... ...nd courage of the black North Carolinians that had to flee along the Underground Railroad for their lives and freedom. Bibliography Levi Coffin(1789-1877) , Reminiscences of Levi Coffin (New York: Arno Press, 1968) Curtis, Anna Louise (1882-) Stories of the underground railroad, by Anna L. Curtis; foreword [by] Rufus M. Jones, illustrated by William Brooks Publisher New York, The Island Workshop Press Co-op, 1941 The Underground railroad, official map and guide [Washington, D.C.?] : National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, [1996] William Still(1821-1902) , The Underground Railroad (New York, Arno Press, 1968) The Fugitive Slave Law ,US Congress, 1793 US Historical Documents Archive, Fugitive Slave Act 1850 ,The Avalon Project, Yale Law School
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Beowulf and Christianity Essay -- Epic of Beowulf Essays
     Morality, a standard of right behavior, was one of the most important characteristics during the Anglo-Saxon era. The story Beowulf depicted many virtues of the times. Beowulf holds his morals and virtues above all else, from the way he fought in battle until the day he died.      Beowulf showed his honor as he traveled from his homeland to battle the vicious monster Grendel, who was terrorizing the Danes. Grendel â€Å"raided and ravaged†(105) the mead hall, showing no honor by killing inebriated men in their sleep. Beowulf proved his honor by deciding to â€Å"spurn all weapons†(338) and fight Grendel â€Å"with hand grip only†(342) thus declining an upper hand on his foe. Beowulf’s honor is apparent again when he describes the contest between himself and his boyhood friend Breca. Beowulf and ...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Hrm 556
Course: Human Resources Management 346 Assignment: Integration and Application Questions (1-4) Week: 4 Name: Date: January 30, 2010 1(a): Which company do you think needs to be more concerned about recruiting? Why? After reading both integrative cases I feel that Lincoln needs to be the most concerned with recruiting. Lincoln Electric only post for entry level position externally this does not help them to build enough brand recognition within the communities that they serve.When an organization has strong brand recognition they are able to generate a large applicant flow. For example, 2006, Southwest hired 3,633 people, but received 280,000 applications. 1(b): What should be the objectives of each company’s recruiting efforts? Relate the recruiting objectives to each company’s strategic objective. The objectives for SWA should be to keep the focus on maintaining the reputation for having an employee friendly culture. This will continue to help SWA attract and retain em ployee friendly applicants/employees.Lincoln Electric on the other hand, needs to do a little more work with their recruiting process. I do not feel that it is wise to solely rely on promote from within strategy to fill skill positions. I have seen this happen in a previous organization that I worked for, they only hired externally for entry level positions. The promotion from within did improve employee morale however it did not help sometimes when we had to select from our internal candidates for management positions that did not necessarily have the skills for. Leadership skills can not be taught.However, I do believe they can be improved by further training. 1(c): Which company is most likely to have the most difficult time creating a large pool of qualified applicants? Explain your reasoning. I feel that Lincoln Electric would have the most difficulty in creating a large pool of applicants. Lincoln Electric post’s every job opening internally which limits the organizatio n to their internal workforce only. With this being the process I do not feel that this allows the organization the opportunity to build brand recognition in the community.In addition, the only jobs that they permit for external hiring is for entry level positions. Even though they have great success in the Cleveland market yielding low turnover rates of less than four percent high employee and customer satisfaction they will need to revisit their current recruitment strategy to prepare for future growth. In addition, it was mentioned that they experienced some challenges when they expanded operations globally and in other markets outside of Cleveland with recruitment. (d): For each company, describe the practices that are most likely to influence employee turnover. Does low turnover contribute to the success of these companies? Explain For Southwest Airlines the forces that have led to SW’s turnover is possibly due to employing those that are not a â€Å"good fit†int o the company’s culture. SW places a lot of emphasis on delivering superior customer service and for every employee to deliver on a daily basis can be challenging. Lincoln Electric turnover would probably be due to the number of internal candidates that compete for growth opportunities.I feel that once an employee who is seeking greater responsibility does not get it they will eventually leave. Furthermore, I do think that because of the low turnover for both company’s it has afforded them the opportunity to be successful in their perspective industry. Whenever any company experience low turnover they are always able to maintain productivity, customer satisfaction and maintain positive employee morale. In addition, when turnover is high they lose productivity first, they have to replace that exiting employee and then second they have to get the new employee trained which takes time.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Women’s Struggle for Identity through Appearance
