Saturday, August 31, 2019
Melanin-Based Racial Prejudice Essay
Do you think humans are born to be judgmental? We usually make judgments based on what we see first, and most of the time an important factor is skin color. Social racism is known as the discrimination or intolerance of people of other races or skin colors. Racism occurs in many ways; however, it is not always obvious. Where did this type of behavior begin? Racial prejudice has many causes and effects from and on society that are inevitable. There are many ideas thrown around as to how racism began, though the truth lies in the historical facts. From slavery, to imperialism, to wars, we have always felt superior towards others with different skin colors and races. â€Å"No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.†(Mandela, 1994). Racism has been a part of history for as long as humans existed and has been enhanced by early capitalism’s use of slaves for plantations and colonies. Back then, the colonists and imperialists used it as a way to show domination, but it resulted in dividing the modern world. A main factor of this division is that people who believe in stereotypes detest any communication with other races, causing a defense mechanism against them, and finally creating tension and animosity. History is proof that colored people have been treated unfairly and tortured over centuries. â€Å"Black†has always been perceived as negative. Black cats are told to be a sign of omen, black clothes are worn to funerals, and hell is pictured as a deadly place filled with darkness; these have all caused misinterpretation and created a wrong impression in people’s minds. Last, but unfortunately not least, pictures from The Holocaust -a genocide where about six million Jews were killed by the Nazis under the command of Germany’s Adolf Hitler- still haunt us (Mukherjee, 2014). Just as kids grow up imitating their parents, upcoming generations will grow up to be racists in a society where each individual thinks they are superior to everyone else if they have lighter skin. It is a never ending cycle that will most probably end in bullying. Children who grow up watching discrimination happen everywhere around them will end up feeling a need to bully classmates of othe r races. Racial discrimination has had several effects on society and employment. Studies have shown that people with darker skin colors usually have trouble achieving ordinary goals like a job that pays well, a house in a nice neighborhood, and all the basic necessities. Why should a person with a darker skin tone suffer to obtain these essential rights and needs? The unemployment rate for African Americans in 1995 was 10.1 percent compared to 4.7 percent for white Americans (Berry, 1995). It is widely known that colored people face higher rejection rates when applying for jobs and are usually put second to whites with similar credit characteristics and also get paid less (Ross & Yinger, 1999). In addition, racism is associated with poor mental health. Studies show that the victims of bullying based on their skin color are at a greater risk of developing a range of psychological and mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. These conditions can contribute to more serious mental disorders. Therefore, eliminating racial prejudice is vital to improving mental health and emotional stability. Even though all that is happening, proper awareness is still not being taken into consideration. Racial discrimination is often practiced subconciounsly because societies from all around the world have successfully managed to mind wash generation after generation. In movies, for example, people do not realize that the African Americans usually die first. In crime scenes, they are usually the criminal. As a result of this, children are unintentionally forced to believe that dark skinned people are bad. Statistics show that majority of the public believe that African Americans are not accurately portrayed in movies. The use of offensive words regarding the Natives has become very common, as well, especially in modern rap songs. Rappers include offensive and extremely racist words in their lyrics. Another example is advertisements, and how they stress on promoting whitening beauty creams. The racism in this is not obvious, but it is obscene for the people who are not fair skinned. Finally, as a cause of predictable racism, an innocent African American man named Michael Brown was shot fatally by a police officer earlier in August this year. The protesting citizens of Ferguson remain at unrest until this very day due to the injustice that had occurred. In a nutshell, social racism has had many causes and effects throughout the years due to the growing complexity of the world around us. Racial prejudice is surely not a biological characteristic. In other words, humans do not differentiate between races because of their genetic makeup. In an ideal world, racism would be eliminated and justice would take over. To cut a long story short, why should the amount of melanin is someone’s skin define them? Resources Mandela, N. (1994). Long walk to freedom: The autobiography of Nelson Mandela. Boston: Little, Brown. Mukherjee, R. (2014, June 18). Top 10 Reasons why Racism Still Exists – List Crux. Retrieved October 1, 2014, from
A Peoples History Essay
ZINN QUESTIONS – A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn Chapter 1 – Columbus, the Indians and Human Progress 1. According to Zinn, what is his main purpose for writing A People’s History of the United States? 2. What is Zinn’s thesis for pages 1-11? 3. According to Zinn, how is Columbus portrayed in traditional history books? 4. Why does Zinn dispute Henry Kissinger’s statement: â€Å"History is the memory of states?†5. What is Zinn’s basic criticism of historian Samuel Eliot Morison’s book, Christopher Columbus, Mariner? 6. What major issues does Bartolome de las Casas bring up regarding Spanish expeditions in the Caribbean? 7. Identify one early and one subsequent motive that drove Columbus to oppress indigenous peoples. 8. What was the ultimate fate of the Arawak Indians? 9. What was the significance of Quetzalcoatl? 10. Compare the strategies and motives underlying the conquest of the Aztecs by Cortez and the conquest of the Incas by Pizzaro. 11. What were the major causes of war between the Powhatans and the English settlers? 12. Discuss the significance of Powhatan’s statement, â€Å"Why will you take by force what you may have quietly by love?†13. Explain Governor John Winthrop’s legal and biblical justification for seizing Indian land. 14. Explain the main tactic of warfare used by the English against the Indians. 15. According to Roger Williams, how did the English usually justify their attacks on the Indians? 16. What ultimately happened to the estimated 10 million Indians living in North America at the time of Columbus’ arrival? 17. Evaluate the statement: â€Å"If there are sacrifices to be made for human progress, is it not essential to hold to the principle that those to be sacrificed must make the decision themselves?†18. How does Zinn attempt to prove that the Indians were not inferior? Provide examples.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Boeing’s E-Enabled Advantage
Case Study _Boeing’s e-Enabled Advantage_ The Boeing Company is a major aerospace and defense corporation, founded by William E. Boeing in Seattle, Washington. Its international headquarters has been in Chicago, Illinois since 2001. Boeing is the largest global aircraft manufacturer by revenue, orders and deliveries and the second largest aerospace and defense contractor in the world. Boeing is the largest exporter by value in the United States. Boeing acquired this efficient aerospace technology through companies like Rockwell and McDonnell Douglas. They thus increased the number of contracts in the defense aircraft industry and now stood a better chance in the market. Boeing had to eliminate wastage and step up efficiency to cut unnecessary costs. So the procedures of parts ordering and scheduling were reshuffled. Additional proficient inventory management was necessary. The manufacturing process experienced a major change and there was less production delays than before which not only helped in keeping an efficient flow when it came to their supply chain but also helped in better customer service which of course helped them hold on to crucial market share. Gaining market share of course hugely elevated their problems of losing customers or market share to Airbus (who in order to turn away customers from Boeing had initially adopted the strategy to lower prices of their products). Of course the customers were airline companies. Boeing’s success depended directly on the success of those airline companies. The e-enabling architecture of the system has four underlying components: The Connexion by Boeing broadband data and Internet services system. Bibliography
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Concepts of orientalism and self- orientalism are no longer relevant Essay
Concepts of orientalism and self- orientalism are no longer relevant to discussions of media produced by non-western organisations in the Global South. Discuss - Essay Example he West concerning the East (or the Global South which is another term referring to all other countries apart from the elite west) created a form of cultural hegemony and domination. These western discourses often present cultural and ideological justification for colonization of the â€Å"Third World†countries and European imperialism. This paper presents a comprehensive examination of Orientalism, including its’ complex and multifaceted creature capable of evolving into other forms such as self-Orientalism, especially in media texts (Freire, 2000:145). The paper also presents several reasons why the self-Orientalism and Orientalism are not important anymore in the discussion of media from Global South by non-western organizations. Critics of the West argue that the region, through a Eurocentric viewpoint, has positioned itself at the centre of the world, exploiting other communities and countries through imposing cultural transformation and change either through Orientalist discourses parallel to imperialist objectives or colonialist movements. The West further fictionalizes the image of the â€Å"orient†in scientific terms by using social sciences such as philology, anthropology, and history, as well as launching propaganda that encompass cinema, painting, literature, and other art fields in effort to actualize this fiction. The orient image created first by scientific terms then socially, thus become engraved in the memory of both the Easterners and the Westerners (Rivero, 2006). These internalized Orientalist discourses and viewpoints cause Westerners to perceive and see Easterners from the image created in their memory. On the other hand, Easterners express and represent themselves from the percep tions of the West and fictionalized image of the West. Therefore, the East tries to shape and conceptualize itself into the â€Å"orient image†fictionalized by the West to gain acceptance, subsequently reproducing Orientalist discourse by reproducing and
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Choose two books from list and summarize each book and then explain Essay
Choose two books from list and summarize each book and then explain how they compare and or contrast - Essay Example Wolfgang and Ferracuti offer explanations for the factors that drive homicide and other forms of violent criminal conduct. Ultimately the authors provide a generalized concept of the subculture of violence. Wilson and Hernstein argue that many of the theories that explain criminal behavior are based on erroneous conclusions (Wilson and Hernstein 41). For example, theorizing that economic difficulties increases the incidents of crime can encourage expectation of increased crime during â€Å"economic recessions†but will at the same time direct attention away from the possibility that â€Å"prosperity†could increase criminal conduct by loosening â€Å"social bonds†(Wilson and Hernstein 41). The fact is, there are number of factors that influence individual behavior and any realistic approach to theories in criminology must take account of the different factors that drive â€Å"individual decisions†(Wilson and Hernstein 42). It is against this background that Wilson and Hernstein bring together most of what has been gleaned from the practice of criminal justice and academic discourse such as economics, sociology, psychology and philosophy and apply this information to ascertain the underlying contributing factors to crime. The authors then come to the conclusion that there are three root causes of crime. By looking at the statistics on the young male population, Wilson and Hernstein come to the conclusion that boys with low intelligence and anger problems are predisposed to commit crimes. It therefore follows that if boys fitting that criteria increase among the population, an increase in criminal conduct will follow (Wilson and Hernstein, 104-172). In other words, the increased population of unintelligent, ill-disciplined boys in a community corresponds with an escalation in crime. The second set of factors that contribute to the propensity for criminal behavior is the potential
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Criminal Case Proceedings; Russia vs United States Essay