How does the writer explore their thoughts and feelings through identity? Germaine Greer talks about ‘demands' that are made upon women to change their bodies in order to look pleasing to the eyes of others. This idea that women should look a certain way and that there is only one right way. She explores the women of both the working class and the middle class and the way they struggle for identity through appearance. Greer explores her thoughts and feelings though identity by the use of language. She uses words such as ‘grossness' and ‘curvaceous' to describe women's thoughts about their bodies.It almost seems like Greer is Just talking about the pressure for women to conform. She doesn't describe in a way that shows she disagrees with women's thoughts about their bodies and the pressure to counter their bodies in order to fit in to the two categories curvy or thin. She talks about how the curvy girl who ought to be thin and the thin girl who ought to be curvy. Gre er is trying to get across the message that women's struggling with appearance in order to have the perfect body is a never ending cycle. You can be ‘curvy or thin' but the pressure to change your body never fades.She mentions how ‘a woman is tailoring herself to appeal to buyers' market. Greer suggests that women are all going through this in order to catch the attention of males. She uses the terms tailoring and ‘buyers'. This idea that women are pressured to change their bodies in order to look pleasing to men. She goes on to say that this ‘buyer' is likely to be the husband, whose accepts her for her image. She describes women as passive objects of males. I think Greer is trying show the sad reality of women; women are the ones who keep succumbing to this pressure to change their image.They are insecure and are constantly trying to change themselves. She states that women's bodies are treated as ‘aesthetic objects without function'; this causes dama ge to their bodies and the owners. Greer talks about this idea of the body meeting the soul and a ‘stereotype being born'. I think she's trying to get a cross this idea that women have this fantasy about beauty, she continues on to mention to her belongs all that is beautiful even the word beauty itself. She writes about how nature exists only to make a women appear more beautiful.For example she says â€Å"flowers die gladly so that her skin may uxuriate in their essence†. I think she's trying to get across the idea that this fantasy that women have is also what is making them succumb to the pressure. This idea of a woman's weakness being her beauty is also explored in the play Street car named desire' by William Tennessee. He introduces the character of Blanche who's similar to the women mentioned by Greer. Blanche doesn't want to accept the fact that her beauty is fading. At one point her sister Stella asks her husband to compliment her on her appearance. She mention s ‘it's her weaknesses.In the same way as these omen described by Greer, Blanche is using her beauty and sexuality to capture male attention. She understands and seems to accept that she has to keep her beautiful image in order to find a male suitor. reer's idea ot nature existing to make women beautitul links well wit n the novel ‘Beloved' by Toni Morrison. In the book the character of beloved is described with having skin as smooth's as babies. Beloved is naturally beautiful in the same way that Greer described nature making women beautiful. The fantasy of beauty the Greer described beloved seems to possess.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
First Discuss the Statement with Pros and Cons Essay
â€Å"Behavior is a mirror in which every one displays his own image†(Goethe). Behavior of the human being has been analyzed and discussed as early as the stone ages. As the quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe shows, humans are influenced by their surroundings and will act accordingly. One can therefore say that human behavior is learned based on the social framework of a person. This claim can also be seen in the area of organizational behavior if one examines the behavior of employees in accordance to their life situation, their attitudes and their satisfaction within the employed job. Nevertheless, researches have shown that not all human behavior is learned and that we act based on instinct, intuition and emotions which are innate within the human being. This essay will examine to what extend innate and learned human behavior influence the area of organizational behavior. Learning can be defined as â€Å"a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience†(Weiss, 1990, pp. 172-173). Every person has encountered a good or bad experience in their lifetime and changed his/her behavior accordingly. One can say that every experience influences the action of a person; nevertheless, some experiences are stronger and cause a greater change in behavior. If a little boy with an age of four touches a hot plate, then he will experience pain and will learn not to repeat such an action. The change in behavior however does not influence others and is caused by a specific event; one acts passively once learned (Robbins & Judge, 2009). This phenomenon is called classical conditioning and can also be seen in the area of organizational behavior. If the CEO plans a visit to a subsidiary office, most employees will try to clean the office and get everything done before the CEO arrives. Such behavior results from the motivation of the human being to respond to a specific situation. These motivations, however, have to be satisfied or have to result in a positive experience in order for the employee to repeat it. This was also discovered by B. F. Skinner in 1935 and called operant conditioning (Gabbi, 2001). The behavior can be maintained as the positive experience or contingency is reinforced. If the CEO will thank the employees of the subsidiary for doing their work properly and on time, the path will be strengthened and the employee will be more likely to repeat the action. Therefore, the