Criminal Case Proceedings; Russia vs United States - Essay Example Interestingly, it only deals with constitutionality cases, interpreting the constitution and determining the legal aspect of proceedings regarding presidential impeachment. The court is limited to matters of constitutional law, and its ruling is final (Smith, 2006). Ruling from the court cannot change in any other court. Its facts are based on the Russian constitution and the international law; hence allowing it to implement democratic processes that are recognized globally. Arbitrazh courts were regulated by the Federal Constitution Law of 1995. They are mandated with the settling of both the Russian and foreign disputes relating to the property and other economic assets. In addition, they handle disputes arising between companies and legislation of corporations. They are divided into two; the first tier handles first-time cases while the second tier considers appeals of the first case decisions. Judicial courts are under the umbrella of the Federal Constitution Law of 1996. They are mandated to settle a number of disputes including all criminal cases and family issues. Judicial courts are divided into categories like military courts and the Supreme Court, which overlooks the rulings of other lower courts. Supreme Court also clarifies laws on the proceedings of the court (Smith, 2006). United States judicial system is divided into federal level and state level courts. Above the two courts is the Supreme Court. Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction. In addition, the Supreme Court is mandated with final interpretation of the United States Constitution. Federal and state courts handle first-time cases (Stacy, 2013). At state level, there are District County courts and State courts of Appeals. The Supreme Court was formed in 1790. Judicially, it is the highest and final arbiter of law in the United States and protects the constitution. It has the powers to overturn presidential decisions if they contradict
Monday, August 26, 2019
Organization Theory Term Project 2 apple and Microsoft Assignment
Organization Theory Term Project 2 apple and Microsoft - Assignment Example Customer, on the other hand, can have product preference changes, and this will determine the type of the products that they buy. If a client decides to take an alternative product, it is a loss to the company (Cusumano, 2007). Hence, it becomes unstable. The customers preference is uncertain it cannot be predicted hence the reason many businesses become unstable. Microsoft and Apple companies face this problem. The economy of a country is uncertain, and this uncertainty affects the performance of the organizations. If a state’s economy drops, it will affect the company negatively hence it becomes unstable. Both Microsoft and Apple Company will be affected negatively since if the economy if bad the sales of their products will reduce the company hence, becomes volatile and vice versa if the economy is good (Inside Apple: how Americas most admired--and secretive--company really works, 2012). Government policies determine the laws and regulations of a given country. Countries legislation and regulations are amended from time to time, and that will determine the companies are working there. If the conditions are not favorable, it will affect the organizations negatively. The rules of a country will ascertain the stability of the organization if the rules are favorable the organization will be stable. Competition cannot be predicted by organization thought they come up with strategies to outsmart each other. Competition among organizations is healthy but at times, its bad if the competition is high. For instance, if an organization has other related industries in the same countries it might be hard for them to do well especially if the other organization as a strong brand name. Getting customers to accept the new products may be hard since they may be having product loyalty. Global competition is another problem already established an organization with
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Social Responsibility - Profit and Ethics Essay
Social Responsibility - Profit and Ethics - Essay Example To this end, the notion of resolving business and social responsibility has been regarded as impossible. This notion has been fuelled by personalities such as Friedman who argue that the social responsibility of business lies in the maximization of profits so long as it is within the precincts of the rules of engagement (Friedman, 1970). To this end, Friedman argues that the decision concerning the social responsibility of business should be validated based on agreement with all the affected parties. In this case, Freidman asserts that business managers have an ethical obligation to act in the best interest of their employees and stockholders (Friedman, 1970). Consequently, if businesses managers conduct socially responsible policies, they are acting against the stakeholders’ best interest by forcing them into financing a foreign project. To this effect, it is true to some extent that the mandate of most for-profit companies is to generate maximum profit for their stakeholders . However, this notion is equally a stereotype that implies ethics and profits are untenable in any business set up. On the contrary, companies that solely pursue profits at the expense of profits, eventually collapse in the long term. As a testament to this, Friedman equally contends that profit making by companies should be founded on some ethical restrictions. Consequently, Friedman asserts that in exercising freedom, individual businesses, should take into consideration the harm or involuntary costs that they force on others. To this end, Friedman outlines four restrictions that should govern the pursuit of profit. These include; adherence to ethical norms, avoidance of fraud or deception, adherence to the law, and engagement in open and free competition (Friedman, 1970). Consequently, social responsibility involves the pursuit of profit making interests with due consideration of others freedom. At this juncture, the premise for advancing the notion that ethical responsibilities can be pursued in tandem with profit making is logically relevant. To this end, the foundations of the case involving the dispute between UK dairy farmers and large supermarkets and processors will aid in supporting the thesis. Case Background The background of the case concerning the UK dairy farmers, the retail supermarkets and processors revolves around the price cuts of the milk produce. According to the Guardian News, the prices for farmers’ milk have stagnated over the last 15 years since 1997 (Gray, 2012). This has been despite the fact that animal feeds have doubled in costs. However, the farmers ‘farm gate’ price of milk has been cut from 30p a litre to 25p (Collinson, 2012). To this end, the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers has expressed fears that many farmers will be driven into bankruptcy. The farmers have placed blame on the milk processors such as Dairy Crest, Robert Wiseman and Arla (Gray, 2012). However, the processors on their part bl ame the leading supermarket chains for their cut throat bargaining on the milk price. To this end, the supermarket retailers are blamed for sparking off price wars by manipulating the processors against each other. Consequently, it led to decrease of the milk prices. Financial variables indicated that processors decreased the price of milk to around 25p a litre for the farmers (Gray, 2012).
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Case study on Starbucks strategy and internal initiatives to return to Term Paper
Case study on Starbucks strategy and internal initiatives to return to profitable grown - Term Paper Example The study of Starbucks Company focus on a multifaceted journey through its implication into market dominance, culture, and its development of a brand similar to integrity, longevity, and loyalty. Comprehending the Corporation’s growth into an international star and the strategic approaches they utilized to get there starts with the origins of the product itself; coffee. Starbucks acquires its strength from expansion capacities, diversification, and novelty to accomplish a strong financial operation basing on its retail store operation. The corporation has precisely used several strategies to stay at the top of the market through good leadership alliance, branding techniques, use of new technologies, and maximizing its profits at all times. Innovative techniques and products have been the major building stones for Starbucks to maintain its leadership in the market and to return to profitable growth. Starbuck’s Business Model According to Henricks, a business model is a b rief representation of how a unified set of decision variables in a business’s strategies, architecture, and economics will be addressed to achieve a competitive advantage in a certain market. From the analysis of the company’s strategies, Starbucks has been found as a business that enjoys a high level of customer loyalty, and for a long time has had a significant competitive advantage over other less popular coffee-products companies using their entrepreneur approach to business basing on customer intimacy and innovation (Henricks, 2007). Starbucks business model evolves with time to meet the needs of its customers. It treats its employees well, such as insuring their health, has a long resourced fair trade coffee, and offers mobile offices to masses of unemployed workers and freelancers looking for jobs. The Corporation as done before will always entangle its share of critics, but generally it has a set a pace for other companies to learn from. Starbucks value propos ition Starbucks was much successful in the 1990’s. It has set initiatives to return to this profitable growth by making the customers the centre of its success. Starbucks gives the first priority to its customers in its value proposition. Its value is compelling since it places the clients and the service offered to them above everything else. Though the Corporation is a retail-coffee store, its value proposition is not exclusively on coffee, rather on coffee culture and the coffee drinking experience. With this strategy, Starbucks moves away from the practical gains offered by the coffee, like stimulation, taste, and focuses on the quality of its products and the indefinable gains of the experience of customers drinking its coffee. Thus, Starbucks value proposition is not based on coffee or other products, but on the experience of drinking coffee in the company’s store incorporating the product with the emotional gains of consumers. Starbucks vision for the business S tarbucks vision is to establish itself as a premier supplier of the finest coffee globally while maintaining its categorical principles as it grows. The company visualizes a growing business with loyalty to its customers, delivering quality products, and innovative customer benefits. Strategies to achieve the vision With the objective of being the most recognized and appreciated coffee producing brand in the world, Starbucks has some strategies to achieve this. The company concentrates on employee satisfaction and working as a team, as well as customer satisfaction through a favorable environment and high standard coffee. In addition, it uses only the best coffee beans in brewing the various blends and thus achieves the vision of producing the finest coffee. The main objective of Starbucks is to grow by first valuing its employees. Starbucks approach its employees with excellent comprehensive and
Friday, August 23, 2019
Individual Portion of Group Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Individual Portion of Group Project - Assignment Example Year 2011 Profit Margin = (864 / 13,198) * 100 = 6.55% Question 29 a. Days in Inventory = (Average Inventory / COGS) * 365 b. Year 2012 Average Inventory = (1,365 + 1,174) / 2 = 1,269.5 Days in Inventory = (1,269.5 / 8,763) * 365 = 52.88 days c. Year 2011 Average Inventory = (1,174 + 1,056) / 2 = 1,115 Days in Inventory = (1,115 / 8,046) * 365 = 50.58 days Profit Margin Profit margin is one of the most important financial metrics that helps to evaluate the profit making ability of the company. It measures the capacity of the company to control its direct and indirect costs. The ratio is normally classified as a profitability ratio and calculated as: Profit Margin = (Net Income / Net Sales) * 100% Kellogg’s net profit margin improved in 2012 by 20 basis points. The company contributed 6.77c in 2012 as compared to 2.55c in 2011 to the net income for every unit dollar sales made. The improvement in the margin was due to the company ability to control its indirect expenses in 2012 . The company was able to reduce its selling and administrative expenses by 100 basis points despite an increase in the sales figure. However, the increase in the net profit margin could have been higher if the company had been able to control the growth in the direct costs. The cost of goods sold as a percentage of net sales increased by 70 basis points; which ultimately reduced the gross margin of the company. Another entity that reduced the profitability of Kellogg was the high interest expense. The company is highly leveraged and pays a massive amount as interest each other. In 2012, the company paid $261 million as interest expense as compared to $231 million in 2011. (SEC 2013) The increase in the profitability will have a positive impact on the Kellogg operations. It will allow the company to retain more of the earnings and invest in the company operations. This will allow the company to expand into the new markets each year and increase the profits of the company in the foll owing year. Similarly, the increase profitability impacts the investors psyche – they are more prone to invest in the company with better margins and payout ratios. The management at Kellogg needs to effectively control its growing direct costs. The resulting decrease in the cost of goods sold will increase the profit margin. Likewise, it needs an effective and efficient inventory management system that will allow the company to reduce its inventory costs as well. Similarly, the company needs to efficiently reduce its selling and administrative expense which will again directly affect the profits. Kraft is one of the biggest competitors to Kellogg in the food products industry. Kraft contributed 9.0c in 2012 as compared to 9.5c in 2011 to the net income for every unit dollar sales made. Although, Kraft’s net profit margin declined in 2012 by 50 basis points; it still has a better net profit margin compared to the Kellogg. (MSN Money, 2013) The main reason behind the hi gh margin is the company’s ability to control its direct costs as well as indirect costs. With higher margins and profits, the company reinvests a massive amount to expand and test the new markets. Similarly, these margins allow the company to maintain an effective advertising plan to stay at the top of the consumer’s mind. (MSN Money, 2013) Works Cited Bloomberg Businessweek. "KELLOGG CO (K:New York): Stock Quote & Company Profile."
Networking and operating systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Networking and operating systems - Essay Example The users can interact with the operating systems by use of graphical user interface (GUI) or typing commands. There are three major operating systems, including Mac OS X, windows and Linux. Various companies are multitasking on i-OS4 instead of Blackberry devices. The i-OS4 ranks as the last mobile OS in supporting multitasking. The reason why the multitasking in Android is at last is because the designers entirely wanted to avoid it. The traditional multitasking cannot suit in Google phones and Androids because the limited resources and complexity. Complexity arises due to a simple UI and smaller visual space on mobile devices. There is no simple way of indicating to the user the running of the multiple applications. The device cannot also control or quit multiple applications (Raggo & Hosmer 2012, p. 97). Users often expect easy, simple and idiot-proof mobile devices. The second reason is inadequate resources. The phone uses memory and CPU to run everything, and in turn uses the battery power. Many of the apps, therefore, are not written or need to use all memory bytes or need of hitting the network in order to accomplish their tasks. Saving state is the most common Android’s form of multitasking. The OS of an Android provides a major support in the operating system in enabling the application developers to write the current condition of their applications and reload back when their app is restarted. The OS keeps the application in memory enhancing the switch back to fast. Running in the background is the less ordinary form of multitasking, particularly on the apps the want to continue in downloading twitter messages, playing music or performing other activities. Android supports all the types of apps where it allows them to register and run various services (Raggo & Hosmer 2012, p. 109). The entire background runs as a service thread,
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Fun, Family and Flashbacks Essay Example for Free
Fun, Family and Flashbacks Essay The beauty of photographs is that they can frame one single split-second moment of your life to help you remember good times. The rest of the story on how you got to the picture or what happened after becomes history and remains a flitting memory that may or may not be triggered to resurface once the photograph is again seen. One such precious instant happened when I was eight years old†¦ an age where I used to find so much delight in simple things such as a photography session with my brothers. My eyes in the picture are sparkling with laughter at all the trouble my mom had to go through for this snapshot. It was nearly father’s day and my mom thought a great secret gift would be a professionally shot picture of all three of us children. As soon as lunch was over, she quickly packed all of us up and we went to this posh photo studio. While waiting for our turn, she excitedly dressed us all up in such fine and neatly pressed clothes (as if the wrinkles would be noticeable on film). My hair was combed probably more than one hundred times over just to make sure no single strand would go astray out of her plan. As we were passing the time till our photo opportunity, mom would keep our energy up by making us practice different kinds of poses and smiles. A few more minutes passed and my mom was already getting impatient with all the excitement. Alas! The photographer came up to my mom just to tell her that there seemed to be something wrong with the camera and that he could not take our pictures at that moment. Horrified and panicky due to the unexpected long time of having to wait for a useless chance to get some shots professionally done, my mom swiftly packed all of us up at once and went home. We wanted to laugh at mom’s dismay over the problems of this great idea of hers but we knew better than to irk her even more. As soon as we got home, she quickly brushed us up and with quick thinking, got our own camera to make her own snapshots instead. It was not hard for us to smile as we knew the pains she was going through just to keep her hand still on the camera button. We all knew that our father was about to arrive in just a few minutes and her panic was with cause. After some quick clicks, she quickly made us dress up into our play clothes again and had us do some wrestling matches just to erase the more than 100 times brushed up look she gave our hair. This was one of the most enjoyable memories of my life yet the camera was only able to show three children with smiles on their faces†¦everything else precious was left for us to relive in our own imaginations.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Romeo And Juliet Scene Comparison
Romeo And Juliet Scene Comparison The renowned William Shakespeares play, Romeo and Juliet was directed into two movie versions; the traditional version of 1968 that was directed by Franco Zeffirelli and the modern version of 1996 that followed as directed by Baz Luhrman. Though both directors did their best in putting text into film, there were differences and similarities that cannot be ignored in this context. Most of them are as a result of technological innovations resulting from the difference in time of production and cultural setting of the times. In the comparison of the party scene on Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrman films, directors effects is a major factor in both films. Luhrman used exterior and interior effects to portray symbolism whereas, Zeffirelli used costumes. In terms of effects, Luhrman used explosions of fireworks, riotous color splashes, lighting and camera tricks such as the rolling storm among other outstanding visual styles. On the contrary, Zeffirelli used traditional music from the Elizabethan period, disjointed visuals and dialogue as well as music which interfere with other film effects. In a nut shell, though both directors employed the opera medium, Luhrman balanced text, music and visuals to make an operatic film; while Zeffirelli used music without integrating the text and the visuals. Zeffirelli uses counter culture to portray the intended message by Shakespeare whereas Luhrman uses the camera and the music ambience to achieve harmony. Symbolism is another directors strategy that is used to differentiate the two films. Luhrman used a fish tank as the meeting point for the protagonists in the film. This was because water emerges as a central thematic element in the film. On the other hand, Zeffirelli used drugs, violence and sex to portray the pop and the Hollywood culture in the film at its modest. Lastly under this section, soundtrack serves as another thread to differentiate the two films. In Luhrmans film, music follows the tempo of the scenes while Zeffirelli employs inter-textuality which lacks the desired lusture from the viewers. In the party scene also as shown by Luhrman, sadness is portrayed as opposed to Zeffirellis playful and happy mood in the same scene. In addition, the meeting of Romeo and Juliet in Zeffirellis version portrays light whereas; Luhrm ans scene shows the protagonists to have met in a dark bathroom. In the balcony scene, Luhrmans version shows the scene to occur on a light filled balcony though its at night. It also adds bizarre to its visuals that advocates for doubts on its accuracy and adherence to the original text written by Shakespeare. Further, the use of swords and chariots is replaced by guns and cars. Luhrman portrays the main character under the influence of drug and this is the mind that the viewer wears in order to fully participate in the film. In addition, the balcony scene is posed as the calmest scene in the film. To some extent, the characters are not well developed to portray the intended messages effectively like in the case of Romeo where he doesnt show tenderness to Juliet in some parts of this scene. Following this, the aspect of patriarchal power and how it is abused is also brought into this review. Further, outrageous costumes and riotous colors are used to show modernity, love and the youth. On the contrary, Zeffirellis film version shows the balcony scene in darkness but not in the balcony. This version is neutral and its faithful to the original texts of William Shakespeares work. The director restores its figurative language in film as well the original paraphernalia. By choosing average diction, the film can be understood by the majority. Though it has been accused of being dull and boring, it emits the original humor and observes soliloquy in character development just like Shakespeare did in his text. In most cases it portrays irony and ridicule though its not satirical. Through the selected characters of Romeo and Juliet, Zeffirelli perfectly portrays the innocence and naivety of love at teenage. Further, the manner in which Zeffirelli develops character relationships in the film is in a traditional setting. For instance, the protagonists play hide and seek game which is an old fashioned dating method. A look at Franco Zeffirellis film ascertains that, the balcony scene preserve William Shakespeares language, stylistic devices, costume and paraphernalia as they appear in the texts. Conclusively, both films are aligned towards the removal of the scene to portray the strong love and passion between Romeo and Juliet that could not be separated. They also ignore the fight between Romeo and Paris.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
How Factors Perpetuate Violent Crimes Against Women Criminology Essay
How Factors Perpetuate Violent Crimes Against Women Criminology Essay This essay will examine how individual, social, and cultural factors cause and perpetuate violent crimes against women. These three elements have created a gendered inverse power relation with in society that permeates into a multiplicity of social phenomenon and in fact has been the primary factors in constructing the order of power with in society. Through individual, social, and cultural factors, power maximization has become increasingly more complex with in human civilizations. These complexities are due to a number of different social factors that influence humans on an individual and collective scale. This essay is a brief composition summarizing male aggression against female victims, particularly sexual violence and physical assaults, that attempt to reinforce the inverse power relation between the two genders. First, a brief background from a constructionist perspective will be presented to convince the reader of the severity of sexual violence and physical assaults. Then t his essay will explore individual, social, and cultural theories that attempt to explain the causes of violent crimes against women. Finally, this essay will argue that when there is genuine equality between females and males, gender crime will decrease. Within the social sciences, especially with statistical reporting, there is much controversy on the frequency and severity of this almost one-way street in gender violence. According to Harway and ONeil (1999, p. 5) approximately three to four million women are victims of gender violence each year in the United States. However, because the majority of female sexual assault victims know their assailants, the