managerial level of a company has the responsibility to take actions that will result in a positive reaction of the employee and will favor the company, for example a greater compatibility, greater profits or even a greater capital expenditure. A downside to this phenomenon, however, would be that employees start to become stationary within their conditioning. Employees might start to become complacent. In the 1990’s the concept of organizational learning was developed in order to cope the stationary conditioning of the employee (Yeung, Lai, & Yee, 2007). The CEO of Harley-Davidson used the concept of learning to further improve the attention and the energy of his employees, when he saw that they were becoming complacent over the success of Harley-Davidson in the late 1980’s. He insisted on having workshops and special training to further increase the performance of his employees. The Japanese business expert Ikujiro Nonaka says: â€Å"In an economy where the only certainty is uncertainty, the one sure source of lasting competitive advantage is knowledge. †(Yeung, Ulrich, Nason & Glinow, 1999, p. 4). Therefore, one can say that the learned behavior of an employee in connection with his job has to be continuous in order for the company to stay competitive within the market and increase performance. Learned behavior does not always have to come from direct experience but from observations. As children most people modeled their teacher, parents, friends or the media. Learning by observations is called social learning and shows the importance of perception within learned behavior. It has been shown that most people will observe models that are attractive, show similar attributes and that are available repeatedly (Robbins & Judge, 2009). If the managerial level of a company pays attention to the needs of the employee, shows respect, understanding and shows credibility towards the work of the employee, the employee will more likely adapt such actions and will act similar towards colleagues. Therefore, the working atmosphere becomes productive and the performance of the company will be enhanced. The great problem that arises with learned and conditioned behavior is the unpredictable behavior of human beings: innate behavior. Feelings, emotions and intuition cause actions that will, most of the time, oppose the learned behavior. If one takes the example with the CEO visiting his subsidiary office, then one can see a problem. If one employee has to sacrifice her/his daughter’s birthday party, because he/she has to work late in order to get her/his work done before the CEO arrives the next morning, then the employee will be caught within a greater cognitive process than just following the path with the best reward. The employee would have to weight which event would be more beneficial not only for his/her job situation, but also for his/her family. The human being will use feelings, emotions and intuition to judge such a situation. Therefore, the learned or conditioned behavior will not always be chosen by the employee, which could be seen as a great disadvantage. This fact is very important for a managerial level to keep in mind, when considering new strategies to enhance employee’s performance (Maclay, 2003). The human being’s actions will always be influenced by his innate behavior, since the human being is the only creature on earth that has the ability to make decisions based on his free will. In conclusion one can say that the behavior of the human being is equally influenced by the surrounding but also by emotions, intuition and instinct of the employee. For managers to understand employees it is important to be aware of this fact, in order to use it as an advantage for the company: to enhance the performance of the employee and in return the performance of the company among competitors. The disadvantages of conditioned behavior as well as innate behavior should always be kept in mind, not only to increase production but also to create a successful and likable workplace- atmosphere.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Police Pursuit Liability
One of the most important duties of police officers is to prevent crime from happening. In the light of this objective, part of the regular duties of police officers is to go on patrol to improve police visibility. As they patrol the community, police officers have the responsibility to stop motor vehicles in case the driver commits a violation of motor vehicle law or in case the driver or his companions engage in suspicious activities.Ordinarily, motor vehicle stops are supposed to last a few minutes after the driver is issued a traffic citation and the driver leaves or ones the officer satisfies himself that no criminal activity is taking place and the driver leaves. There are situations however when drivers of vehicles who are asked to stop attempts to elude the police officers’ command to stop and flees. In these situations the police officers may engage in motor vehicle pursuit to arrest the individual either for traffic violation or for committing any other crime.While h igh-speed car chases may be exciting to watch whether in the big screen as part of a movie or live as an actual real-life event being shown on T. V. , it has a lot of consequences. Motor vehicle pursuits lead to damaged properties, injuries and deaths to innocent civilians and even costly lawsuits. (The Christian Science Monitor 1) It need not be emphasized how dangerous high-speed pursuits are. They are dangerous not only in the freeways in view of the speed at which cars are running but they are even more dangerous in the city where people may be crossing the street every so often.While systematic study of the extent of the dangers of high speed pursuits is scarce, there is sufficient evidence to conclude that they are risky and dangerous to the public. According