victim is often too scared or embarrassed to report the crime and thus the likelihood of prosecution decreases (Jones 2006, p. 443). Statistics reflect only crimes reported to the police. So therefore, Harway and ONeils (1999, p. 5) approximation of three to four million female victims a year may be an underestimate. One study even suggests that fewer than 30% of [rape] crimes are reported to the police (Rennison 2009). Prior to the 1970s, the law required substantial evidence of an alleged rape in corroboration with a convincing testimony because of the common belief that wome n often falsely reported being sexually assaulted as a form of retribution against a man. Although the law has changed and this belief is not as common in todays society, sexual assault victims often feel stigmatized by the thought of not having enough proof to convict an assailant, leaving them to feel embarrassed about the possibility of having a testimony rejected in court (Rennison 2009). Also prior to the 1970s feminist movement, gender inequalities were much more overt and explicit and it falsely asserted that males are superior to females (Henslin J. 2006, pp. 264-247). This paradigm has constructed a social relationship between females and males in every aspect of life that can still be identified today. That is because it has encapsulated all social institutions, including politics, civil life, and economics, among others. Patriarchy, a society in which authority is vested in males, is a near universal human phenomenon that develops adversarial relationships between genders (Kottak 1997, p. 241). These patriarchic societies allow for the socialization of a distorted gender-role that has historically resulted in gender oppression, denial of basic human rights, and crime against women (White Haines 2008, p. 108). It can, therefore, be concluded that because patriarchy has become a norm in society, sexism and inverse power relations among the genders are, for the most part, imperceptible and near universal (ed. Cunneen 2008, pp. 291-302). Anthropologists and evolutionary psychologists have widely agreed that there is substantial evidence from proto-humans and other primates that male sexual coercion and female resistance to it suggest that sexual conflicts underlie patriarchy (Smuts 1995, pp. 1-32). With this in mind, it is evident that adversarial relationships between genders are deeply rooted into human biology, human evolutionary past, and is reflected in the contemporary construct of culture. Although this may be true, genetics and evolutionary processes alone do not dictate human choice. However, genetics and evolutionary processes have universally constructed culture, which in turn impose norms on how humans interact with each other, which includes sexual violence and physical assaults (Smuts 1995, pp. 1-32). The manner in which culture has been constructed and the common patterns of behavior in society is a major cause of criminal sexual conduct, overarching all other theoretical explanations. The adversarial relationship between genders is extremely complex and multiple levels of explanations are necessary to link developmental and biological characteristics, personalities, sub-cultural variations, and economics, social, political, and community dimensions (Miller 1996, p. 208). Although it is important to examine this social problem from multiple theoretical perspectives, because of the brevity of this essay, I will only elaborate on constructionism, feminism, and social learning theory. Feminist sociologists have frequently used constructivism, symbolic interactionism and conflict theory to explain violence against women. Feminism fundamentally argues that there is a structural and institutional division between genders, including unequal pay, education, and legal and political inequalities, among others. Interactionist feminists argue that men are socialized to display strength and virility but because there is an inverse power relation among the genders, men turn violent against women (Henslin 2006, p. 273-274). Research has supported this theory by explaining that aggressive men who seek power dominance accept the stereotypes that characterize women as timid and passive, which make them an ideal target (White Haines 2008, p. 124). Feminists that have used conflict theory to explain criminal sexual conduct argue that because men are losing dominate power in society, some men turn violently against women as a way to reassert their declining power (Henslin 2006, p. 273-274). While other feminists use conflict theory to explain that, the structural system of a society and its norms reflect the interests and values of the powerful elite, which are primarily men (White Haines 2008, p. 91). Because these norms favor patriarchy, male intra-group coalition is maintained, causing out-group enmity and prevents women from obtaining an equal social position. Therefore, crimes that target females are the result of social and cultural patterns of maintaining that inverse power relation between the genders (ed. Cunneen 2008, pp.291-302). This fallaciously reinforces the stereotype that women cannot achieve positions of power and are easy targets. Social learning theory assumes that deviant behavior is acquired through new knowledge or through observation of others behaviors, preferences, or values (Ellis 1989; Akers, R. 2009). Social learning theory also examines reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioral and environmental determinants (Bandura 1977, vii). Many proponents of this theory argue that learning is greatly influenced by the people whom an individual decides to differentially associate with, regardless if the interaction occurs directly or indirectly, because people tend to imitate others. This is especially true when there are little or no social consequences (Ellis 1989; Akers, R. 2009). Male aggression against women is thought to be sustained through various forms of intermittent reinforcement from various sources. For example, family members and peers, an individuals culture and subculture, and the mass media may all contribute by teaching methods of expressing aggression, which was then followed by li ttle or no social stigmatization (Ellis 1989, pp. 12-14). A sexual aggressor, therefore, may associate sex and violence by learning from sources such as violent pornography and then attempt to model those rape scenes or other acts of violence against women and then expect little or no consequences (Ellis 1989, pp. 12-14). This paper has thus far provided a brief over-view of social constructionist, feminist, and social learning theory perspectives. Now, this paper will describe the social impacts and social responses to violence against women. Many of the points that will be presented will come from the said theories to further substantiate their position when dealing with violence against women. Social responses from feminists have particularly been a strong voice against female victimization. Gendered crimes have an extensive array of social impacts and consequences, which includes reinforcing male dominance in society, gender inequalities and stratification, and generational consequences, among others. From this authors perspective, the definition of violent crime against women, such as rape and physical assault, is legal in that it is a violation of a semi-universal federal state law and it is natural because it is a violation of human consciousness and basic human rights. As a response to the global phenomenon of gendered crimes, the legal etymology of violence against women has changed dramatically over time from different nations to different states (Fulcher, Alesha, Emily 2008). For example, prior to the feminist movement in the 1970s, in all U.S. states, laws exempted a husband from being prosecuted for forcing their spouse to have sex against their will. Modern laws now include sexual assault and spousal abuse, regardless of who the assailant and victim is (Fulcher, et al. 2008). The United Nations (1993) has defined violence against women as, any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life. This, in a very general sense, characterizes the contemporary consensus of the global society on the issue of violence against women. These positive changes, however, have not been met with widespread positive consequences. As mentioned earlier, some feminist theorists argue that because men are losing dominate power in society, some men turn violently against women as a way to reassert their declining power (Henslin 2006, p. 273-274). In fact, ONeil and Harway (1999) claim that recent changes in gender equality have produced a fear in some men that the natural order of society is being repressed. These men defend what they think is a defining quality of manhood through verbal aggression and violence in an attempt to preserve their natural right over women. Patriarchal values and beliefs about male dominance and female subordination reinforce a gender inverse power relation that permeates into a multiplicity of social phenomenon. The World Health Organization (2009) has concluded Violence against women is a major public health problem and a violation of human rights. When aggressive men violate women to maintain their sexist advantage women may display eating disorders, depression, passivity, submission, feelings of inferiority, dependence, and sacrificing personal needs for others (Nutt 1999, pp. 117-134). These feeling restrict women from seeking help and prevent them from leaving an abusive relationship. As the aggressive-submissive behaviors continue, women internalize oppression, which results in mental, sexual, reproductive, and maternal health problems (Nutt 1999, pp. 117-134; The World Health Organization 2009). These feelings also restrict women from taking risks, for instance academic achievements, career progression, asking for a salary increase, and socialization. These feelings perpetuate the problem because of the continued dependence on an abusive spouse (Nutt 1999, pp. 117-134). However, there is a strong association between status inconsistency, status incompatibility, and gendered abuse. Thus, a woman may increase her chances of abuse if she obtains greater occupational, academic, or financial achievements than her male counterpart does. Some men believe that a successful woman has usurped their natural dominant position within the family and so they attempt to reassert their dominance by using violence or coercion (Gelles 1999 pp. 36-48). So therefore, some men will continue to be violence, regardless if a woman is successful or submissive. Since the 1970s, the academic community has valuably contributed to appropriate response and prevention methods to decreasing mens violence against women. However, because of the sensitivity and deeply rooted nature of patriarchy and sexism, it is rather difficult to significantly minimize criminal sexual and abusive conduct. There is a rather long list of prevention methods suggested by the academic community and to be most effective they must all work in corroboration with each other. These methods include, but are not limited to: deinstitutionalization of patriarchy (Marin Russo 1999, pp. 18-35); academic, employment, financial equality for women (Nutt 1999, pp. 117-134); examination of