to a research conducted by Erik Beckman, an associate professor of criminal justice at Michigan State University who has done studies on police chases out of the 424 police pursuits done by 75 police departments in 11 sta tes, one in seven pursuits ended in an injury and one in 33 resulted in a death. Philip J. O’Connor 2) The danger of police pursuits is even highlighted in a report of the California Highway Patrol which stated that in 2005 law enforcement officers were involved in 7,942 pursuits that resulted in more than 1,200 injuries to people and 32 deaths. (Jason Dearen 2)The national statistics is even worse as according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration affirms these findings and stated that more than 350 people die each year from police chases. â€Å"VOA News: Supreme Court May Limit Police in High-Speed Chases†1) In view of the injuries and deaths mostly involving the suspects themselves who flee after police officers have ordered them to stop, the suspects themselves or their relatives have filed suits against the police officers mostly for violating their constitutional rights under the Fourth and the Fourteenth Amendment.In some cases, even the bystand ers and pedestrians injured by the suspects have filed cases against police officers for causing their injury. Some of these cases have resulted in civil liabilities being adjudged against the police department involved. In view of these decisions, police officers have become apprehensive in conducting motor vehicle pursuits. There is therefore a need to set policies on police pursuits.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Why Do People Attend College or a University Essay - 1
Why Do People Attend College or a University - Essay Example In the process, as the students become favorably engaged in learning, they discover real potentials so that they eventually alter course or enroll for a program and continue attending school for the new field of interest sought thereafter. It is not an unusual scenario that a great percentage of a nation’s population enter and leave an academe yearly, hoping to be trained under courses which are thought of to equip young individuals with pertinent skills and intellect that would determine their place in the industry or corporate world. The common notion that college graduates are secured of a profession or a preferred nature of work often assumed as lucrative is kept in mind, inspiring people to invest in college education. Parents and children alike seem conventionally attached to this system of thinking where they believe that attending college is, by all means, a profitable investment in terms of enabling individuals to construct knowledge and expertise to be well-suited for one’s aspired career. With the right academic tools and resources as well as fully developed facilities and a faculty of fine instructors, a college or university manages to provide students with training and instruction meant to e nhance them in several aspects of personal growth. Hence, since a majority of people, even to this extent of a modern age, seek after financial security that is deemed to coincide with specialization or passion for something, a college education remains indispensable. There are, nevertheless, instances in which attending a college or university is chiefly intended for keeping a family reputation intact as in the case of families of prominent figures in the society.Â
Thursday, September 12, 2019
An argument paper on global warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
An argument paper on global warming - Essay Example ".Skeptics consider global warming a myth, a fantasy or a Western agenda, but they might have no answer for the present Tsunami in Japan and floods in Australia, or the frequent droughts in any other part of the world. The global warming started since Industrial revolution. Industrial growth, automated transportation, mechanized agriculture since industrial revolution has lead to the production of poisonous gases like chloro fluoro carbons, which have formed a thick layer on the upper atmosphere of earth leading to the rise in temperature. Industrial wastes, deforestation, burning of coal and petroleum products, green house gases emission have aggravated the effects. GREEN HOUSE GASES: Greenhouse gases have the ability to absorb and hold the heat of the atmosphere, this phenomenon is called green house effect. Green house Writer 2 gases form a sort of warm air blanket that actually helps in sustaining the present ecosystem. Major Green house gases are Carbon dioxide, (CO2), Methane ( CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2o) and fluorinated gases. Carbon dioxide is produced by burning of fossil fuels, solid waste and wood products whereas methane is emitted during coal, natural gas and oil production, methane emissions are also produced from livestock and other agricultural practices, and nitrous oxide is the product of agricultural and industrial activities whereas fluorinated carbons contribute in depletion of ozone layer. As the earth’s climate is variable it is not exactly possible to determine the cause of damage – Is it the human activities or the rising concentration of green house gases- however. A National Research Council study dated May 2001, stated, â€Å"Greenhouse gases are accumulating in Earth’s atmosphere as a result of human activities, causing surface air temperatures and sub-surface ocean temperatures to rise. Temperatures are, in fact, rising. The changes observed over the last several decades are likely mostly due to human activities, but we cannot rule out that some significant part of these changes is also a reflection of natural variability.