how police handle domestic crime (Radford, Stanko 1989); examination of how medical and psychological practitioners handle treatment (Feder L. 1999); education of young children (O Neil Harway 1999 pp. 207-241); governments legal response (Ferraro 1989, pp. 155-184; Office of the status of women 1995); and the strengthening of women-women social collaboration (Silverstein 1999, pp. 81-83). This essay will briefly cover the deinstitutionalization of patriarchy, education of school-aged children, and governments legal response in more detail. As mentioned earlier, patriarchal values underpin all criminal sexual and abusive conduct, in so much that it may seem to some to be a part of everyday life. Eliminating male violence against females requires the elimination of a culture that establishes authority in males and prevents equal authority in females. O Neil and Harway (1999, p. 240) suggests that the old masculine paradigm can be replaced with new values, such as healthy emotionality, non-competitive relationships, empathy for others, friendships, and new concepts of power. Strengthening alliances between women and men will help both genders take responsibility for their actions and resist the ways of the old paradigm. Because violence against women is a societal problem that influences everyone, community consultation, combined with discursive democracy and a cross-government approach, can be an effective method to target specific communal problems by reducing gender-based violence. Public discussion and debate are an indispensable method to raise awareness of the scale of the problem within the community. This will also build confidence in women that this issue is being addressed and dealt with proactively within their community (O Neil and Harway 1999, pp. 238-240). One technique the community consultation program can implement is designing school programs that educate children on how interpersonal violence occurs, its consequences, and prevention. These children may learn how to counter current gender stereotypes portrayed in the media and pop-culture. To encourage diversity, the community consultation program should seek out the opinions and advise from school-aged children (O Neil and Harway 1999, pp. 238-240). Governments should be engage with all sectors of society to minimize criminal sexual conduct and violence against women, which includes providing information, community grants and medical care for victims, being involved in community engagement and specific social projects, and conduct legislative reforms that support gender equality. The British government has exerting a program that compels all governmental administrations into action in efforts to prevent violence against women (HM Government 2009). One of the programs preventive methods includes special training and services so that police, prosecutors, courts, protective services and intervention programs are able to work together to reduce violence against women. Another aspect of the program is to establish a sexual assault referral center in every police station that can provide medical care, counseling, and gather forensic evidence. This model also includes efforts to reduce the demand for prostitution and overall make publi c space safer for women. It is vitally necessary that all governments implement federal and state programs, similar to this one, in attempt to reduce violence against women on a national and international scale. Only a collective effort will be successful. As social scientists continue to provide information and explanations for male aggression and violence against female victims, the more people will accept that there is a genuine equality between females and males. As there is a growing concern and awareness for this issue, more community interventions will be created and government legal changes and policy initiatives will continue to address the problem more affectively. As a result, sexual violence, physical assaults, and psychological abuse against women should degrees. This essay has provided a brief overview from multiple theoretical perspectives on the causation of male aggression and violence against female victims. It has also examined historical through contemporary responses and impacts of female victimization. Then this essay introduced a contemporary case study from Britain that has utilized specific prevention methods. The reoccurring theme has emphasized that only a collective effort among academics, community members, professionals, and the government will provide a successful outcome in preventing male violence against women.
Monday, August 19, 2019
To Dance with the White Dog :: White Dog Essays
To Dance with the White Dog  One Work Cited   Terry Kay writes a stirring novel called To Dance with the White Dog. In the beginning of the novel, the main character, Sam Peek, loses his wife, Cora Peek, to a heart attack. Soon after, Sam begins to see a mysterious white dog that hides from everyone, including his children. Kay never reveals if White Dog is in fact real or simply a figment of Sam Peek's imagination, but several plot elements lead a reader to believe that White Dog is in fact a real animal[b1].       Kay's use of flashback through journal entries, memories, and near climax moments allows the reader to understand Sam Peek's life story, the loneliness Peek experiences after his wife's death and question the reality of white dog. White Dog, who Sam refers to as a girl, seems to fill the void left by Sam's wife. Sam tries to show White Dog to his children and they are unable to see her. A game ensues between Sam and his daughters concerning White Dog, which further leads to the question of White Dog's existence[b2].       A key clue, that leads a reader to assume that white dog is real, comes in the form of a journal entry in which Sam remembers, "Cora and I had a dog that looked just like White Dog when we lived in Tampa, right after we were married. She also tired to hide from everybody but us (30[b3])." In this case, the dog is real and would only hide from other people, just like White Dog tends to do with other people beyond Sam[b4]. Frosty's similarity to White Dog also implies White Dog's infallible realism.       Another key instance, that solidifies White Dog's reality, occurs when the story creates a near climax with Sam's fall due to the infection in his hip. When Sam's children bring him home, they finally see White Dog for the first time. "My God. Look at that. I told you, Kate said softly. I told you." (90)." Because someone other than Sam can see White Dog, therefore White Dog is real[b5].             Therefore through the use of journal entries, near climactic events, and the post traumatic experiences of Sam's family,
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Aging and Hearing Loss :: Cognitive Geriatrics Essays
Aging and Hearing Loss Hearing loss is often overlooked because our hearing is an invisible sense that is always expected to be in action. Yet, there are people everywhere that suffer from the effects of hearing loss. It is important to study and understand all aspects of the many different types and reasons for hearing loss. The loss of this particular sense can be socially debilitating. It can affect the communication skills of the person, not only in receiving information, but also in giving the correct response. This paper focuses primarily on hearing loss in the elderly. One thing that affects older individuals' communication is the difficulty they often experience when recognizing time compressed speech. Time compressed speech involves fast and unclear conversational speech. Many older listeners can detect the sound of the speech being spoken, but it is still unclear (Pichora-Fuller, 2000). In order to help with diagnosis and rehabilitation, we need to understand why speech is unclear even when it is audible. The answer to that question would also help in the development of hearing aids and other communication devices. Also, as we come to understand the reasoning behind this question and as we become more knowledgeable about what older adults can and cannot hear, we can better accommodate them in our day to day interactions. There are many approaches to the explanation of the elderly's difficulty with rapid speech. Researchers point to a decline in processing speed, a decline in processing brief acoustic cues (Gordon-Salant & Fitzgibbons, 2001), an age-related decline of temporal processing in general (Gordon-Salant & Fitzgibbons, 1999; Vaughan & Letowski, 1997), the fact that both visual and auditory perception change with age (Helfer, 1998), an interference of mechanical function of the ear, possible sensorineural hearing loss due to damage to receptors over time (Scheuerle, 2000), or a decline in the processing of sounds in midbrain (Ochert, 2000). Each one of these could be a possible explanation; however it is often a combination of several of these causing a perceptual difficulty in the individual. Helfer (1998) recognized the slowing of our temporal perceptual processes with increasing age. He suggested that this leads to auditory deformity, especially in the instance of time compressed speech. Speech comprehension requires rapid processing of stimuli that is not always completed in time-compressed speech because of the shortening of phonemes and a decrease in pauses. Helfer went a step further by taking into account that hearing is not just auditory but it is also visual, in that we use cues like looking at the person's mouth or facial expression while having a conversation.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Pure and Impure Matter
Skills: Planning and Design Topic: Pure and Impure Matter Date: January 13, 2012 Problem: Troy was told that the presence of an impurity raises the boiling point of water. Troy wanted to carry out an experiment with salt water and distilled water to determine which would have a higher boiling point. Suggest a plan and design for this lab. Hypothesis: The salt water will have a higher boiling point than the distilled water. Variables: Controlled: the amount of distilled water and salt. Manipulated: The temperature of the distilled water.Responding: temperature of the salt water and temperature of the distilled water. Apparatus: beakers, bunsen burners, tripod stands, measuring cylinders, glass rod, electrical balance. Materials: distilled water, salt. Method: 1) get two beakers 2) Label them each, one salt solution and the other distilled water. 3) Measure 50cm3 of water into a measuring cylinder and pour into the beaker labeled salt solution. 4) Add 0. 8g of NaCl into the beaker labe led salt solution. 5) Stir until the NaCl is completely dissolved. 6) Place a thermometer into the beaker and apply heat. ) Record the temperature of the solution as soon as it starts to boil. 8) Repeat steps 3, 6 and 7 using distilled water. 9) Make observations. Expected results: the boiling point of the salt solution will be higher than the boiling point of the distilled water because sodium chloride is a non- volatile substance and an impurity when added to water. Therefore the substance does not change to vapour under normal heat conditions, because the bonds in the substances are stronger so a lot of heat must be applies and this will cause an increase in the boiling point.
Tv Series N Fashion
Television is a cultural reference point for most of us, a type of shorthand that makes it easy to carry on a conversation. Columnist Ellen Goodman wrote that to those born since the baby boom of the late ‘40s, â€Å"All history begins with television. †We compare ourselves to those on TV; we change how we dress and cut our hair and talk based on the latest television trend. Viewers pick up catch phrases and turn them into side-splitting party parodies that in turn become part of our culture.For decades, almost ever since the inception of the television, the two have seemed to influence each other. In the '60s, Jacqueline Kennedy was seen as a fashion icon after bringing style to the White House. News reports focused almost as much on her wardrobe as on her husband's dealings as president of the country. Diane Keaton brought thrift store couture to a whole new level with her now-famous â€Å"Annie Hall†look of menswear with a twist of femininity and Madonna chan ged the way the world viewed undergarments worn as clothing with her videos on MTV in the '80s.Today's small-screen fashion icons range from the geek chic of the â€Å"Ugly Betty†characters to the vampire- and dark-influenced â€Å"True Blood†to the retro teachers and students on the ever-popular â€Å"Glee†to the chic girls on â€Å"Gossip Girl. †â€Å"TV and fashion are inseparable,†said MeeAe Oh-Ranck, a fashion designer and professor at Philadelphia University and Pennsylvania College of Art & Design in Lancaster city. â€Å"Some of the shows have had such a huge impact on sharing fashion with the world. â€Å"Shows like â€Å"Sex and the City,†â€Å"Ugly Betty†and â€Å"Glee†are at the top of Oh-Ranck's fashion-influencing list. They illustrate how fashion and television help each other by making looks popular that may have been questioned in the past, she said. â€Å"Geek chic has become an acceptable form of f ashion because of shows like ‘Ugly Betty,' †said Oh-Ranck said. â€Å"It shows that being a geek is acceptable,†Oh-Ranck said. â€Å"It shows that there is fashion everywhere, and it's up to each person to create her own style. The breakdown for the geek chic look is heavy glasses, braces, slim pants and mismatching colors and prints. (pic: famous tv sitcom – Ugly Betty) Another popular look stolen from the small screen is the â€Å"Gossip Girl†glam of a layered casual look with funky accessories and cocktail dresses. Park City Center store Charlotte Russe carries the Eric Daman for Charlotte Russe collection, which is actually designed by â€Å"Gossip Girl†stylist Eric Daman. The line features party dresses, shoes and accessories, according to a CW Network press release. The line was launched Oct. 4 and everything in it is priced under $50. According to David Hacker, vice president of trend and color for Kohl's, â€Å"popular television shows like ‘Gossip Girl' typically feature the most up-to-date looks and accessories which help viewers translate fashion forward, runway ensembles into hip, everyday looks. †For teens and 20-somethings, the jury is out on whether some of the TV characters' fashions are acceptable or not. Recently, â€Å"Glee†and â€Å"Gossip Girl†stylists came under fire for the not-so-modest dresses and attire worn by many of the characters on the shows.Some of MTV's shows have escaped the critical radar, even though the fashions are very similar and show just as much skin. â€Å"Feminine details, lace and embellishment rule the screen this holiday season,†Hacker said. â€Å"Take cues from Addison on ‘Private Practice' or Rachel on ‘Glee' and layer your lace and ruffle-trimmed top under a LC Lauren Conrad motorcycle jacket or cardigan to create a lingerie-inspired look. †However, the main fashion characters on â€Å"Glee† Ra chel and teacher Emma  are found on the conservative side of the spectrum with their classic, almost retro look.Rachel sports a prep-school inspired look during school scenes with girlie skirts, ruffles and fun, quirky accessories. Emma, the doe-eyed, red-head teacher, wears layers, pencil skirts, cropped cardigans and Mary Jane-inspired chunky heels. It's during the musical acts that the tight, and sometimes revealing, clothes are worn by the characters and critics have questioned the appropriateness given the show airs at 8 p. m. , when the younger generations can still be exposed to the not-so-conservative clothes. Left is Rachel from the famous TV sitcom Glee, Right is Emma from Glee) Although many teens and 20-somethings look to TV and movies for fashion inspiration, Oh-Ranck encourages them to develop their own fashion sense and says it's OK to use these characters as influence and inspiration, but that they should try to find a fashion voice of their own. â€Å"It's great to borrow some of the pieces of these looks,†Oh-Ranck said. â€Å"But adapt it into your own personal style and have fun with fashion. †Top 10 most influential Style and Fashion TV showsPop culture in general has greatly influenced the styles and fashion of today. Popular TV shows in particular have helped mould the way fads and trends have evolved to what they are today. Below are some of the most influential shows that have set the tone for what’s in and what’s out in the fashion world. The Fashion Show This show offers viewers a chance to look into what will soon be hitting the runways from the hottest new designers. It incorporates the most popular up-and-coming designers and some friendly competition. Trends are born on every episode. Project RunwayOne of the pioneers in reality fashion is Project Runway with its iconic Tim Gunn and the ever-popular Heidi Klum. This show takes designers for a whorl wind adventure through the trials and tribulations of making it in the fashion industry. The audience gets to see first-hand where style comes from. What Not To Wear This series is a raw, in your face tour through what not to wear. Participant’s closets are stripped down to bare hangers and empty shelves and are forced to start with the basics with fashion experts coaching them the entire way. Informative and entertaining, this show gives you your ashion medicine for the day. Gossip Girl This hot and steamy series takes a look at the life and styles of affluent young people in New York City. Aside from the drama and betrayal, this show exhibits the lattest styles directly from Fifth Ave. Keeping Up With The Kardashians The Kardashian clan has made a spectacle of themselves in many ways but fashion is a subject where they have excelled. The women of this show are decked out in the hottest trends from noon to night and spare no expense at parading around with their immaculate taste for fashion on perm anent display.The Real Housewives Series Through the many series, the styles were as outlandish as the cat fights. Straight from the styles of the rich and wanna-be famous, the woman of all the seasons of The Real Housewives franchise showed viewers how to dress in style yet act like a bull in a china shop. America’s Next Top Model Although this series’ main focus is the journey of aspiring models, the fashion trends shown come in a close second. As they worked with the hottest designers on the market, these young woman flaunt fashions unlike anything you see window-shopping. Sex and The CityPerhaps the most iconic fashion show of its time, Sex and The City paved the way for all trendy shows to come. With its varying styles amongst the women, this show presented New York trends in a way that felt as if we could all reach them one day. Fashion Star With a new spin on the traditional reality fashion show; this series gives designers the opportunity to showcase their line s for actual buyers from some of the biggest retails in the market. Fashion star gives viewers the ability to view what will be hot and what stores they can find their favourite styles at.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Musical Instruments Essay
1. Do you believe it is still possible that new musical instruments could be invented and widely distributed? Empirically, though the diversity of musical instruments has reached a quite high level, human has never stopped their exploration into music. So, I think it’s highly possible that several new musical instruments can be invented and widely distributed. The musical history has already proved this. Before 19th century, the majority of musical instruments are acoustic, and most people at that time held the opinion that we already have enough instruments. However, accompany with the development of electricity and latter computer technology, electronic music has grown rapidly. Musical instruments are no longer bonded within the acoustic. Maybe in the future, we can even use the photon to make some music. 2. Do you think that existing orchestral instruments will be drastically altered in the future? I think some fine turning may occur on existing orchestral instruments but drastically change may not happen. With hundred years of development and perfection, orchestra has already formed its own system and process. Its requirement to musical instruments is almost fixed. Already some fine turning may be applied in order to achieve better acoustic effect, but the outer shape and essential component of these musical instruments won’t be changed since they have already be a symbol of orchestra. 3. Will the computer and other electronic instruments eventually replace acoustical instruments? Which do you prefer? Definitely not. Diversity is an essential part of music, if all the music is generated by electronic devices, it can be quite boring and people will suffer aesthetic fatigue. Personally, I prefer acoustical instruments, why, just personal taste. 4. Please open YouTube and listen to composition Desintegrations for 17 instruments and computer tape (1983) created by French composer Tristan Murail (1947-). Can you separate sound materials created by the acoustic instruments from the tape material? Are they often fused? Are they created to resemble each other? For those parts in which only one instrument occurred I can figure out the type, while for those with more than two, I can not. Yes, they often fused together, especially in modern music. Yes, they do resemble to each other otherwise the music won’t achieve harmonic sound effect.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity Integrity Is to follow high-quality morals when no one Is observing. Integrity Is a good quality to have because it makes the person more trustworthy and a better person in general. Academic integrity is when one is honest and fair when it comes to studies and to school. An example of academic integrity is when a person does not cheat even when the teacher leaves the room. If the person decides to take out his notes and cheat when the teacher leaves the room, he is displaying academic dishonesty.Why cheat? Maybe the student has many extracurricular and is unable to find time to study, he feels pressured by his parents and cheats to please them, or he Is just too lazy to study and cheats so he can keep his optional status. Students often cheat because they have an underlying Incentive, students rarely cheat for sport. In a high school setting students may cheat so they can get good grades and please their parents, others may cheat because they don't have time to stu dy. In high school, students must do well so they can get in to good colleges so they wont be left featureless.Because their whole lives depend on their performance n high school, they have an incentive to cheat. The consequences some students face for academic dishonesty in high school is a suspension or in some cases, expulsion. In universities, students are often more stressed than high school students and require more time for test preparation, but because of pressure, they may end up resorting to academic dishonesty in order to pass classes. In Carnegie Melon's Why do Students Cheat? Article, the author states that the college students are held o high expectations and are socially pressured to get good grades.Other students are Involved In volunteer work or have too many classes In their hands and do not have good time management to make time to study for assessments. Hopefully by facing the consequences of showing a lack of integrity, the student learns to become a person who comes to value honesty. Many who are dishonest face social consequences and lack of trust from peers and teachers/professors. Other consequences are facing trial, probation, sanctions, and dismissal from the institution.To have integrity is to practice it, while the student is learning and growing intellectually, they should be taught to value honesty and integrity so they can practice the principles. Another way to integrate integrity into our society is to establish a system where integrity