†THE CARBONDIOXIDE EMISSON: Carbon dioxide is the main constituent in the carbon cycle known as photosynthesis- Plants, algae, cynobacteria absorb CO2, sunlight, and water to produce carbohydrate energy for their survival in which oxygen is generated as a waste product. Living beings emit CO2 in their respiratory process. It is also produced as by-product of combustion, by volcanoes, hot springs and natural geysers. The content of CO2 in the atmosphere is 388ppm by volume that varies with the changing season; human activities have definitely increased the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. Charles D Keeling was a pioneer in the monitoring of carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere. He explains, â€Å"Atmospheric mixing ratios for carbon dioxide are now higher than at any time in Writer 3 The last 800,000 years, standing at 380 parts per million (ppm) c ompared to a pre-industrial high of 280ppm. The current rate of increase is around 2ppm per year†(Keeling Curve) INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION AND ITS IMPACT: Man has tremendous potential for construction and –Destruction as well. He has tried to become a God by trying to bring changes in the natural processes of nature. These
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Leadership and Ethics in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Leadership and Ethics in Business - Essay Example For example, Coca Cola forced to stop its operations in the southernmost state of India; Kerala because of strong public protests against underwater exploitation by Coke. In 1999, the Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited, a subsidiary of the Atlanta based Coca-Cola company, established a plant in Plachimada, in the Palakkad district of Kerala, southern India. The Perumatty Village Council gave a licence to the company to commence production in 2000. Coca Cola drew around 510,000 litres of water each day from boreholes and open wells. For every 3.75 litres of water used by the plant, it produced one litre of product and a large amount of waste water. In April 2003, the Perumatty Grama Panchayat (Village Council) refused renewal of Coca-Cola’s licence to operate on the grounds that it was not in the public interest to renew the licence stating: â€Å"†¦the excessive exploitation of ground water by the Coca-Cola Company in Plachimada is causing acute drinking water scarcity in Perumatty Panchayat and nearby places†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Case against Coca-Cola Kerala State: India, n.d.) . Coke forced to stop its operations in Kerala because of the agitations by the public against underwater exploitation. It should be noted that Kerala public is the most educated people in India. They know the consequences of unsustainable business practices. CEO’s who are reluctant in implementing sustainable business practices should learn from the coke’s experience in Kerala. Even uneducated people are aware of their rights nowadays. Another example from India shows the awareness of uneducated people with respect to unsustainable development. â€Å"Villagers around the Kudankulam nuclear plant in Tamil Nadu are intensifying their...In other words, business ethics is not a term which contains contradictory terms. The ethics followed in the business of one part of the world is applicable in other parts of the world as well. In fact business and ethics s hould go in parallel directions so that sustainable development becomes possible. Since all the decision making are done by the managers, they have the responsibility of taking ethical decisions. Managers should realize that â€Å"The economics should not be paramount to ethics in business; if anything, ethics should be paramount to economics†(Elm & Radin, 2012, p.314). Most of the newly appointed managers do not recognize the needs of ethics in business. One of the traditional beliefs about business is that profit making is the only objective of business. Managers should realize that such traditional beliefs and thoughts have no relevance in the modern business world. According to the modern business principles, ethics and sustainable business practices are the much needed qualities for a business to enjoy success in the current heavily competitive and globalized business world. Modern customers are more interested in rating the company’s image in terms of sustainable business practices before taking any purchasing decisions. Organizations with bad reputation in keeping ethical business habits may struggle to survive in the market. The Enron example is relevan t here.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Genocidal rape in Bosnia-Herzgovina Research Paper
Genocidal rape in Bosnia-Herzgovina - Research Paper Example Systematic mass rape and forced impregnation of women to cause pregnancy was related to the policy of â€Å"ethnic cleansing†of the Serbian genocide. Methods used in the campaigns of ethnic cleansing included but were not limited to torture, murder, detention, arbitrary arrest, sexual assaults in general and rape in particular, extra-judicial executions, forcible removal, confinement of the civilians into the ghettos, civilian deportation and displacement, exposure of the civilians to deliberate military attacks, and property destruction. Widespread ethnic cleansing was accompanied with the outbreak of war from 1992 to 1995 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnian Serbs forced Bosnian Muslims in large numbers along with some Bosnian Croats to flee their homes. There was also a small population of Bosnian Croats that conducted similar campaign against the Serbs and the Muslims, though they were far outnumbered by the violent Serbs. In the start of 1991, Balkans saw political upheava ls displacing a total of nearly 2,700,000 people, 700,000 of which sought refuge in Europe. There was an obvious military intent behind the systematic policies of rape in conflict with the International Humanitarian Law adopted by the