is one of the highest principles, and if one was to show a lack of Integrity, they may face the consequences the community sees fit. Academic Integrity Is one of the most Important aspects of a learning environment. Without It, students will practice dishonesty and demoralize themselves. By shrub Integrity is to follow high-quality morals when no one is observing.Integrity is a time to study, he feels pressured by his parents and cheats to please them, or he is cheat because they have an underl ying incentive, students rarely cheat for sport. In a students must do well so they can get in to good colleges so they won't be left involved in volunteer work or have too many classes in their hands and do not have show a lack of integrity, they may face the consequences the community sees fit. Academic Integrity According the Walden University Student Handbook academic integrity to be essential for each student’s intellectual development (2013 Code of Conduct Student Handbook). This allows students opportunity to freely exchange, students and instructors attribution. Enrollment to the University solidifies a commitment to abide by the code of conduct. By instilling academic integrity within your writing it gives students a chance to write creatively while accepting the responsibility for academic integrity (COCSH, 2013). There are many reasons to maintain academic integrity, but it sometimes becomes difficult for this success to achieve at a doctoral level. It is important that students not deny themselves the opportunity to succeed by taking short cuts. Thus, this will compromise their integrity and violate the Student code of conduct. Students are encourages students to may submit questions and concerns to contact their faculty mentor, course instructor, or academic advisor. (2013) Plagiarism In my opinion, Plagiarism is taking someone's original ideas and writing and making it yours without giving proper credit to the author. Plagiarism can be avoided by always citing sources that ideas are derived from other works as use for your own ideas when writing. Credit should be given when credit is due (APA 2010,p15). Self-Plagiarism is when you do not present your own previously published works accurately. According to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, each time a student summarizes a passage or rearrange the order of a sentence by changing some of the words, credit to the source is required (APA 2010). This is required to safeguard other writer’s ideas. In some instances, such as describing details or an analytical approach extensive self-referencing is undesirable (APA 2010 p16). Citation It is necessary to avoid plagiarism this can be completed when citations occur and also when original ideas are not derived. According to the APA Manual the author, year, and specific page citation or paragraph are required quotation comprising of less than 40 words, should open, and close with double quotation mark and the source cited in parentheses. (APA, 2010, p171). An example of this would be â€Å"In the United States, the American Cancer Society (2007) estimated that about 1 million cases of NMSC and 59,950 cases of melanoma would be diagnosed in 2007, with melanoma resulting in 8,110 deaths†(Miller et al, 2009 p. 209. ) Conclusion In conclusion, Academic Integrity is imperative and should be adhered to in order to maintain the highest level of scholarly standards. Paraphrasing, citing author’s contributions correctly and acknowledging secondary sources allow readers to discover informative writings and strengthen the writer’s credibility to contribute accurately. Academic Integrity According the Walden University Student Handbook academic integrity to be essential for each student’s intellectual development (2013 Code of Conduct Student Handbook). This allows students opportunity to freely exchange, students and instructors attribution. Enrollment to the University solidifies a commitment to abide by the code of conduct. By instilling academic integrity within your writing it gives students a chance to write creatively while accepting the responsibility for academic integrity (COCSH, 2013). There are many reasons to maintain academic integrity, but it sometimes becomes difficult for this success to achieve at a doctoral level. It is important that students not deny themselves the opportunity to succeed by taking short cuts. Thus, this will compromise their integrity and violate the Student code of conduct. Students are encourages students to may submit questions and concerns to contact their faculty mentor, course instructor, or academic advisor. (2013) Plagiarism In my opinion, Plagiarism is taking someone's original ideas and writing and making it yours without giving proper credit to the author. Plagiarism can be avoided by always citing sources that ideas are derived from other works as use for your own ideas when writing. Credit should be given when credit is due (APA 2010,p15). Self-Plagiarism is when you do not present your own previously published works accurately. According to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, each time a student summarizes a passage or rearrange the order of a sentence by changing some of the words, credit to the source is required (APA 2010). This is required to safeguard other writer’s ideas. In some instances, such as describing details or an analytical approach extensive self-referencing is undesirable (APA 2010 p16). Citation It is necessary to avoid plagiarism this can be completed when citations occur and also when original ideas are not derived. According to the APA Manual the author, year, and specific page citation or paragraph are required quotation comprising of less than 40 words, should open, and close with double quotation mark and the source cited in parentheses. (APA, 2010, p171). An example of this would be â€Å"In the United States, the American Cancer Society (2007) estimated that about 1 million cases of NMSC and 59,950 cases of melanoma would be diagnosed in 2007, with melanoma resulting in 8,110 deaths†(Miller et al, 2009 p. 209. ) Conclusion In conclusion, Academic Integrity is imperative and should be adhered to in order to maintain the highest level of scholarly standards. Paraphrasing, citing author’s contributions correctly and acknowledging secondary sources allow readers to discover informative writings and strengthen the writer’s credibility to contribute accurately.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
IB HL Economics (Macroeconomic Policies) Essay
Deflationary fiscal policies and tight monetary policies will often be used in conjucture during times in which inflation is on the rise (perhaps a little too much), and when which the government aims to apply deflationary pressure to ensure that inflation does not rise too much. Deflationary fiscal policy is when government expenditure decreases and taxation increases. tight monetary policy is when the suppy of money is decreased and the interest rates are increased. Decreasing government expenditure will have the effect of limiting the amount of facilitation the government provides to society to consume/invest, pressuring society to decrease society’s consumption/investment/expenditure. likewise, low supply of money as well as high interest rates will apply a brake on firms and consumers expenditure as they now incur a higher opportunity cost in consuming/supplying/investing due to increased interest rates. Inflationary fiscal policy and loose monetary policy however, have the opposite effect on the economy, and this is because they are implemented at times when there is deflationary pressure on the price level (deflation). inflationary fiscal policy will increase government expenditure as well as decrease taxation, and loose monetary policy will increase the supply ofmoney as well as decrease interest rates. By increasing government expenditure you can now subsidise goods, lowering costs which will have the effect of increasing consumption, as well as provide training schemes to help those who are unemployed find a job. increasing the supply of money increase the amount of flow of money in the economy as there has been an increase in the liquidity in cash. low interest rates attract firms as well as consumers as the opportunity costs to invest/consume have been decreased. for instance, if car loans were previously at 7% during times of inflation (and the government implemented a tight monetary policy), but via deflationary pressure and central banks implementing a decrease in interest rates the car loan interest rate goes down to 5%, it would be much more economical for you to buy a car when it was at 5% than 7% (increase consumption, which would lead to an increase in the price level as overall demand increases)
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Family exposure to a toxin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Family exposure to a toxin - Essay Example Consequently, they had to be given medications differently. The daughter was the first to show the signs of toxicity by vomiting. She also started complaining about headache, rashes on her skin and trouble in breathing. The daughter was the first to show the signs because of her age. Studies show that children and elderly are more susceptible to toxins compared to other people (Kacew & Lee, 2013). The situation is attributed to their consumption of many calories and poor eating habits compared to adults. The factors increase their exposure to chemicals. In addition, they are more vulnerable to toxins because of their lower immunity systems. Apart from age and nutrition, the daughter was more vulnerable because of her gender. Studies show that women absorb chemicals differently. In case a man and a woman take the same amount to toxin, a woman is more likely to have higher concentration of toxins in their blood. Enzymes that metabolize toxins in females are less active. As a result, a larger amount of ingested toxins enter the blood system (Na tional Institute of Health, 2013). The second person to start showing the symptoms was Christine. She showed the same signs as her daughter. However, unlike her daughter, she fainted. She started showing the signs after her daughter because of her age. It is noteworthy that a person of her age has a stronger immunity system compared to children (Kacew & Lee, 2013). She was more vulnerable than her husband because of their gender differences. As explained earlier, females are more susceptible to toxins that males. In addition, the toxin was stronger on her because of her health condition. Her immune system is weaker compared to her husband because she is diabetic (National Institute of Health, 2013). It explains why she fainted. The symptoms could have been worse if she had a poor nutritional habit like her daughter. She avoids eating fast foods and she is a
Monday, August 12, 2019
Psychoanalytic Treatment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Psychoanalytic Treatment - Case Study Example At the time of the beginning of the writing, he was in his late 60's. Despite this, and the rather difficult demands which travelling to see the doctor placed on Piggle and her parents, the patient herself often demanded to see the doctor, and from an early fate, she talked to him (and he to her) as though Winnicott was a familiar part of the family; Winnicott himself described the parent's visits, and Gabrielle's later insistence on seeing him, as "Psychoanalysis on Demand" (Winnicott, 1991 page XV). This treatment system is relies upon the patient's own demands for help, as and when it is required by them. Winnicott also noted the problems with this system, particularly where the patient cannot be accommodated: The difficulties of being available to the patient, while not simply a puppet to be called on a whim, may present and interesting dilemma, as the system does depend on the whims of the patient, but Winnicott felt that this was a better solution to the needs of the patient than a weekly session "of doubtful value, falling between the two stools and preventing really deep work from being done" (Winnicott, 1991, page 3). The progress of Winnicott's treatment of Gabrielle, with an apparently happy outcome is a very interesting tale from a psychoanalytical perspective. Firstly, Winnicott did not see Gabrielle in a series of fixed sessions, but according to Gabrielle's own desires, and Winnicott describes their last session as "More like a visit from a friend to a friend" (Winnicott, 1991, page 195). Secondly, the treatment appeared to satisfy the parents, who received back the child they had seemingly lost; and Gabrielle herself seemed very satisfied with the treatment, and the troubles which she had had at the beginning were apparently ended through the analysis. This, of course, was not a course proscribed by the doctor; indeed, three years seems a very much longer period than that taken by Freud in the treatment of his patients; and no-one would suggest that the return-visit by Dora, for example, was the visiting of a friend to a friend. The gradual development of the girl, from someone who clearly exhibited a number of anxiety responses, including bad dreams and depression, to a schoolgirl who was seen at the age of 5 as very happy, at age 8 as 'very competent at her work" (Winnicott, page 200), and with what were seen as proper feminine ambitions: to be a teacher, to grow plants; however, and her parents consider that Her inner independence of judgement, and also perhaps a way Of being in touch with people on many wave-lengths, make Me wonder whether thesatisfying experience of being Understood on a deep level may not be continuing. (Winnicott, page 200). However, her conceptions about what were actually happening in the analysis may not have been that of an adult patient; Gabrielle clearly did not feel "Under Analysis", instead, she described her visits to the doctor as occurring when he was writing his autobiography, and that "He used to write and I used to play" (Winnicott, page 201). It may be an interesting question to consider whether the child benefited so much from psychoanalysis as the chance to play and talk away from her
IMC Report for Tourism in Gold Coast City in Australia Assignment
IMC Report for Tourism in Gold Coast City in Australia - Assignment Example The intention of this study is the tourism industry as one of the world’s largest and fastest growing industries. The industry is growing fast courtesy of globalization and advanced technology among other factors. The Australian tourism is therefore party of the world’s larger tourism industry that is rapidly growing. The industry contributes a large portion to the Australian economy. For instance, the inbound tourism industry that involves traveling and staying in places outside their usual environment plays a vital role in the Australian economy. The industry contributes to the Australian economy through various ways such as provision of employment and tourism revenues among other ways. Various tourist attractions in Australia are distributed in various states and cities. The Gold Coast City is one of the major cities of Australia that has numerous tourist attractions and hosts many tourists throughout the year. The city is located in Queensland. The population of the city was approximated at 540,000 people in 2010 making the second populous city in State. The city is well known for its tourist attractions such as the sub tropical climate that is characterized by sunny conditions that attract tourists. Other tourist attractions include attractive beaches that are used for surfing, canal and waterway system, nightlife and the rainforest that is close to the hinterland. These tourist attractions are important in attracting tourists from both within Australia and outside Australia to the City. The revenue from tourism is important for the State Economy and the larger Australian GDP. (Tourism Forecasting Committee, 2006). In spite of the revenue collected from tourist attractions found in the Gold Coast City, the attractions are not well exploited in order to reap maximum benefits. This report examines the integrated Marketing Communication strategies that could be used to maximize the benefits from tourism in the Gold Coast City of Australia. The r eport outlines the IMC strategies and marketing strategies that could sell tourism to a new domestic target market, given that it is the highest tourism revenue earner for the city and the country. 2.0 The Australian Tourism Industry The tourism industry in Australia has been growing over time. According to Instinct and Reason (2006), the number of tourists fell by 1% in 2003. However, the number increased in 2004 to 4.77 and in to 5.45 in 2008. The Australian tourism industry grew in 2009
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Application for a Registered Nurse Position Essay
Application for a Registered Nurse Position - Essay Example The paper "Application for a Registered Nurse Position" presents an example of a job application for a registered nurse position in the medical-surgical telemetry unit of a facility that consistently scores high in patient and employees satisfaction and has wonderful benefit packages such as tuition reimbursement, and good retirement package. I possess the necessary qualifications and credentials required for the position advertised. I would like to be part of the organization because it offers challenging opportunities, favorable for personal and career progression. I am also interested in the vacant position in order to share my skills and experiences that I gained in the previous jobs that I have handled in my career. I am a registered nurse with 2 years’ experience in Medical-Surgical Unit. I attended San Jacinto College of Nursing Pasadena Texas from 2011 to 2013 and currently enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program at the University of Texas Arlington. I have a me dical-surgical certification and also certified in Advanced Cardiac Life support. I am well experienced in taking care of Medical Surgical patients, and will not have any problem taking care of the similar patient in your facility. Additionally, I am a member of American Nursing Association and National Society of Collegiate Scholars. I am a team player, available to work flexible schedules, very punctual and hard working. I am willing to attend the interviews when called upon by the recruitment committee.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Writing Project Three Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Writing Project Three - Essay Example Consequently, the country has been forced to introduce mechanisms for sorting out trash into different categories, such that most of the trash is recycled, and only a small percentage of it is disposed, mostly through incineration (Onishi, n.p). Thus, in â€Å"Japan, up to 80 percent of garbage is incinerated, while a similar percentage ends up in landfills in the United States†(Onishi, n.p). At this point, it becomes important ponder over the question: if Japan has fallen short of land such that it exports its trash for disposal in the United States landfills, what is likely to happen in the future, if the trash being produced globally is not minimized? The global population continues to grow by the day, and the world has recently hit the seven billion mark. However, the world is not expanding as the population expands, and thus essential resources, most especially land, continues to become scarce as more population is added to the global statistics (, n.p.). Consequently, if the scarcity of land globally is to be mitigated effectively, then there must be a drastic reduction in the trash produced, which will in turn reduce the need for dumpsites. This will effectively create more usable land for accommodating the growing population. Thus, more than ever before, there is a great need for the world to take the path that has been charted by Japan, and start reducing the amount of trash that is produced. However, while this is a noble course, it will have little impact, if the society is not fully educated and implored into buying the ideas of trash reduction (NEEF, n.p.). Thus, education becomes a very important tool through which the objective for reducing the trash produced globally can be achieved. Tomorrow’s leaders must be equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge and capabilities for tomorrow’s challenges, which therefore
Friday, August 9, 2019
Data summry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Data summry - Essay Example Also, the p value of the pairwise association between item (i) 4 and item (j) 67 equal 1.000; and so on for the other items. This is indicative of the insignificant relationship between those items or the relationship between them very small. In addition, it was likewise evident that item (i) 4 does not influence item(j) 67. Finally, when the Rasch model was implemented for the data coefficient items, the outcome posed significant results where z- value for some of them were more than 1.96. The discrimination of the Rasch model was therefore conclusive to be significant; meaning, the model has high ability to discriminate between items. When one tried to generate a two-parameter model for the data, the results were not at all conclusive and a massage was indicated, to wit: system is exactly singular. Therefore, there is a need to further test this model to generate a more conclusive result. In the last stage, using the two –parameter or three- parameter model, one found that the two parameter model is better because it satisfies the Akaike information criteria (AIC) and the Bayesian information criteria (BIC). As the results indicated, the two-parameter is less than three-parameter
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Compare and contrast the responses of Japan, China, and India to Essay
Compare and contrast the responses of Japan, China, and India to Western Imperialism - Essay Example China sort of made the rules and had the technology and was powerful, so they were able to fend off Western intervention for a long time. But when their defenses finally broke down in the nineteenth century, China collapsed. Japan fended it off almost entirely. That's why Japan is the one area of the Third World that developed. That's striking. The one part of the Third World that wasn't colonized is the one part that's part of the industrialized world. That's not by accident†(Chomsky, 1993). India, China and Japan demonstrate that there is a direct correlation between degree of involvement and colonization and ultimate success. India is the most colonized of the three: It was largely controlled by the British by the 1700s (Keay, 2001; Chomsky, 1993). In the 16th century, it was already dealing with extensive incursions from Portugal, the Netherlands, France and Britain, and the Europeans eventually emerged victorious over Muslim and Hindu kings, with the East India Company ta king much of the country's control until the Sepoy Mutiny brought it under direct control of the crown (Keay, 2001, 250-500). India is a very complex country: A leader of the non-aligned movement, one that tried to balance between Communism and capitalism, Leninism and free markets... (Khilnani, 1999). Nonetheless, it was in many ways uniquely devastated by colonization. It had burgeoning industries of large-scale sophistication, with good quality in crops and shipbuilding and prosperity in many ways comparable to the Europeans (Keay, 2001; Chomsky, 1993). That was consciously destroyed. The result is that â€Å"India's rural landscape looks rather different from that of most tropical ex-colonies†(Keay, 2001, 448). Two crops were developed, indigo and poppy, across the country, and tea and cotton is still grown in Assam and Kerala, but in most areas, small cottages still produce without much capitalization or integration (Keay, 2001, 448-449). Nehru, in a review of Indian de velopment, found a direct correlation between poverty and length of European control: â€Å" When the British first moved into Bengal, it was one of the richest places in the world. The first British merchant warriors described it as a paradise. That area is now Bangladesh and Calcuttaâ€â€the very symbols of despair and hopelessness†(Chomsky, 1994, 56). Of course, it's an important point to make that at least in India, the native population wasn't simply exterminated, like in North America. India is a growing economy now, but with a billion people, it is still nowhere near as prosperous as countries with one-fifth or less of its population size. In 2009, the United States had $45,989 per capita, the UK had $35,165 and India had $1,134. For comparison, China has $3,744 GDP per capita and Japan $39,738 (World Bank, 2009). Per capita income variation among these three countries is thirty fold: India was totally integrated and is now a Third World country; China resisted to some extent and is a Second World country; and Japan kept the Europeans at bay almost entirely and is a First World country. India was explored because of tea, cotton, indigo, and for the standard reasons for colonization: A market for cheap goods and cheap employment (Keay, 2001). However, unlike many other colonies, India was also colonized to destroy its native industries so as to prevent competition (Chomsky, 1993). Meanwhile, China was not fully colonized, but major efforts were made
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