Serbs. Giuseppe Zaccaria, an Italian journalist, summarized the Serb army officers’ minutes of meeting conducted in late 1991 in a Belgrade suburb in which he noted that the explicit policy of the Serbs was meant to target the children and women, they being the most vulnerable part of the social and religious structure of the Muslims. The reason why Bosnian Serbs targeted women and children can be summarized in these words: â€Å"Our analysis of the behavior of the Muslim communities demonstrates that the morale, will, and bellicose nature of their groups can be undermined only if we aim our action at the point where the religious and social structure is most fragile. We refer to the women, especially adolescents, and to the children. Decisive intervention on these social figures would spread confusion among the communities, thus causing first of all fear and then panic, leading to a probable [Muslim] retreat from the territories involved in war activity†(Zaccaria cited in Alien 57). In spite of the media reports discussing the mass killings, the secret camps, the destruction of architecture of Bosnia and mosques, most of the global community showed indifference to them. In response to such media reports, the UN implemented economic sanctions upon Serbia. The first UN peacekeeping force during the Yugoslav wars in Bosnia and Herzegovina was the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR). Mandate of the UNPROFOR for Bosnia and Herzegovina was to keep the people alive as the war reached its end. In an attempt to supervise the food and medicine distribution among the Muslims, the UN deployed its troops. However, these troops were not allowed by the UN to make any sort of military interference against the Serbs. UN had its own reasons not to stop the Serbs from killing Bosnian Muslims; the UN security forces thought that this was not their war and so they should not risk their lives trying to stop the Serbs from committing the atrocities. In addition to that, some soldiers of the UN security forces were held hostage by the Serbs. The safety and security of those captured UN soldiers was the prime concern of the UN securit
Monday, September 9, 2019
Topic selection and statement of problem Assignment
Topic selection and statement of problem - Assignment Example ystem can be defined as a personnel system applied in the process of hiring and promoting government employees based on merit to obtain the highest efficiency in public personnel functions. The application of the merit system in the public education sector has brought about unending controversies especially with the merit pay issue. The merit pay systems emphasizes on the fact that teachers are to be paid for their achievement in the classroom as opposed to their seniority or the number of ed-school credits that they have collected as it has been done from the 1920s period. Reformers in the education system including the government have emphasized that the merit pay will encourage high performing teachers to do well and drive the lazy ones away, thereby improving the performance of public schools. However, teachers’ unions have continually opposed the move stating that there is no objective way of measuring the classroom performance of a teacher. In addition to this, opposing views have pointed to the fact that the merit pay system has a high chance of failing especially because of issues of supervisor bias or favoritism (Gratz, 2009). The merit pay has proven to be productive especially in the private sector where it has been applied since the 1980s. The growth of international economic competition made U.S. corporations to measure indicial worker performance and introduced pay incentives based on work output to motivate employees to perform better. This practice has gone on up to the present day where new performance criteria have been implemented with multi-faceted compensation plans for the highly performing employees (Ritter & Barnett, 2013). The public education monopoly has resisted the merit pay proposal because of the fears that it may lead to biases and unfair treatment of teachers. However, pilot studies carried out, such as those done in Cincinnati’s public school system have proven successful. The merit pay system is relevant for the study of
Cultural studies project on Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cultural studies project on Media - Essay Example "The King of Queens" is an Emmy nominated series that ran from 1998 to 2007. It showcases the life of blue-collar couple Doug and Carrie Heffman, as they struggle with work and other issues. "Ugly Betty" is particularly interesting because it represents the stereotypical migrant Mexican family, struggling to make ends meet in America. Betty was born of and lives with her poor but upright family, which comprises of her father, her older sister and her young, gay nephew. They are not the typical working class family for a variety of reasons. While in most cases, working class families are portrayed as scrupulous and scheming, Betty's family, most especially her father (whose values Betty tries to take after) are the paragons of morality in the show. Setting them against the high-paced, cruel fashion world where Betty works, they end up solving most of their problems and the problems of those around them, often without compromising their values. Also, Betty's family stays intact and loving amidst all of the drama. Usually, when a working class family is the subject of a television show, internal conflicts and uber-dramatic exits and falling outs within the family is the main drive of the story.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Students Talents and Potential Areas of Growth Essay
Students Talents and Potential Areas of Growth - Essay Example There are many colleges and universities that hand out scholarships on the basis of a child’s performance in sports. There are people who come from low-income families and hence do not have access to any kind of privileges related to education. Being active in sports opens up a lot of opportunities for the child. It is very necessary for a healthy growth of the children to be physically active and not being able to perform academically does not necessarily mean that the child is incapable of anything. Schools should be encouraged to have a defined syllabus, so as to make sure that they equip their students in a real way and properly rather than making them do selective studies. This sort of trend has recently emerged resulting in the increased test results of those schools who are teaching their children specifically for the tests (Smith, Fey, 2000). Here, it becomes evident that it is not at all necessary for the person to be intelligent and capable, but it shows that if the person strives then, he can for sure get what he desires. Therefore, the main factor behind this high score is none other than â€Å"MOTIVATION†. Motivation can be induced in any way either by offering some sort of monetary reward or it can be as simple as public recognition, or recognition among peers. Of course, a mentally challenged person will not be able to achieve it even with motivation, but an average person with a sound mind can easily achieve a good score with a little motivation. Many a time uninterested respondents do not even bother to go beyond a few questions or think (Salkind, 2002). It has been generally seen that people who belong to low-income strata or to areas with a lower economic growth score lower on the tests.
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Malaysian Airlines corporate strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Malaysian Airlines corporate strategy - Essay Example The paper tells that facing a tough economic environment, strong rivals and governmental interventions, Malaysian Airlines is facing a situation where it is fighting to remain operational. Low cost operators are developing different capabilities in their operations that are leading to a competitive advantage for them. Industry wide standards are evolving so rapidly that it is becoming difficult for airlines who have massive operational scale to adapt there processes to theses changes in a small period of time. In these times company has to thoroughly scrutinize its business processes to tighten up cost and in effect maintain those margins that allow it to remain competitive in the industry. However, there is a limit to this measure and therefore company has to explore other options. Malaysian Airline has been facing serious threats from the low cost competitors. The competitors are trying to capture the market share of Malaysian by using different low cost strategies. Low cost strate gies allow the organization to create a cost leadership and impose serious competitive challenges for other organizations. In this particular case study, the competitors of Malaysian airline are offering heavily discounted seats in core markets, this in turn allows them to influence demand and set new standards in the market. Apart from this, another competitive action taken by the low cost competitors is of E-ticketing, since it’s a onetime cost which allows the airline to avoid cuts or commissions of different parties, who were involved with booking tickets for example agencies, queues and staff. Another factor which has allowed the competitors to offer services at relatively low cost is the low cost airports. This has tremendously reduced their cost and is one of the reasons for them to offer such low fares. The competitors are able to attain and maintain zero accommodation cost for airline staff. This has become possible because the operations of these competitors are des igned in such a manner that they do not require their cockpit staff to spend a night at a hotel after the flight. The staff comes back home immediately on the next flight. Code sharing has also allowed them to keep their expenses low. Lastly, these competitors have implemented performance linked compensation i.e. these companies have tied their compensation with the performance of the airline employees, giving them an incentive to keep performing exceptionally. Impact of the Actions of Competitors on Malaysian Airline: The strategies and actions implemented by the low cost competitors have some serious impact on the Malaysian airline. The airline has been forced to offer better service standards. Obviously, this measure would require the airline to incur more cost. Low cost airline has set a new benchmark for operations; these latest operations require airlines to cut every ounce of unnecessary cost, thereby squeezing capital expenditure. Low cost competitors due to their smooth ope rations have set fares prices so low that it has caused big airlines with massive operation to explore ways to lower their fares. Due to their massive scale, such airliners are facing difficulty to offer competitive rates. Since low cost operators charge such a low cost on domestic flights, it has put pressure on airlines like Malaysian airline to increase the passenger load on domestic flight in order to keep domestic services operational. Low cost flight carriers are now moving towards countries and regions liken ASEAN, China and India, thereby attacking the most probable markets for big airlines like Malaysian Airlines. Probable Actions for Malaysian Airline: Malaysian Airline has to take several measures and steps in order to overcome the increasing competitive pressure by the low cost competitors. The company can take measures in order to facilitate the process of downscaling unproductive operations for example certain domestic or regional flights. Apart from this the company c an also follow the Airline BTP2 manual
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